On 10 February 1712/13, Rebecca Fisher, wife of Jonathan Fisher, and Elisabeth Fisher, wife of his son Benjamin Fisher, reliquish their dower rights in a parcel of land that was sold. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 101]
On 16 November 1720, Rebecca Fisher sold to Richard Taylor of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, who lately purchased of Jonathan Fisher, dec., late husband of Rebecca Fisher. One moiety or half part of a water mill commonly called Fisher’s Mill and also the right of the said Janathan to some land adjoyning to the said mill…in Southfarnham Parish…for 5 shillings sterling. Signed Rebeccah Fisher. Witnesses: James Boughan, Richard Tyler Junr., Benja. his B mark Mathews. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 240–241, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]