NameSarah Edmondson 
Deathaft 1723
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 12 Feb. 1712/13 James Boughan Sen’r of So. Farn. Par., planter, son and heir of James Boughan of same Par. and Co., sells John Boughan Senr., of St. Anns Par., planter, for £50. Sterl., 620 acres granted Richard Holt deceased by patent dated 4 Nov. 1685 and by Richard Holt and William Holt conveyed to the said James Boughan deceased by deed dated 2 Feb. 1705. The land bounded by Kings Swamp below Piscataway Mill, land of Oliver Seager, land formerly owned by Thomas Gaines and John Morraine, Piscataway Creek, etc. Signed James Boughan. Wit: Dan’ll Browne, Tho Ley, Robt. Hardee. Rec. 12 Feb. 1712/13. Robert Jones, by letter of attorney from Sarah Boughan wife of James Boughan, relinquishes dower rights to John Boughan. The letter is signed Sarah Boughan and witnessed by Jonathan ffisher and Benj’a ffisher. The sale of this land, which was not rightfully James Boughan [644]’s, later resulted in a lawsuit to recover it. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 102]
She is mentioned in her father’s will as Sarah Boughan, proved in 1715.
On 5 April 1720, Sarah the wife of James Boughan Senr. of South Farnham Parish, Essex County, appointed her trusty and well beloved friend Robt. Elliot of St. Ann’s Parish in said county attorney to relinquish claim of dower to 150 acres on Piscataway Creek in the parish aforesaid which was sold by my husband James Boughan unto Peter Godfrey of Southfarnham Parish. Signed Sarah her S mark Boughan. Witnesses: Rubn. Welch, Thomas Broocke. Recorded 18 May 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 192–193, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
She is mentioned in the will of her husband James Boughan, dated 21 November 1721 and presented in Essex County court by Sarah on 19 June 1722. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 305–306.]
On 17 July 1722, an inventory of the estate of James Boughan was returned to court by Richard Tyler, John Fargeson and William Dunn, and signed by James Boughan, executor, and Sarah Boughan, executrix. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills Book 3, pages 308–310.]
On 20 September 1723, a judgment was renewed against Benjamin Edmondson, Sarah Boughan and James Boughan, executors of James Boughan deceased, administrators of William Edmondson deceased, in a case brought by Paschal Greenhill. The defendants failed to appear; judgment was for 624 pounds of tobacco and attorney’s fees. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 20.]
On 20 November 1723, Sarah Boughan and James Boughan, executors of James Boughan, submitted an account of his estate to court. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, page 41.]
On 22 July 1724, William Gray and Thomas Dunn were bound unto James Boughan and Sarah Boughan the sum of £16 sterling. Whereas judgement being this day given in Court unto James Boughan and Sarah Boughan executors of James Boughan deceased against William Gray, and whereas William Gray had an appeal granted him to the 8th day next Genl Court he gives security. Signed Wm Gray, Thomas Dunn. Witness: WBeverley. Ordered recorded 22 July 1724. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 17, page 319.]
A Sarah Boughan is mentioned in a 1734 deed. On 18 March 1734 John Boughan sold for £20 land on Piscataway Creek to Henry Purkins, “beginning by the South side of the sd. John Boughans Mill pond at the mouth of a Small branch of Sarah Boughan thence down the sd. branch to the mouth, thence down the great branch to the main Swamp the sd. branch dividing this land from the land of Colo. John Robinson Esqr. Thence up the sd. main Swamp to the beginning branch containing by Estimation seventy acres…” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 20, pages 252–253.]
See Tyler Quarterly Genealogies of Virginia Families, A-Ge, p. 661 ff.
Birthbef Apr 1682
Deathabt 1722, Essex County, Virginia
ChildrenJohn (~1706-1776)