NameBenjamin Fisher 
Birthbef 1688
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 10 April 1706, Benja ffisher witnessed a deed from John Burnett to James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 211–212.]
On 9 August 1708, an indenture was executed by and between Coll Richard Covington of the County of Essex, Major James Boughan, Mr Edward Gouldman, Mr Benja ffisher, and Mr James Boughan the Younger, all of the same County. Joyntly & Severally Seized of a tract on the south side of the Rappahannock River and upon the branches of Occupacia Creek, to divide equally, Do declare equal division by consent. One part to Colo Richard Covington of 1064 acres; one part to Major James Boughan, Benja ffisher and James Boughan the Younger of 1180 acres; one part to Edward Gouldman of 1122 acres. From a patent dated 25 Aprill 1704 to the said Richard Covington, James Boughan and William Williams, the said William Williams his part being already sold to the said Edward Gouldman. Signed Richd Covington, James Boughan, Edw Gouldman, Benja ffisher, James Boughan Junr. Witnesses: Wm Tomlin, Willm Daingerfield, Henry his H mark Reeves. Acknowledged 10 August 1708 and ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, pages 120–122.]
On 10 February 1712/13, Rebecca Fisher, wife of Jonathan Fisher, and Elisabeth Fisher, wife of his son Benjamin Fisher, reliquish their dower rights in a parcel of land that was sold. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 101]
On 12 June 1712 a case was continued in Essex County Court, first begun 18 March 1711. “James Boughan Son of Henry Boughan presents a bill in chancery agt James Boughan Son of Major James Boughan deced & John Boughan his brother and Benja ffisher It is therefore ordered by the Court that the said James Boughan deced [hole] John Boughan & [hole] ffisher be by the Sheriff of his Deputy Summoned, personally to appear at the next Court…” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 4, page 449.]
On 11 July 1712, Essex Court Court records state that the petition of James Boughan and Benjamin Fisher to administer the Estate of James Boughan is to be considered at the next court. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 4, page 468.]
On 19 August 1712, James Boughan, John Boughan, Benja ffisher, Augt. Smith, William Thompson and John Pickett (or Pukett) were bound £500 sterling for James Boughan, John Boughan and Benja ffisher’s administration with the will annexed for the goods, chattels and credits of James Boughan deceased. Witnesses: Ja: Alderson, Robert Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 77–78.]
On 8 January 1712/1713, James Boughan, John Boughan and Benja ffisher presented in court an inventory and appraisal of the estate of James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 93–95.]
On 5 January 1715/16, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Thomas Edmondson was made by Wm Covington, Richd Tiler and Benja ffisher. The inventory is very long, including slaves, a great deal of textiles, livestock, a silver headed cane, 80 books and 7 bibles. Ordered recorded 16 January 1716. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 720–728.]
The will of Benjamin ffisher of Essex County and South ffarnham parish was dated 16 April 1716. Sick and weak. Mill to be equally divided between three sons Benjamin, James and John. Dear and loveing life Elizabeth to be executrix. Additional estate of children Jonathan, Elizabeth, Benjamin, James and John. To father Jonathan ffisher all my wareing Cloaths, except that with silver which is to go to Benjamin. Signed Benja ffisher. Witnesses: Benja Morris, John Haile, Thomas Bryan, Richard Jones. Proved 19 June 1716. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, pages 580–581.]
On 19 June 1716, Eliza ffisher, James Boughan and John Boughan were bound £400 sterling for Eliza ffisher’s execution of the last will and testament of Benjamin ffisher. Elizabeth signed Elizabeth her E mark ffisher. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 582.]
The inventory of Benjamin Fisher’s estate was presented by Mrs. Eliz’a ffisher Widdo and Extrx on 3 July 1716, with the estate valued at approximately £120. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, p. 656.]
An estate account of Benjamin Fisher indicates a legal suit.
1716. Payments made to John Boughan, James Boughan, Wm. Chaney, John Bates (for M. Buckner and Mr. Henman), Wm. Scott, Mr. Zach. Lewis (attorney). Receipts from Wm. Chaney.
1717. Payments made to Mr. McCartie (in Northumberland to gitt the mony of John Haney), Robt. Jones. Receipts from John Brown, Daniel Taylor, Joseph Anderson, John Haney.
Mention of goods in Mr. Jonathan Fisher’s hands.
Signed by Eliz. Fisher. 17 7ber 1718. Sworn to by Eliz. Fisher.
18 Sept. 1718. We the Jury find the defendant hath fully administered according to the within account. The above verdict found and proved in a suit brought by Robert Beverley, plt., against Eliza. Fisher extx. of Benja. Fisher, deft. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 67–69, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
The Fishers lived at an Essex County estate called Pigeon Hill, which was standing in the 1950s.