NameAugustine Ley 
Birthbef 1691
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Augustine Ley was mentioned in the 19 December 1709 will of his grandmother, Dorothy Henry, proved on 10 January 1709/10. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed & Will Book 13, pages 271–272.]
To the Honble: Alexander Spotswood her Majesties Lieutenant Governor of Virginia
John Boughan & Susanna his Wife Thomas Lee and Augustine Lee of the County of Essex most humbly
That by Inquisition taken the tenth day of March in the year 1708 a Trace of Land conteining six hundred twenty seven Acres & six Perches being in the sd County was found to Escheate to her most Sacrd Majestie from Daniel Henry late of the sd County deced
That Dorothy Henry Relict of the sd Daniell did at her own Charge obteine a Warrant for the sd Inquisition & procured the Same to be Executed And Conceiveing She had an Equitable right to the sd Land did Devise three hundred acres part of the sd Land to Your Petr. Susanna her Grandchild & the residue to Your Petrs. Thomas & Augustine her Grandchildren & soon after departed this Life
That due Publication hath been made of the sd Inquisition And the Petition of Thomas Todd to traverse the Same hath been Dismissed by the Honble. the Generall Court
That the Petition of Peter Ranson & his Wife for part of the sd Land hath been heard before the sd Court & the most Equitable right to a Grant of the sd Land Adjudged to be in Your Petrs. as by Certificat thereof hereto Annexed may appeare
Wherefore Your Petrs. humbly pray Your Honour will be pleased to Grant a Patent for the said Land to them & their heirs for ever
And Your Petrs. shall ever Pray &c
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]
At a Genrll: Court held at the Capitol April the 20th 1711 —
John Boughan & Susannah his wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee all of Essex County by their petition praying a Grant of 627 Acres & 16 perches of Land lying in the Said County found to Escheat from Daniel Henry decd to be made to them in proportion as Divided by the Will of Dorothy the Widdow of the Said Decd and Peter Ransone & his wife one of the Daughters of the said Dorothy by their petition Setting forth that they Conceived they have Equall Right to the said Land with the said Boughan &c: and Thom[illegible — paper torn] by his petition haveing prayed to be Admitted to [Traverse?] the [illegible — torn] finding the Said Land to Escheat but he not appearing Now [illegible — paper torn] petition is Dismist And the Governor being pleased to Referr the Cond[illegible — paper torn] of the other Two petitions to this Court on hearing the Said Will Read Together with the Arguments of the Several petitions that Appeared It is ye Oppinion of the Court that the said Boughan & his said wife Thomas Lee & Augustine Lee have the Most Equitable Right to a Grant of ye sd Land According to the Will of the said Dorothy wch: is hereby Certifyed to her Majties: Lieut: Governor & Commander in Cheif of this Dominion in order to their obtaining a patent for the said Land
Copia Test C C Thacker CGC
[Loose Paper, Library of Virginia]
On 2 May 1713, “John Boughan & Susannah, his wife, Thomas Lee, & Augustine Lee,” 627 A., 16 P., (esch. L.), Essex Co. “By inquisition taken at the Courthouse, 10 Mar. 1708, by John Lewis, Esqr., Eschr., sd. land found to escheat from Daniel Henry, dec’d; granted to the abovementioned, according to the will of Dorothy Henry.” Augustine must have been of legal age by 1713.
On 7 September 1719, John Boughan, with Augt. Ley and Jeremiah Bizwell, made an inventory of the estate of Semuel Henshaw. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 118–19, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
The will of Augustine Ley of the parish of St. Anns and County of Essex was dated 23 January 1719. Very sick and weak. To loveing wife ffrances Ley, one half of land during her life. Then land to go to son Thomas, not yet 18. If he dies without heirs, land is to go to cozn Augustine Boughan. Executors to be wife ffrances and “brother in Law John Boughan”. Signed Augustine Ley. Witnesses: Jasper Coston, Jeremiah Biswell, Wm his W mark Spiers. Proved on 17 May 1720 by Jasper Coston and Jeremiah Biswell. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 146–147.]
On 21 June 1720, an inventory of the estate of Augustine Ley was returned to court. Total valuation £116.13.4, including 3 negroes valued at £60. Signed by Frances Ley. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 165–166, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]