NameFrances Elizabeth Boughan 
Birthbef 1788
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Elizabeth Boughan is mentioned in the 1787 will of her aunt Ann Garnett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, page 135.]
A case was in chancery court beginning by 21 August 1797, with Rowzee, Catharine, Milley, Henry and Elizabeth Boughan, infants under the age of 21 years by John Boughan their next friend, plaintiffs, against Augustine Boughan, defendant. This case was continued through 1798. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 34, pages 77 and 231.]
On 12 June 1808, Frances Elizabeth Boughan of the County of Essex sold to William Waring junr of the same. For £137, a tract adjoining land of William Waring junr and the estate of Thomas Bridgforth decd allotted to Frances in the division of the lands of her father Griffing Boughan. Signed F. E. Boughan. Witnesses: C S Chilton, Thos E Dix, Winter Bray, R. P. Banks, Wm Banks, H. H. Boughan. Ordered recorded 19 December 1808. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 37, pages 420–421.]
On 19 December 1808, James Allen Junr and Henry H. Boughan were bound for the marriage of James Allen and Frances E. Boughan. Her consent signed by her the same date. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]
Marriageabt 19 Dec 1808, Essex County, Virginia