NameAugustin Boughan 
Birthbef 1776
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Baltimore, Maryland
On 5 August 1796, John Boughan of the County of Essex and Parish of St Anne sold to Augustin Boughan. For £135 current money of Virginia, an undevided twelfth part of a tract of Land belonging to the estate of Griffing Boughan bordering the lands of Colo Wm Waring Senr, Capt Wm Waring Junr, Richard Vawter and the estate of Thos Bridgforth deceased. Signed John Boughan. Witnesses: Thos Hill, Thomas Boulware, Ro. Hill. Ordered recorded 19 September 1796. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, pages 333–334.]
On 5 August 1796, Thomas and Susanna Boulware sold property to Augustin Boughan. Augustin must have been of legal age.
On 15 May 1797 Sally Baughan, Ann R. Boughan and Molly Baughan of St. Anne Parish sold to Augustine Boughan of the town of Fredericksburg a tract of 81 acres belonging to the estate of Griffing Boughan, deceased.
A deed of 4 September 1797 mentions Augustin Boughan and his wife Eleanor. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, page 420.]
A deed of 4 September 1797 mentions Augustin Boughan and his wife Eleanor, and states that he is the son of Griffing Boughan, deceased. Augustin is of Fredericksburg, Virginia. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, page 438.]
A case was in chancery court beginning by 21 August 1797, with Rowzee, Catharine, Milley, Henry and Elizabeth Boughan, infants under the age of 21 years by John Boughan their next friend, plaintiffs, against Augustine Boughan, defendant. This case was continued through 1798. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 34, pages 77 and 231.]
In 1808, the Firm of Pitts and Hunter brought suit against Augustine and Richard Baughan and Laurence Muse. The Baughans were in Baltimore; Pitts and Hunter had sent them large shipments of wheat. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 18, Folder N (various materials).] Augustine and his brother Richard were doing business in Baltimore by 1808, at which time they went out of business, trading as Augustine and Richard Baughan.
Birthabt 1778
Death21 Jun 1805