NameThomas Edmondson 
Birthbef 1647
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 4 January 1662, Tho: Edmondson witnessed a deed from Mary Hawkins and John Hawkins to Richard and Mary Hawkins. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 2, page 285.]
On 16 April 1666, John Grigory gifted to Thomas Edmondson. “Bee it Knowne unto all men by these pnts that I Jno Grigory of Hoskins Creeke in the County of Rappa Planter out of and for the Love and Affection I have for Thomas Edmundson of the same County Planter my Sone in Law and for the Better prefermts and benefitt doe by these pnts give and grant unto the said Thomas Edmundson, Eight head of Cattle to him and to his heires for Ever five of the sd Eight head being in the marke of the said Jno Grigory and Comonly Called or knowne by the Names of Gentle, Tydy, Marygold, Prymrose, & Violett the other three being Calfes unmarked To have and to Hold the said Eight head of Cattle wth all their increase male & Female unto the said Thomas Edmondson and his heirs for Ever wth:out the Lett hindrance Molestacon of the said Jno Grigory his heires Exectors or Admors or any of them by Vertue hereof Given undr: my hand and Sealed wth: my Seale this 16th: day of Aprll: Anno: Domni: 1666” Signed John Grigory. Witnesses: Joane her very curly mark Owen, Susannah Meader. Ordered recorded 12 February 1666. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 174–175.]
On 17 August 1667, Thomas Edmondson, planter, and his wife Ann of the County of Rappa: sold to Neill Peterson, planter, of the same, 220 acres of land in Rappahannock County on the south side of Puscatacon Creeke. Signed Thomas Edmondson, Ann her + mark Edmondson. Witnesses: Samll Parry, John Grigory. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 292–293.]
On 4 November 1667, Thomas Edmondson and John Grigory witnessed a deed from Thomas Gaines and Margaret his wife to John Morraine. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 294–295.]
On 4 November 1667, Thomas Edmondson and John Waggoner witnessed a deed from Thomas Gaines/Games and Margaret his wife to John Grigory. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 295–296.]
On 4 November 1667, Margarett Gaimes appointed Thomas Edmondson her attorney to acknowledge a deed to John Grigory. Witnesses: John Wagganer, Robt R. Dowell. Recorded 14 November 1667. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, page 297.]
On 3 March 1667/1668, Thomas Edmondson witnessed a deed from Francis Brown and Elizabeth Brown to Thomas Goodrich. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 381–382.]
On 3 March 1667/1668, Elizabeth Browne appointed Thomas Edmondson her attorney to acknoweldge a deed from Francis Browne to Thomas Goodrich. Witnesses: Hum: Booth, Hen Awbry. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 382–383.]
On 17 March 1667/8, Thomas Edmondson witnessed a deed from Francis and Elizabeth Brown to Wm Richards. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 470–471.]
On 23 December 1668, Thomas Edmondson witnessed a deed from James and Thomasin Boughan to Thomas Troath. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 3, pages 97–99.]
On 5 November 1669, Thomas Edmondson and Ann Edmondson witnessed a deed from Robert Clements to Thomas Harper. Ann signed with a mark resembling a 7. Recorded 2 March 1669/1670. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, pages 263–264.]
On 5 November 1669, Tho: Edmundson and Anne Edmundson witnessed a deed from Robert Clemmons to Thomas Harper. Anne signed with her 7 mark. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, pages 16–17.]
On 18 October 1670, Thomas Edmondson and Francis Browne witnessed a deed from William Richards and Katharine his wife to Wm Harding. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 4, page 471.]
On 30 July 1672, Thomas Edmondson witnessed a deed from Henry Aubry and Sarah his wife to Robert Bishop. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, pages 70–71.]
On 26 June 1673, Thomas Edmondson and Mary Edmondson witnessed a power of attorney from Annis Jones to Mr. Edmund Crask. Mary signed with the mark M. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 5, page 162.]
On 21 March 1677/8, Tho: Edmundson witnessed the will of James Fullerton of Piscatacon in Rappahannock County. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Will Book 2, pages 83–87.]
15 March 1678/9, Tho: Edmondson witnessed the will of Thomas Goodrich. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Will Book 2, pages 118–122.]
On 28 March 1685, Tho: Edmondson witnessed a deed from Richard Haile to Richard Worsdall. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 7, page 180.]
On 10 March 1695, Thomas Edmondson was fined for not appearing to attend court. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 2, page 6.]
On 5 May 1696 Thomas Edmonson ordered the estate of Robert Sandfilld attached as a result of a complaint by James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, page 87.]
On 1 November 1696, Thomas Edmondson, James Edmondson and Mary her M mark Edmondson witnessed a gift deed from Richard Haile to his son John Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, pages 130–131.]
On 9 December 1696 Thomas Edmondson ordered the appraisal of personal items in the estate of Robert Sandfield. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, pages 87–88.]
On 14 December 1696 Thomas Edmonson ordered the estate of John Glover attached as a result of a complaint by James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, pages 86–87.]
Thomas Edmondson was listed as a justice of the court in Rappahannock County, Virginia, on the following dates [all from Old Rappahannock County, Virginia, Order Book 2, pages as shown]:
1 October 1686 [page 5]
2 December 1686 [page 7]
1 June 1687, afternoon session [page 34]
3 August 1687, and again in the afternoon session that day [pages 41 and 43]
5 October 1687 [page 51]
6 October 1687 [page 54]
2 February 1687/8 [page 56]
6 June 1688 [page 94]
3 October 1688 [page 113]
4 October 1688 [page 115]
On 8 June 1699 Thomas Edmondson, gentleman, was appointed a justice of the peace by order of King William III. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, page 1.]
