NameElizabeth Howerton 
Birthbef 1804
Deathabt Nov 1834
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 27 May 1824 Lewis Howerton and Elizabeth, his wife; John Boughan and Francis, his wife; John Boughton and Ann, his wife; Elizabeth Howerton; and Charles Howerton sell property to John Dunn. This property was received from their late father, Charles Howerton, who died intestate. His only children, according to the deed: Lewis Howerton, Frances Boughan, Ann Boughton, Elizabeth Howerton, Charlotte Howerton, and Heritage Howerton. All parties signed. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, page 272.]
In the name of God Amen I Elizabeth Howerton of the County of Essex and State of Virginia do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following Viz: I lend to my sister Frances Boughan Mary and her increes, together with all my property, to be used at her discretion for the benefit of her children and after her death to be equally divided among her children to wit Lucy M Boughan, Frances Ann Boughan, Charles L Boughan, Cary C Boughan, John T Boughan, Richard H Boughan and should she have more children to them and their heirs forever — I here Constitute and appoint my sister Frances Boughan executrix to this my last Will and Testament as witness my hand and seal this eighteenth day of September one thousand eight hundred and thirty four —
Elizabeth Howerton
Witnesses: Ph: Montague, Thomas Boughan, Elizabeth A Boughan. On 15 December 1834, proved by the oaths of Philip Montague and Thomas Boughan. Frances Boughan renounced her right of executrixship, whereupon on the motion of John Boughan a certificated was granted him in order to his obtaining letters of administration, in the penalty of $1,200 with Richard Shearwood his security. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 298–299.]
On 15 December 1834, John Boughan and Richard Shearwood were bound in the penalty of $1,200 for John Boughan’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of Elizabeth Howerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, page 308.]
On 1 January 1845, Richard Shearwood of the County of Essex sold to Charles L. Boughan. For $200, right and title in the estate of Elizabeth Howerton deceased and which is now in the possession of Frances Boughan. Signed Richard Shearwood. Witness: ZMP Carter. Ordered recorded 13 March 1845. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, page 361.]