NameElizabeth “Betsey” Haile 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Elizabeth Haile was mentioned as Betsey Haile in the 1784 will of her grandfather Thomas Dix.
In obediance to an Order of Essex Court dated January 21st 1799. We the subscribers have devided the Negroes Racel and Increase between Elizabeth Hundley and Richard Thomas Haile, Tunstal, Isaac, and Ellen have falled to Elizabeth Hundley at £117:10:0 Rachel and two Children Joe and Alic to Richard Thomas Haile at £115. 29th January 1799
By James Wright, Carter Croxton, John Minter, and James Allen
At a Court held for Essex County at Tappa. the 18th day of February 1799 — This report of the Devision of Slaves between Elizabeth Hundley who was Elizabeth Hail & Richard Thos. Haile, which was devised to them by TDix decd. was this day returned and ordered to be recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 441.]
The original mark of Elizabeth Hundley from 1800 can be found in Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 11, Item 11-D-62.]
1810 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Hundley, Ambrose
2 males under 10 [one of these would be Ambrose III]
1 male 26-45 [this would be Ambrose]
3 females under 10
2 females 10-16 [one of these would be Ann; one would be Mary]
1 female 26-45 [this would be Elizabeth]
17 slaves
Elizabeth Hunley received a slave named Maria in the last will and testament of her father John Haile, whose will was dated 3 March 1809 and proved 17 September 1810. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 210–211.]
In about 1818, orator and oratrice Peter Campbell and Mary R. his wife complained to the Chancery Court. That Ambrose Hunley died in ____ intestate leaving a widow Elizabeth Hunley and your oratrix and Susanna D. Hunley, Anne H. Hunley, Caty C. Hunley, Ambrose Hunley, John Hunley, Richard T. Hunley and Sarah M. Hunley his only children. These papers also contain several maps. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 42, item 42-I-14.]
On 16 November 1818, a deed of trust was executed between Peter Campbell of the first part, Robert G. Haile of the second part, and Elizabeth Hundley of the third part. Whereas Ambrose Hundley died intestate, leaving land adjacent to that of Robert G. Haile, Miss Catharine Dix and others, and whereas Peter Campbell hath married Molly, daughter of Ambrose and is entitled to 110 of the land, Peter Campbell desires to sell his 110 acre share of the land, but his wife is under the age of 21. Elizabeth Hundley agrees to buy the 110 acres for $660 if Peter Campbell conveys in trust negro slaves to Robert G. Haile until Molly arrives at legal age. Signed Peter Campbell, Ro. G. Haile, Elizabeth Hundley. No witnesses. Ordered recorded 16 November 1818. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 39, pages 639–641.]
In 1820, Elizabeth Hunley was taxed for 2 blacks over the age of 12; 8 blacks over the age of 16; 6 horses, mares, colts or mules; and 1 “carr” valued at $40. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 21 August 1820, Peter Campbell and Molly his wife sold to Elizabeth Hunley. For $660, Peter and Molly sell 110 acres from the division of the estate of Ambrose Hunley, Molly being his daughter. Signed Peter Campbell and Mary Campbell. No witnesses. Ordered recorded 21 August 1820. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 40, pages 109–110.]
Know all men by these presents that I Elizabeth Hunley are held and firmly bound unto Robt. G. Haile admr. of Ambrose Hunley decd. in the just and fill sum of Three thousand three hundred and forty three dollars and twenty one cents current money of Virginia to be paid to the said Robt. G. Haile or his assigns to which payment well and truly to be made I bind myself my heirs Exors & admrs in the penal sum of six thousand six hundred and Eighty six dollars forty two cents. Sealed with my seal and dated this 25th day Octr. 1817.
The Condition of the above obligation is such that whereas Elizabeth Hunley having qualified as guardian for the infant Children of decd. husband Ambrose Hunley, and the said Robt. G. Haile has paid over to the said Elizabeth Guardian as aforesaid the said Three thousand three hundred & forty three dollars and twenty one cents being the balance found due from the said Robt. G. Haile to the Est: of the said Ambrose Hunley upon a settlement of his admn. and Whereas there may be claims against the said Estate which are unsatisfied, and the administrator is doubtful whether he may be subjected to the payment thereof and consequently the said Robt. G. Haile hath no assets in his hands of the intestate for the payment of demands which may be established against him as admr. & the said Elizabeth Hunley Guardian as aforesaid, in consideration of her having received the assets aforesaid hath agreed with the said Robt. G. Haile that she will well and truly indemnify the said Robt. G. Haile as far as the proportions of her Wards are liable as well as her own proportion: against the demands against him as admr. so far as such demands may be established. Now in case the said Elizabeth Hunley shall well and truly comply and fulfil all and each of the said agreements then the above obligation to be void otherwise to remain in full force and Virtue
Signed Elizabeth her + mark Hunley. Witness: Was. H. Purkins [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 260–261.]
On 19 June 1826, guardian accounts from 1823 to 1825 for Catharine C. Hunley, Ambrose Hunley, John H. Hunley, Richard Thomas Hunley and Sarah M. Hunley in account with Elizabeth Hunley their guardian were recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 5, pages 114–117.]
In August 1829, a deed was made from Ambrose Hunley to Elizabeth Hunley. For $155, Ambrose sold land in South Farnham Parish bounded by lands of Moses Crow, Henry H. Boughan and Sarah Hunley, being the balance of Ambrose Hunley’s lot of land which he drew in the division of the estate of his father. Signed Ambrose Hunley. Recorded 27 August 1829. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 43, page 51.]
On 18 May 1835, Elizabeth Hundley and Richard T Hundley were bound in the penalty of $3,000 for Elizabeth Hundley’s administration of the estate of John Hundley, deceased. Signed Elizabeth Hundley, Richard T Hundley. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 340–341.]