On 9 July 1703, Thomas Edmondson witnessed a deed from John Harper to Thomas Harper, both of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 22–24.]
On 27 September 1704, Tho: Edmondson delivered a judgement in court in the case of James Boughan Junr against Darby ffiningham. The original in his hand and with his signature is extant. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 9/1704.]
On 23 October 1704, Tho: Edmondson delivered a judgement in court in the case of Major James Boughan against William Purdy. The original in his hand and with his signature is extant. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 10/1704.]
On 7 December 1705, Tho: Edmondson delivered a judgement in court in the case of Thomas Hicks against Robert Hughes. The original in his hand and with his signature is extant. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 12/1705.]
Thomas Edmondson Sr. was appointed an executor of the will of William North of Southfarnham Parish, dated 11 May 1706 and proved 10 January 1706/7. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 329.]
Will of Thomas Edmondson. “In the name of god amen, I Thomas Edmondson of ye County of Essex being of disposeing sence & memory make this my last Will & Testament, Impr. I bequeath my Soul un to Almighty God & my body to the Earth to be decently buryed, And as to my Estate reale & personall after my Just Debts paid, I dispose of in manner following ffirst I Give unto my Son William Edmondson my plantation whereon I now live, wth all the Land on ye west Side of maine swamp known by the name of Samuell Perry Swamp & to his theirs for Ever, I Likewise Give unto my son Bryan Edmondson all my Land on ye East side of ye sd Swamp & to his heirs for Ever, Provided always ye my beloved wife Mary Edmondson possess & Enjoy ye third part of both ye sd parcells of Land above disposed of during her life, anything herein to the Contrary notwithstanding, I Likewise Give unto my two Sons James Edmondson & Joseph Edmondson all my mony & proceeds of ye Tobo. unaccounted for wch I have in the hands of Mr. Micajah Perry & Compe, & Mr. Richard Lee merchants in London to be Equally divided betweene them. I Likewise give unto my sd Son James Edmondson one of my best feather beds wth its covering & also my new riding Coate my best hat my wigs & my Silver headed-Cane. I Likewise Give unto my Son Thomas Edmondson one negro women caled mealt [?], to be Deliver’d to him by my Exertrs when he attaines ye age of twenty-one Years, I Likewise give unto my sd Son Thomas Edmondson my Young gray horse branded on ye near buttock with this ffiguerd R: & my riding Saddle & bridle, I Likewise Give unto my sd Son Thomas Edmondson two thousand pounds of Sweet Sented Tobacco, it being the one halfe of a bill of ffower thousand pounds of Tobacco wch my Son Samuell Edmondson by his bill stands Undebted to me to be paid when my sd Son Thomas Attains ye Age of twenty one years, by my sd Sonn Samuell Edmondson, I Likewise Give unto my Son John Edmondson one Negro Girl name Crace & to his heirs for Ever to be Delivered by my Executrs to my sd Son John Edmondson when he attaines ye Age of twenty one years, It is also my will ye my Executrs give unto my Son Samuell Edmondson ffower thousand Eight penny Nailes to build him a Dwelling house when he Shall demande them, I Likewise Give unto my sd Son John Edmondson two thousand pounds of Tobacco it being ye one half of the bill of tower thousand pounds of Tobacco wch my sd Son Samuell Edmondson stands Indebted to me, to be paid to my sd Son John Edmondson by my sd Son Samuell when my sd Son John Attaines the age of twenty one years. I Likewise give to my Daughter Sarah Boughan ten Shillings to buy her a ring. I Likewise Give to by Daughter Ann Hayman ten Shillings to buy her a ring to be paid by my Executrs It is also my will & absolute Desire ye there be given by my Exectrs to three of the antiente & poorest people of this parish two pound towards their reliefe to be paid them as soon as possible, In Tobacco meat Corne, or any other product of ye [?] Country, attending to theire wants & according to ye value of things bought and sold in ye Country. It is also my will & Chief Desire that my wellbeloved wife Mary Edmondson have ye use of all ye rest of my Estate undisposed of by this my last will (to wit) Negro’s horses Cattle house hold goods & new goods out of England, during the time she remains a widdow, & no longer, & if she marry again after my decease, yt yn [? could be that in] my whole estate not disposed of by this my will, be Equally divided amongst my Six Sons, James Edmondson, Joseph Edmondson William Edmondson Bryan Edmondson Thomas Edmondson & John Edmondson, and lastly I do hereby ordaine & appoint my well beloved wife Mary Edmondson & my beloved Sonn James Edmondson executrs of this my last Will Provided always tt [?] if my sd wife Mary Edmondson marry again after my Decease yt yn her Executorship be at and End & yth my sd son James Edmondson stand & be my Sole & only Executr to Execute this my last will, any thing herein contained to ye Contrary in any wise notwithsanding” Signed Tho Edmondson. Witnesses: none listed. Proved on 20 December 1715 by the oaths of Mary Edmondson and James Edmondson, who declare it to be the writing of Thomas Edmondson. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 421–423.]
On 5 January 1715/16, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Thomas Edmondson was made by Wm Covington, Richd Tiler and Benja ffisher. The inventory is very long, including slaves, a great deal of textiles, livestock, a silver headed cane, 80 books and 7 bibles. Ordered recorded 16 January 1716. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 720–728.]
Va Colonial Abstracts, p. 62.
See Tyler Quarterly Genealogies of Virginia Families, A-Ge, p. 661 ff.
ChildrenJames (<1673-~1741)