NameSamuel Edmondson 
Birthbef 1700
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
He is mentioned in his father’s will, proved in 1715.
On 16 February 1719/1720, Ralph Rowzee of Essex County sold to Saml. Edmondson of same. Lease and release, for two Negroes and 2500 pounds of tobacco, 100 acres in St. Ann’s Parish on the south side of Ocepashon Creek…corner of this land, Robt. Pain and Wm. Thomas…land of Ralph Rowzee. Signed Ralph his RR mark Rowzee. Witnesses: John Fargeson, James Fargeson. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 159–162, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 18 December 1722, Edward Murrian, Martha his wife, Saml Edmondson and Jeremiah Biswell were bound £150 sterling for Edward Murrian’s and Martha his wife’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Jasper Coston. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 7–8.]
On 20 September 1723, Samuel Edmondson served on a jury in Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 19.]
On 19 March 1733, Thomas Edmondson, Thos Coleman jr, Jeremiah Sheppard jr and Wm St John were bound £600 current money for Thomas Edmondson’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Samuell Edmondson deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 211–212.]
An inventory of the estate of Samuel Edmondson ordered 19 March 1733 was made by John Rowzee, John Andrews, Jos his E mark Leeman. Total valuation £251.13.7. Returned by Thomas Edmondson. Recorded 16 April 1734. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 236–238.]
A further account of the estate of Samuel Edmondson for the year 1739 was returned by Thomas Edmondson adminstrator and recorded 18 July 1739. [Essex County, Virginia, Will book 6, page 200.]