NameClass Caston 
Birthbef 1686
Deathabt 1714
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 11 March 1705/06, John Fargeson of Essex County, planter, “for the love and Affection that I bear unto my Son in Law Class Caston of the county Aforesaid”, gave unto Class Caston and Cary his wife, “after their decease, to my Grandson John Caston, Son of the abovesaid Class Caston”, “One Hundred Acres of Land, Situate and lying and being in the County of Essex aforesaid, it being the Plantation whereon he the said Class Caston now Liveth, and lying upon the Branches of the Dragon Swamp which Said Land is part or parcel of a Dividend of Land formerly granted by Patent unto Edward Hudson of the said County, which said Land was afterwards by William Hudson conveyed by Deed to Roger Smith of the Said County, And since his the said Roger Smiths Death, was at my Petition found to Escheate to our Soveraigne Lady the Queen”. Signed John ffargeson. Witnesses: James Boughan Junr:, John Burt. On 10 April 1706, acknowledged in Essex County court by John ffargeson to Class Caston, and right of Dower relinquished by Ann ffargeson Wife to ye said John. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 208–209.]
On 13 May 1714, Cary Caston, William Dunn and Henry Purkins were bound £200 sterling for Cary Caston’s administration of the goods, credits and chattles of Class Caston deceased. Signed Cary Caston, Wm Dunn, Henry Purkins. Witnesses: Robert Jones, Ja: Alderson. Recorded 13 May 1714. [Essex County, Virgina, Deed Book 14, page 239.]
“An Inventory of Debts receiv’d of the Estate of Class Coston since his decease” shows received in 1714 of Wm Baker and Benja Mathews, in 1715 of John Haile, Leo Hill and Thos Graves, in 1713 of John Bomer, and 1716 of James Turnor, all amounting to 3266 pounds of tobacco. It further mentions “Reced of Anne Forguson Currant money” £0:8:0 and of James Boughan £0:4:0. “Given under my hand this 16th May 1719 Cary Purkins Admrx of the above deced.” Recorded 20 September 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, page 208.]