NameJohn Edmondson 
Birthaft 1694
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
John Edmondson was mentioned in his father’s will, proved in 1715.
The will of John Edmondson of South Farnham Parish was dated 22 January 1733. He mentions wife, Mary. Daughter Sukey. His wife is with child. If both Sukey and the child die without heirs, Augustine Boughan shall receive 1/3rd the estate after Mary dies. Brother Sam’ll Edmundson, sister Sarah Boughan, brother Thomas Edmundson. Signed John Edmondson. Witnesses: John Corrie, Jno. Tyler, Ann Corrie. Proved 19 March 1733. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 196–197.]
On 19 March 1733, Mary Edmondson, James Webb, John Webb and Thomas Starke were bound £1,000 sterling for Mary Edmondson’s execution of the last will and testament of John Edmondson. Signed Mary Edmondson, James Webb, Jno Webb, Thos Starke. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 198–199.]
An inventory of the estate of Mr John Edmondson was ordered on 19 March 1733 and was made by James Jones, James Gatewood, and Thos Hardy. Total £419.14.0. Presented by Mrs Mary Edmondson. Ordered recorded 16 April 1733. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 238a-242.]
The estate of John Edmondson deceased was in account with Gabriel Jones and Mary his wife from 1734 to 1738. Settled by W Daingerfield, Isaac Scandrett and T W Jones, who “have divided [Negroes] into three Equal parts & delivered to the sd Gabriel & Mary one third part for their use during the Life of the sd Mary”. Settlement ordered 19 November 1738 and made on 12 ffebruary 1738. Recorded 19 June 1739. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 184–193.]