NameJohn Boughan 
Birthbef 1684
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 10 January 1704, John Boughan, SSEC, signed a court judgement. The original with his signature is extant. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 7/1704.]
On 27 September 1704, John Boughan, SSEC, signed a court judgement. The original with his signature is extant. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 9/1704.]
On 2 May 1705 James Boughan, Junr. and John Boughan were granted 200 acres in Essex and King and Queen Counties. “Part of 5,000 acs. granted George Morris, 16 Apr. 1683, deserted, & now granted by order, &c. Trans of 40 pers:…” [Virginia Patent Book 9, page 645.]
On 10 July 1705, John Boughan witnessed a deed of gift from Henry Boughan to his son James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 103.]
On 9 April 1709, John Boughan witnessed a lease from John Pickett of the County of Essex, planter, to Richard Wise of the County of King & Queen, gentleman, for an island of 80 acres in Piscattaway Creek. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, page 216.] On 11 April 1709, John Boughan witnessed a release for the same land. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, pages 216–217.]
On 10 January 1709/10, John Boughan, Tho: Lee, Jno Games, and Ja: Fullerton were bound in the penalty of £2000 sterling for John Boughan’s, Thomas Lee’s and Susanna Boughan’s execution of the will of Dorothy Henry deceased. Signed John Boughan, Thos. Ley, John Games, James Fullerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed & Will Book 13, page 272.]
On 11 May 1710, Joseph Boswell brought suit against John Boughan and Susanna his wife: Joseph Boswell brings suit against John Boughan and Susanna his wife and Thomas Ley executors of the last will and testament of Dorothy Henry deceased administratrix of the estate of Daniel Henry deceased ffor three pounds 7 shillings 8 pence Stirl. Court of 11 May 1710. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 2/1710.]
To the Honble: Alexander Spotswood her Majesties Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
John Boughan & Susanna his Wife Thomas Lee and Augustine Lee of the County of Essex most humbly
That by Inquisition taken the tenth day of March in the year 1708 a Trace of Land conteining six hundred twenty seven Acres & six Perches being in the sd County was found to Escheate to her most Sacrd Majestie from Daniel Henry late of the sd County deced
That Dorothy Henry Relict of the sd Daniell did at her own Charge obteine a Warrant for the sd Inquisition & procured the Same to be Executed And Conceiveing She had an Equitable right to the sd Land did Devise three hundred acres part of the sd Land to Your Petr. Susanna her Grandchild & the residue to Your Petrs. Thomas & Augustine her Grandchildren & soon after departed this Life
That due Publication hath been made of the sd Inquisition And the Petition of Thomas Todd to traverse the Same hath been Dismissed by the Honble. the Generall Court
That the Petition of Peter Ranson & his Wife for part of the sd Land hath been heard before the sd Court & the most Equitable right to a Grant of the sd Land Adjudged to be in Your Petrs. as by Certificat thereof hereto Annexed may appeare
Wherefore Your Petrs. humbly pray Your Honour will be pleased to Grant a Patent for the said Land to them & their heirs for ever
And Your Petrs. shall ever Pray &c
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]
At a Genrll: Court held at the Capitol April the 20th 1711 —
John Boughan & Susannah his wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee all of Essex County by their petition praying a Grant of 627 Acres & 16 perches of Land lying in the Said County found to Escheat from Daniel Henry decd to be made to them in proportion as Divided by the Will of Dorothy the Widdow of the Said Decd and Peter Ransone & his wife one of the Daughters of the said Dorothy by their petition Setting forth that they Conceived they have Equall Right to the said Land with the said Boughan &c: and Thom[illegible — paper torn] by his petition haveing prayed to be Admitted to [Traverse?] the [illegible — torn] finding the Said Land to Escheat but he not appearing Now [illegible — paper torn] petition is Dismist And the Governor being pleased to Referr the Cond[illegible — paper torn] of the other Two petitions to this Court on hearing the Said Will Read Together with the Arguments of the Several petitions that Appeared It is ye Oppinion of the Court that the said Boughan & his said wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee have the Most Equitable Right to a Grant of ye sd Land According to the Will of the said Dorothy wch: is hereby Certifyed to her Majties: Lieut: Governor & Commander in Cheif of this Dominion in order to their obtaining a patent for the said Land
Copia Test C C Thacker CGC
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]
On 10 May 1711, John Boughan, Robert Coleman and James Boughan junr of the County of Essex were bound £500 sterling for John Boughan’s administration of the goods, rights and credits of Daniell Henry, deceased. Signed John Boughan, Robert Coleman, James Boughan junr. Witnesses: Ja: Alderson, Jos: Reeves. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, page 410.]
John Boughan was mentioned in the 14 January 1711 will of his father James Boughan: “ffifthly I Give and bequeath unto my loveing Son John Boughan one Gold ring of Twenty Shillings price.” John was to receive land if his brother James’s sons James and John both died without heirs. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 76–77.]
