NameJesse Boughan 
Birthbef 1790
DeathNov 1814
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
His mother may have been either Ursula Munday or Sally, the second wife of John Boughan.
On 8 May 1804, Hundley Moody and Jesse Boughan were bound for the marriage of Hundley Moody, bachelor, and Catharine Boughan, spinster. Witnesses: Jno Haile junr, W Matthews. Lewis Moody certifies that his son Hundley is upwards of 25 years old. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]
On 14 October 1806, Jesse Boughan made purchases at the estate sale of his father John Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 274–275.]
His father John’s estate was divided on 29 October 1806. Parcels went to Hundley Moody and his wife Catharine (44 acres), widow’s dower (90 acres), Thos. Crow and Sarah his wife (50 acres), Jesse Boughan (61 acres), and James Boughan (61 acres). [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 87]
On 10 May 1808, Major Boughan and Jesse Boughan were bound 51.17.2 unto George Grundy & nephew assignees of Lawrence Muse assignees of Beverley Robinson for a negro boy named Iverson. Signed Major Boughan, Jesse Boughan. Witness: H. H. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 18, item 18-G-3.]
On 9 May 1809, Jesse Boughan witnessed the will of Susanah Smith of Essex County. By the time the will was proved on 17 December 1821, Jesse had died; the will was proved in part by his handwriting. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 261–262.]
On 25 May 1810, James Boughan, Jesse Boughan, Thomas Crow and Sally his wife, and Hundley Moody and Caty his wife, all of the county of Essex, sold to Major Boughan of the same county. Whereas John Boughan deceased late of the county of Essex was bound and liable to convey to the said Major Boughan a third part of a tract of land situated in the parish of South Farnham & County of Essex which was recovered in the name of the said John Boughan in an action of ejectment in King & Queen district Court against John Chenault, but before any such conveyance was made the said John Boughan departed this life intestate and the legal estate in the said Land descended to the above named James Boughan & Jesse Boughan and the said wives of the said Crow and Moody as the children and heirs of the said John Boughan, and since the decease of the said John Boughan a division hath been made of the said land recovered from the said John Chenault, as aforementioned, and on the said division a third part of the said land hath been allotted to the said Major Boughan for his proportion of the same. Bounded by lands of William Howard, the heirs of John Boughan, Rickard Burke deceased, Charles Bray deceased. For $1 paid by Major Boughan, the parties of the first part release claim. Signed Jesse Boughan, Thomas Crow, Sally her x mark Crow, Hundley Moody, Caty Moody. Witnesses: Winter Bray as to J.B. T.C. & HW, Jas Burke, Major JB Turner, Gabrel [sic[ Purkins Sen, John Boughan, Jess Boughan, Othniel Davis. Presented in court on 17 September 1810. Presented in court again on 20 July 1812, not signed by James Boughan but further proved and ordered to be recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 38, pages 275–277.]
On 21 December 1811, Jesse Boughan witnessed the will of Thomas Games of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 454.]
In the name of God Amen.
I Jesse Boughan of the County of Essex and parish of Southfarnham being very sick & in low state of Health hut in sound mind & memory thanks be to Almighty God for the same & calling to mind the uncertain state of this transetory life, that it is is [sic] apointed for al [sic] mortals to dye do make & ordain this my last Will and testament (Impremess)
First I recommend my soul unto the hands of my blessed saviour belping through his merits to receive full pardon for all my all my [sic] sins. 2ly I recommend my body to the Earth from whence it was first taken to be decently buried at the discretion of my administratrix (which is my beloved wife Elizabeth) and as & touching my worldly Estate that it hath been pleased Almighty God to bless me with in this life I give and despose in manner & form following (to witt) First I give my whole Estate real and personal which I am process’d with, together with all the Interest which I may hereafter have coming to me (Provided she should not have an heir my me) if she should it is my will and desire that she should keep it as long as she lives and then to she heir (if any) and its heirs for ever. This my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto I have hereunto set my hand & Soul this [blank] day of [blank] in the year of our Lord God one thousand eight hundred & fourteen
Jesse Boughan
Caston Boughan
Major James Boughan
Elizabeth her + mark Boughan
On 21 November 1814, brought into court by John Games, but protested by Thomas Crow. Probate was deferred until the next court. In court of 18 January 1815, Crow’s objections were not accepted, and the will was ordered to record. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 86–87.]
On 18 January 1815, John Games and Mourning Johnston were bound in the penalty of $500 for John Games’s administration with the will annexed of Jesse Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 87–88.]
The estate of Jesse Boughan in account with John Games from 1815 to 1816 was recorded on 17 December 1821. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 262–263.]
In about 1825, orators and oratrices John, James Catharine, and Prisilla Games and Thomas Crow and Sally his wife who was Sally Boughan petitioned the Chancery Court. That John Boughan who was the father of your oratrix Sally Crow died in ____ intestate leaving the following children: your oratrix Sally Crow, Caty Moody wife of Hundley Moody who has died intestate without heir, Jesse Boughan and James Boughan who has also died leaving James, Polly, Benjamin and Austin the last two named infants. Jesse has died leaving a last will and testament. John Boughan died soon after Jesse. Jesse’s wife died intestate without issue leaving your orators and oratrices John, James, Catharine and Priscilla Games brothers and sisters of the whole blood her heirs. The said John Boughan left a widow Sally who died in 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-M-21.]
Jesse was presumably of legal age when he made out his will, so he was born before 1794.
Birthbef 1794
Deathabt Nov 1814
Marriageabt 16 May 1814, Essex County, Virginia