NameSilas Conoly
Birthbef 1821
Deathbef 1850
On 11 June 1834, Catharine Conoly, Archibald Conoly, Silas Conoly, William Sullivan, Riley Gouldman, and Benjamin Williams were bound to each other in the penalty of $3,000. “The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Larkin Conoly late of Essex County the husband of the above named Catharine Conoly and the father of Archibald Silas Matilda who intermarried with the above named Wm Sullivan, Elizabeth who intermarried with the above named Riley Gouldman & Mary who intermarried with the above named Benjamin Williams, died about the 1st day of February 1821. leaving the aforenamed children in a state of infancy and helplessness as well as two small negro children one a boy named Daniel and the other a girl named Eliza of the ages of five & two years with his estate embarrassed with debt, And whereas the said Catharine Conoly administered on the estate of her said husband and with the scanty means left by him together with what she has been able to make by industry and economy has freed the said estate from debt raised her children to manhood as well as the negro children — And whereas in consequence of an understanding between the said Catharine Conoly and her children Archibald, Silas, Matilda, Elizabeth & Mary that she the said Catharine Conoly was to be permitted to remain in the undisturbed possession of all the property which the said Larkin Conoly died seized and possessed of during her natural life for an in consideration of her having paid off the debts of said estate and raised the children both white and coloured free of charge she has settled no account of her administration but has kept the property together in the way it was left her — Now if the aforementioned Catharine Conoly shall not perfer any charges against the estate of the said Larkin Conoly for raising the children aforesaid White and Coloured and paying off the debts of the said estate and if the aforenamed Archibald Conoly, Silas Conoly, William Sullivan who intermarried with Matilda Conoly, Riley Gouldman who intermarried with Elizabeth Conoly and Benjamin Williams who intermarried with Mary Conoly shall permit the said Catharine Conoly to remain in quiet and peaceable possession of all the property left by her husband Larkin Conoly for and during her natural life then the above obligation to be void else to remain in full force and Virtue against any who may fail to comply with the foregoing Condition”. Signed Catorine Conoley, Silas Conoley, William his x mark Sullivan, Riley Gouldman, Benjamin Williams. Ordered recorded on 18 May 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 367–368.]
On 19 August 1839, Catharine Conoley and Silas Conoley were bound in the penalty of $100 for Catharine Conoley’s administration of the estate of William Noel, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 402.]
“Silas Conoley and Elizabeth his wife who was Elizabeth Boughan was married the 6 of Feb 1840” [Boughan family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24166]
On 3 November 1840, Silas Conoly purchased, at the estate sale of Thomas F. Armstrong, 1 Rolling pin for $.02 and 1 pewter ladle for $.08. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 569–571.]
On 17 November 1841, Lucy Boughan, Catharine Minter, Frances Boughan widow of John Boughan deceased, Richard Shearwood and Lucy M his wife, Frances Ann Boughan, Charles Lewis Boughan, Cary Caston Boughan, John Boughan, Catharine Boughan, Henry Caston Boughan and John Thomas Boughan, the ten first named persons of the County of Essex, and the two last named children of the late Thomas Boughan deceased and residents of the County of Buckingham, all of the first part, sold to Thomas Boughan, Caston Boughan, Silas Connelley and Elizabeth his wife, all of the County of Essex, of the second part. For $120 paid by Gabriel Boughan deceased, the father of the parties of the second part, in part of the sum aforesaid and the balance in full paid by the said parties of the second part, a tract of land situate and lying in Southfarnham parish Essex containing Twenty four acres by actual survey and bounded by the lands of Jno H Upshaw deceased, John A Parker, James Croxton, and the lands of Gabriel Boughan deceased, as will more fully appear by reference to the division plot of the lands of the late Major Boughan deceased made about the year 1818, it being the lot of parcel of land allotted in said division to Caston Boughan who has since died intestate and the parties of the first part are his lawful heirs and distributees. Signed Lucy Boughan, Catharine Minter, Frances Boughan, Richard Shearwood, Lucy Munday Shearwood, Frances A Boughan, Charles L Boughan. On 17 November 1841, Lucy M Shearwood and Miss Lucy Boughan acknowledged this to be same to be their act. On 17 July 1843, with the acknowledgment of Lucy M Shearwood the wife of Richard Shearwood, ordered to be recorded. On 6 September 1843, Catharine Minter acknowledged the same to be her act. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 76–78.]
On 24 November 1841 Thomas Boughan, Caston Boughan, and Silas Connelly and Elizabeth his wife sold 64 acres to William R. Purkins for $600. This land had been allotted to Caston Boughan deceased and Gabriel Boughan deceased upon division of lands of Major Boughan deceased. All parties signed. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, page 350.]
On 27 October 1843, orator Philip Montague executor of the last will and testament of Elizabeth M. Boughan deceased and of Lucy Boughan deceased complained that the said Elizabeth M. Boughan died on or about 2 February 183[blank] having left a last will and testament making various bequests. But she survived her brothers Gabriel Boughan and John Boughan, to whom bequests were made. The said Elizabeth M. was not much in debt, and debts and legacies have now been paid. The said Lucy died about 4 October 1841 having left a last will and testament in which she gave to her sister Elizabeth M. Boughan and to Gabriel and John, all of whom predeceased her. Both Elizabeth and Lucy died unmarried and without issue. Their heirs are Thomas Boughan, Caston Boughan and Elizabeth Ann wife of Silas Conaly children of Gabriel Boughan deceased a brother of the whole blood; Lucy M. wife of Richard Shearwood, Frances Ann wife of Ephraim Beazley, Charles L., Carey, John T and Catharine Boughan children of John Boughan deceased a brother of the whole blood; Catharine Minter a sister of the half blood; Henry Caston and John T. children of Thomas Boughan a brother of the half blood. For division of the estate. Filed as Montague vs. Minter. All answers were filed on the same day. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 49, item 49-E-25.]
On 14 January 1845, Johnson Games and Elizabeth C. M. his wife of the County of Essex sold to Silas Conely. For $1,500 a tract on which Johnson Games resides “devised to John Games the father of the said Johnson Games to said Johnson the land which he inherited as one of the heirs of his mother Matilda Games decd”, 200 acres more or less, divided into two parts, bordering land of Tazewell Dunn, George Wright, Mourning Johnston and Jonathan Dunn except for 1/4 acre for a family burying ground. Signed Johnson Games, Elizabeth C M Games. No witnesses, but certified by Jas: Wright, Leonard Henley. Ordered recorded 14 March 1845. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 362–363.]
On 17 March 1845, a chancery case was concluded concerning the division of the lands of Elizabeth and Lucy Boughan, deceased. Plaintiffs were Thomas Boughan; Caston Boughan; Silas Conly [sic] & Elizabeth A. his wife who was Elizabeth A. Boughan and daughter of Gabriel Boughan, deceased; Richard H. Shearwood and Lucy M. his wife who was Lucy M. Boughan, daughter of John Boughan deceased; Ephraim Beazley and Frances A. his wife who was Frances A. Boughan and daughter of John Boughan; Charles L. Boughan; Cary C. Boughan; John T. Boughan; Catharine Boughan; the last three infants of John Boughan by Frances Boughan their next friend; Henry C. Boughan son of Thomas Boughan deceased; John Thomas Boughan infant by Washington H. Purkins his next friend, against Catharine Minter. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 50, pages 458–459.]
Marriage6 Feb 1840, Essex County, Virginia