On 11 March 1711/1712, George Lloyd, Henry Boughan and John Boughan were bound 10,000 pounds tobacco. George Loyd has obtained lycense, apparently to keep and ordinary. Bottom of page 41 torn off. Signed Geo: Lloyd, Henry his HB mark Boughan, John Boughan. Witnesses: Nath fogg, Robert Jones. Recorded 11 April 1712. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, pages 41–42.]
On 12 June 1712 a case was continued in Essex County Court, first begun 18 March 1711. “James Boughan Son of Henry Boughan presents a bill in chancery agt James Boughan Son of Major James Boughan deced & John Boughan his brother and Benja ffisher It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said James Boughan deced [hole] John Boughan & [hole] ffisher be by the Sheriff of his Deputy Summoned, personally to appear at the next Court…” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 4, page 449.]
On 19 August 1712, James Boughan, John Boughan, Benja ffisher, Augt. Smith, William Thompson and John Pickett (or Pukett) were bound £500 sterling for James Boughan, John Boughan and Benja ffisher’s administration with the will annexed for the goods, chattels and credits of James Boughan deceased. Witnesses: Ja: Alderson, Robert Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 77–78.]
On 8 January 1712/1713, James Boughan, John Boughan and Benja ffisher presented in court an inventory and appraisal of the estate of James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 93–95.]
On 12 Feb. 1712/13 James Boughan Sen’r of So. Farn. Par., planter, son and heir of James Boughan of same Par. and Co., sells John Boughan Senr., of St. Anns Par., planter, for £50. Sterl., 620 acres granted Richard Holt deceased by patent dated 4 Nov. 1685 and by Richard Holt and William Holt conveyed to the said James Boughan deceased by deed dated 2 Feb. 1705. The land bounded by Kings Swamp below Piscataway Mill, land of Oliver Seager, land formerly owned by Thomas Gaines and John Morraine, Piscataway Creek, etc. Signed James Boughan. Wit: Dan’ll Browne, Tho Ley, Robt. Hardee. Rec. 12 Feb. 1712/13. Robert Jones, by letter of attorney from Sarah Boughan wife of James Boughan, relinquishes dower rights to John Boughan. The letter is signed Sarah Boughan and witnessed by Jonathan ffisher and Benj’a ffisher. The sale of this land, which was not rightfully James Boughan [644]’s, later resulted in a lawsuit to recover it. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 102.]
On 4 March 1712, John Baughan won judgement for 560 pounds tobacco due by account against the estate of John Deane, having made oath in court. [Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 77.]
On 1 April 1713: “Ordered that Joseph Minton the present constable deliver unto mr John Baughan some linnen and other goods now in his possession, the said Baughan haveing made oath that he lost the same out of his store” and “Ordered that Richard Hill deliver unto mr John Baughan a peice of Linnen now in his possession, the said Baughan haveing made oath that he lost the same out of his store.” [Richmond County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 81.]
On 2 May 1713, “John Boughan & Susannah, his wife, Thomas Lee, & Augustine Lee,” 627 A., 16 P., (esch. L.), Essex Co. “By inquisition taken at the Courthouse, 10 Mar. 1708, by John Lewis, Esqr., Eschr., sd. land found to escheat from Daniel Henry, dec’d; granted to the abovementioned, according to the will of Dorothy Henry.” John must have been of legal age by 1713.
On 12 June 1714, John Boughan and Susanna his wife of the parish of St. Anns and County of Essex sold to John Mottley of the same. One negro girl named Beck aged about 9. No compensation stated. Signed John Boughan, Susann her + mark Boughan. Witnesses: Thomas Cooper, William Wilson. A note states that the above negro girl was born 20 April 1705. Ordered recorded 17 August 1731. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 244–245.]
On 19 June 1716, Eliza ffisher, James Boughan and John Boughan were bound £400 sterling for Eliza ffisher’s execution of the last will and testament of Benjamin ffisher. Elizabeth signed Elizabeth her E mark ffisher. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 582.]
On 28 September 1716, John Boughan witnessed the will of Ralph Rowzee of St. Ann’s Parish, Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 93–94, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
In 1716 John Boughan received payments from Benjamin Fisher’s estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 67–69, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 22 March 1716/17, Essex County court ordered that an attachment obtained by John Boughan against the estate of Francis Smith be valued at 307 pounds of tobacco and ten shillings current money. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 5, page 21.]
On 23 May 1717, the attachment obtained by John Boughan against the estate of Francis Smith was dismissed. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 5, page 42.]
On 21 May 1717, Benjamin Edmondson, James Boughan, Jno Boughan and John Crow were bound £500 sterling for Benjamin Edmondson and James Boughan’s administration of the goods chattles and credits of Wm Edmondson deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, page 48.]
