NameGriffing Boughan 
Birth1750, Essex County, Virginia
Deathbef 21 Apr 1795
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Griffing Boughan was listed in the 1750 will of his father Augustine Boughan as his “only son”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 71–72.]
Griffing Boughan is mentioned in a lawsuit brought by his father’s cousin John Boughan (RIN 641), which began in Williamsburg on 2 April 1751.
On 19 October 1756, Francis Waring and Isaac Scandrett bound £1,000 for Francis Waring’s guardianship of Griffing Boughan, orphan of Augustine Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 1, page 205.]
On 18 May 1773, Griffin Boughan and Mary his wife, along with Sarah Scandrett and John Chamberlayne and Caty his wife, sold 4 lots in Tappahannock for £182 to Richard Banks. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 31, pages 96–97.]
On 15 April 1782 he posted in Essex County, Virginia, the following public service claim for Revolutionary War support: Griffing Boughan 3 beefs 875# £10-18-9; 3 beefs 955# £11-18-9. He is listed on “Acct. of Grass Beeves collected by Thos. Wood Commissioner of Essex County from Sept. 9, 1781” as “Boughan, Griffin 3 £7-19-2”.
On 14 July 1786, Griffing Boughan and Mary his wife of the parish of St Anne and county of Essex sold to William Waring. For £200, a tract purchased of William Bates and Elizabeth his wife amounting to 74 acres in the Parish of St Annes. Signed Griffing Boughan. Witnesses: Hancock Lee, Thos Bridgforth, M Livingston. Ordered recorded 20 June 1791. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, pages 35 and 304.]
On 21 October 1794, Griffing Boughan of the parish of St. Anne in the County of Essex sold to Thomas Boulware and Susanna his wife of the same. For and in consideration of the natural love & affection he hath for the said Thomas Boulware & Susanna his wife, who is the daughter of the said Griffing & for & in consideration of the sum of ten shillings, gives slaves Quander, a man, Sarah, a woman, Nanny, a girl, and Isabel, a girl. Signed GBoughan. Witnesses: James Hunter, Bernard Lambeth, John Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, pages 148–149.]
“In obedience to an order of Court made the 21st day of April 1795 for me Jno Upshaw Junior Sheriff of Essex County, to take in my posssession the Estate of Griffing Boughan decd and proceed therewith according to Law and Sell as much of the Property as the payment of debts at twelve months credit the Inventory and and account of Sales are as follows”. Inventory and account of the sales of the estate ordered to be recorded on 20 Feby 1797. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 294.]
BirthEssex County, Virginia
Deathabt 1799