NameRichard Rowzee Boughan 
Birthbef 1780
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia; Baltimore, Maryland
A case was in chancery court beginning by 21 August 1797, with Rowzee, Catharine, Milley, Henry and Elizabeth Boughan, infants under the age of 21 years by John Boughan their next friend, plaintiffs, against Augustine Boughan, defendant. This case was continued through 1798. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 34, pages 77 and 231.]
Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, page 483: On 29 June 1801, Richard Rowzee Boughan sells land inherited from Griffing Boughan to William Waring. Richard must have been 21.
In 1808, the Firm of Pitts and Hunter brought suit against Augustine and Richard Baughan and Laurence Muse. The Baughans were in Baltimore; Pitts and Hunter had sent them large shipments of wheat. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 18, Folder N (various materials).] Augustine and his brother Richard were doing business in Baltimore by 1808, at which time they went out of business, trading as Augustine and Richard Baughan.