On 9 November 1835 a deed was indentured between Susan Mann, Ambrose Hundley, Joseph H. Pendleton and Sarah his wife and Warner Lewis acting as Commissioner under court order of the first part, and Richard T. Hundley of the second part. Essex County Court on 20 July 1835 pronounced a ruling in a case between Richard T. Hundley plaintiff and Elizabeth Hundley administratrix of John Hundley deceased, Emeline, Louisa, William, Hugh and Peter Campbell, infants, Mary and Thomas Wood, infants, Susan Mann, Ambrose Hundley and Joseph Pendleton and Sarah his wife, defendants. It was ordered that the adult defendants (Susan Mann, Ambrose Hundley, and Joseph H. Pendleson and Sarah his wife) make to Richard T. Hundley a deed in fee simple conveying to him the land described in this deed. Warner Lewis was appointed Commissioner to convey to Richard T. Hundley the interest and estate of the infant defendants in the same tract of land. The tract is 90 acres in Essex County that was land acquired by John Hundley deceased in the estate of his father the late Ambrose Hundley, bounded by the land of Richard T. Hundley and the dower land of Mrs. Elizabeth Hundley, widow of Ambrose. Signed by Joseph H. Pendleton, Sarah M. Pendleton, Susan D. Mann, and W. Lewis. Recorded 16 November 1835. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 45, pages 49-51.]
On 4 October 1836 a deed was made between Richard T. Haile, Elzer Fogg and Eliza T. his wife, Joseph M. Armstrong and Susan A. his wife, Maria D. Haile, James N. Haile, John S. Haile, Robert L. Haile and Bernard H. Haile, the said Richard T., Eliza F. Susan A., Maria D., James N., John S., Robert L. and Bernard H. being children of Richard T. Haile late of Essex County of the first part, and Ambrose Hundley, Richard T. Hundley, Susanna Mann, Sarah Pendleton the wife of Joseph H. Pendleton, Emaline, Louisa, William, Hugh, and Peter Campbell, children of Mary Campbell deceased, and Mary and Thomas Wood, children of Nancy Wood, deceased, and grandchildren of the said Ambrose Hundley decased of the second part. On 22 November 1805, Richard T. Haile and Judith T. his wife, the parents of the parties of the first part, had sold in trust during their lifetimes to Lewis Dix real and personal property that had been willed to Richard T. Haile by his grandfather, the land having been in trust to his grandmother Mary during her lifetime, with remainer to their son John Haile, the father of the Richard T. Haile who sold the property to Lewis Dix. There was another indenture made between Richard T. Haile and Judith T. his wife of the first part, Tandy Dix of the second part, and Ambrose Hundley of the third part, in which Ambrose Hundley paid unto the parties of the first and second part 400 pounds 10 shillings for 534 acres, it being the same land as in the first deed. Another indenture, dated 22 July 1807 and made between the same parties as in the second deed conveyed a sufficiency to Ambrose Hundley to guarantee the second deed, with conditions such that their son Richard T. Haile should receive an equivalent for his or their interest in the said land. Ambrose Hundley has since died intestate. Elizabeth Hundley received some of the land as her dower, and the residue was allotted to Ambrose Hundley, Richard T. Hundley, and John Hundley deceased, his children. In the meantime, Richard T. Hundley had purchased 68 acres of the land from his brother Ambrose in 1829. Richard T. Hundley also purchased 90 acres owned by his deceased brother John at a court ordered sale, and he then conveyed this land to Susan Mann, Joseph H. Pendleton and Sarah his wife, and Warner Lewis acting as commissioner. In this present indenture, the parties of the first part for $5 quit claim to the land. Dated 4 October 1836. Signed Richd. T Haile, E T Fogg, Joseph N Armstrong, S. A Armstrong, M. D. Haile, James N Haile, John S Haile and Robert L Haile. Witnesses: Geo Wright, Edward Wright, James Munday. Recorded 11 October 1836. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 45, pages 191–197.]
The estate of John Hundley in account with Elizabeth Hundley, administratrix, for 1836 was ordered recorded 20 March 1837. It includes a balance on the estate of $824.07, “being divided by 7 the number of legatees leaves $117.75c due each”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, page 101.]
On 15 May 1839, a deed was made between Elizabeth Hundley of Essex County of the first part, Warner Lewis of Essex County of the second part, and Ambrose Hundley of Alabama of the third part. Ambrose Hundley shall remove to the state of Virginia to take care of his mother, and in so doing will incur considerable expense. For $1 paid by Warner Lewis, Elizabeth sells to Lewis a tract of land known as Mountzion, which amounts to 421-3/4 acres, and also 1/6 of all other personal property with the understanding that she is to stay there for life, and that the land and the 1/6 of the property is then conveyed to Ambrose Hundley on her death. Signed Elizabeth her x mark Hundley, W. Lewis, Ambrose Hundley. Recorded 15 May 1839. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 46, pages 459–460.]
On 12 May 1844, Thomas Boughan and Mary his wife answered a bill of complaint exhibited against them in the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Essex County by John A. Parker. They stated that they knew nothing about the demands against Fontaine Wood for debt; that Fontaine did intermarry with Ann, a daughter of Ambrose Hunley deceased and that Ann died many years ago, long before the death of Elizabeth, widow of Ambrose; that the respondents have received an equitable portion of the estate of Elizabeth Hunley; that in 1825 Fontaine became guardian of his children Mary, one of the respondents, and Thomas Wood, with H. H. Boughan as his security, for the purpose of receiving their share of the estate of Ambrose Hunley; that such shares may have been received by Fontaine Wood; that the estate of H. H. Boughan is wholly and hopelessly insolvent. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 54, item 54-K-9.]
Birthabt 1765
Death18 Jan 1815