NameAbner Boughan 
Abner Boughan is mentioned in the will of his father James Boughan. The will is dated 21 November 1721 and was probated 19 June 1722. He seems to have been the third of five sons. He received “the remainin part of ye Land I bought [of] William Acres & the remainin part of that Land I now live on that is not already bequeathed to him…” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 305–306.]
Since he was not listed in the will of his grandfather James (unlike his two older brothers), he was probably born between 1711 and 1722.
On 17 March 1767, a deed was executed from Benjamin Baughan of Charlot County, Colony of Virginia, planter, to James May of Essex County, Virginia, for £15 one parcel of land in Essex County being all that tract and parcel of land that James Baughan senior, deceased, gave unto his son Abnor Baughan, deceased, and bequeathed unto his son the said Benjamin Baughan and his heirs and assigns forever containing by estimate 50 acres the same more or less, according to the land that James Baughan lawfully gave by will unto his son Abner Baughan and his heirs and assignes forever. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, Benja Croxton, Mary Croxton. Recorded 17 March 1767. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 132-133.]