NameAnn Stubbleson 
Birthbef 1669
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 11 March 1705/1706, John ffargison of Essex, Planter sent Greetings, and “for the love and Affection that I bear unto my Son in Law Class Caston of the County aforesaid…and Cary his wife…And after their decease, to my Grandson John Caston, Son of the abovesaid Class Caston” 100 acres of land whereupon he the said Class Caston now Liveth, and lyeth upon the Branches of the Dragon Swamp, which said Land is part or parcel of a Dividend of Land formerly granted by Patent unto Edward Hudson who deeded the land to Roger Smith, the land then being escheated by John ffargison. Signed John ffargeson. Witnesses: James Boughan Junr, John Burt. Right of Dower relinquished by Ann ffargeson Wife to ye said John 10 April 1706, ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 103.]
Ann was mentioned in the 1715 will of her husband John Farguson as “my dear and well beloved wife”. She was named executor with her son Joseph. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 8–9.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of John ffergison was made 18 Aprill 1718 by John Haile, Henry Shackelford, and Bryant Edmondson. Returned by Anne her ce mark ffargison Exec on 17 September 1718. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 48–50.]
The will of Ann Fargeson was dated 1 October 1731: “In the Name of God Amen I Ann Fargeson of the County of Essex and parrish of Southfarnham being in health and of sound mind and memory thanks be given to almighty god for the same and calling to mind the uncertainty of this mortal life do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say Imprimis I give and bequeath my soul into ye hands of almighty god who gave it hopeing to receive perfect Remission and forgiveness of all my Sins by the Meritts of my only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and as touching such temporal Estate as it hath pleased almighty God to bestow upon me I give and bequeath the same as followeth Item I give and bequeath and order that first of all my husbands Estate be first made good as it was at his deceased and all the rest and remainder both real and personal after my husbands Estate is made good I give and bequeath as follows Item I give and bequeath to my Grandson John Caston a negroe Boy named Mature to him and his heirs lawfully begotten of his body Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Sarah Redd my Cloak and hood Item my will and desire is that all ye rest of my Estate of what nature and Kind whatsoever be Equally Devided between my four Children Item I Constitute and appoint and ordain my two sons John and Samuel Fargeson my full and whole Executors of this my last will and testament Revoking Disanulling and makeing void all former wills and bequests by me heretofore made and do ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form aforesaid In Witness my hand and seal this first day of October in this year of our Lord God one thousand Seven hundred and thirty one—” Signed Ann her O mark Fargesson. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, Thomas Red, Ann her A mark Fargeson. Presented in court on 16 December 1735 by John Fargeson, proved by Thomas Baker and Thomas Redd, ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 356–357.]
Birthbef 1664
Deathabt Mar 1718
ChildrenJohn (~1685-~1770)