On 9 October 1717, John Boughan with John Hawkins and Tho. Short made an inventory of the estate of Barthlomew Vawter. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 15–19, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
In 1717, John Boughan received payments from the estate of Robert Bizwell. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 70–71, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 19 March 1717/1718, Agnes Butler returned the inventory of John Butler. One of the appriasers was John Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 11–13, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
John Boughan witnessed a deed of property from Peter Byrom of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, to Henry Reeves of the same, in 1719 (no date on deed). [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 46–51, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
John Boughan was mentioned in the 23 January 1719 will of his brother-in-law Augustine Ley, which named him a co-executor. The will was proved on 17 May 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 146–147.]
On 19 May 1719, John Boughan proved the will of Ralph Rowzee in Court. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 93–94, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 18 June 1719, the inventory of the estate of Ralph Rowzee was returned to court, made by John Boughan, Edward Rowzee and Ja. Alderson. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 99–101, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 7 September 1719, John Boughan, with Augt. Ley and Jeremiah Bizwell, made an inventory of the estate of Semuel Henshaw. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 118–19, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 2 January 1719, John Boughan witnessed the will of John Jones of St. Ann’s Parish, Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 129–130.]
John Boughan did not appear in court on 16 February 1719/1720, when the will of John Jones (which John Boughan had witnessed) was presented and proved. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 129–130, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
John Boughan is mentioned in the will of Augustine Ley as his brother-in-law. The undated will was proved 17 May 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 146–147, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
The will of John Boughan was dated 13 February 1719: In the name of God amen I John Boughan of the parish of St Ann’s in the County of Essex, being very Sick & week in body but in perfect Sence and memory Thanks be to almighty God for the same, do hereby constitute & ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form as followeth, Imprimis I Give & bequeath my Soul to almighty God that gave it me, trusting in the meditations & merrits of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ to receive eternall bliss & happiness, and my body to the Earth from whence it came, to be interred as the will of my Executrix, hereafter menconed shall think fit; and for what wordly Goods God hath been pleased to bless me with which is more then my deserts (after my just debts are paid) I Give & bequeath as followeth viz: [illegible]; Item I Give & bequeath unto my Loveing wife Susanna Boughan The plantation whereon I now live, Including the one half of the Land I Live on to her during her natural Life, and after her decease, I give and bequeath the sd Land to my Son Augustine Boughan with all the remainder of the sd Tract of Land I live on to him & heirs for ever, Item I Give & bequeath unto my son John Boughan all the Land I have in & upon the head of Piscataway to him & his heirs for ever; Item I Leave my Loveing wife Susanna Boughan the one Third part of all my Negro’s with their increase to her during her natural Life, and after her decease the sd negroes and their increase I Give & bequeath to my four Children Dorothy Mary Augt & John Boughan’s and their heirs for ever to be equally divided, Item I Give and bequeath all the remainer of Negroe’s with their increase to be equally divided amongst my four Children Dorothy Mary Augustine & John Boughan’s & their heirs for ever in manner & form following vizt: that the sd Negro’s & their encrease be kept at work on my sd Land and that the product of their Labour be for ye bringing up & Educateing the sd four Children Dorothy Mary Augustin & John Boughan’s and that my Executrix hereafter named have the managemt thereof until one of my sd Children shall arrive to the age of Eighteen years of the day of Marriage and then all the sd negroe’s aforesd given to my sd four Children be equally divided amongst the sd four Children, or if any of them dead then amongst the Survivours and that, That Children so of age then have his or her equal part, and the remainer of the sd Negro’s remain to the remainer of the sd Children untill another of them shall arrive to the age aforsd or married and then he or she have his or her equally part as aforesd, and so the rest to remain in manner & form aforesd till all my said Children shall come to the age aforesaid or marryed, Item I Give and bequeath all the remainer of my Estate both real & personall to be equally divided amongst my Loving wife Susanna Boughan and my four Children Dorothy Mary Augustine & John Boughan’s and their heirs for ever; Lastly I do ordain Constitute & appoint my Loveing wife Susanna Boughan my whole & Sole Executrix of this my Last Will & Testament, In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal this 13th day of ffebruary 1719. Signed John Boughan (Seal). Witnesses: Jasper Cotton, Edward Moseley, Charles his C mark Higdon, Richd his + mark Barratt.
At a Court held for Essex County on Tuesday ye 19th day of July 1720—This will was presented in Court by Susanna Boughan Exx therein named who made oath thereto, and being further proved by the oaths of Jasper Cotton Edwd Moseley & Charles Higdon witnesses thereto is admitted to record— [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 178–180.]
An inventory of the estate of John Boughan was made on 10 August 1720 by John Hawkins, Tho. Ramsey, Jno. Vawter and Robt. Parker, and signed by Susanna Boughan. Total valuation £410.10.6, including 15 Negroes valued at £287.10.0. Returned 16 August 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 200–202, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
Birthbef 1690
Deathabt Dec 1726