NameThomas Boughan 
Birth22 Feb 1799
Deathabt Dec 1827
ResidenceEssex and Buckingham Counties, Virginia
“Thomas Boughan was born the 22 day of February 1799” [Boughan family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24166]
The estate of Major Boughan Senior, deceased, in account with Caston Boughan, administrator for the period 1813 to 1818 was settled on 21 January 1817 by Was. H. Purkins, Carter Croxton, and James Croxton jr and returned to court of 18 May 1819. Includes 1811 and 1812 payments for tuition for Thos. Boughan; June 1818 “paid Caty Griggs Alias Banks to relinquish her right in land recovered by her mother, which land had been sold by Boughans to Bray and had been warranted by said Boughans”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 43–44.]
An undated petition by orators and oratrices Gabriel, Mary, Elizabeth, Lucy, John and Major Boughan and Thos St John & Cary his wife & Catharine & Thos Boughan infants under 21 by John Boughan their next friend states that Major Boughan died in 1812 seized of several tracts of land & a water grist mill & slaves Sam, Ben, Bob, Dick, Latane, Cork, Braxton, Iverson, Tom, Hannah, Phillis, Polly, Delphy, Winney, Keziah, Teley & Rachel, leaving your oratrors and oratrices (except Thomas St. John) and Caston Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 27, item 27-G-47.]
On 18 January 1813, the Court of Essex County ordered the slaves of the estate of Major Boughan divided into ten parts (or to be sold if necessary and the proceeds divided into ten parts) equally to Gabriel Boughan, Mary Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan, John Boughan, Major Boughan, Thomas St. John and Cary his wife, Catharine Boughan and Thomas Boughan (both infants), and Caston Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 27, item 27-G-46.] As a result of the order, Thomas Boughan received a slave Bob and received a balance of £17 from Thomas St. John and £1 from Lucy Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 27, item 27-G-43.]
On 18 January 1813 John Boughan and Charles Howerton were appointed guardians of Catharine Boughan and Thomas Boughan, orphans of Major Boughan, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 4, page 37.]
On 18 June 1817, pursuant to a decree in chancery court dated 18 January 1813, a division of the slaves belonging to the estate of Major Boughan was made by L. Booker, Carter Croxton, and James Montague, with equal distribution to Gabriel Boughan (slaves Latane and Hannah), Mary Boughan (slaves Cork and Taley), Elizabeth Boughan (slaves Delphy and Ben), Lucy Boughan (slaves Polly and Winny), John Boughan (slaves Tom and Kesiah), Major Boughan (slave Dick), Thomas St. John & Cary his wife (slaves Iverson and Philles), Catharine Boughan (slave Sam), Thomas Boughan (slave Bob), and Casten Boughan (slaves Braxton and Rachel). [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 426–427.]
On 19 [? date partly erased in source] June 1817, a final decree was handed down in a chancery court case. Plaintiffs were Gabriel, Mary, Elizabeth, Lucy, John and Major Boughan, Thos. St. John and Cary his wife, and Catharine and Thos. Boughan infants under the age of 21 by John Boughan their next friend, against Caston Boughan administrator etc. of Major Boughan deceased and in his own right. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, page 491.]
In about 1818, orators and oratrices Caston Boughan, Gabriel Boughan, Mary Boughan, Elizabeth M. Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Catharine Boughan and Thomas Boughan an infant under 21 by Caston Boughan his next friend complained to the Essex County Chancery Court that Major Boughan died intestate seised of a tract of land containing about 336 acres leaving your orators and oratrices and Cary C. Boughan who intermarried with one Thos St John and who has since died without leaving issue and Major James Boughan who has also since died and another son John Boughan. That the said tract be divided and that John Boughan be made defendant in the suit. On 21 September 1818, the court decreed that Robt G Haile, Henry H Boughan, Wm T Upshaw, Wm A Garnett, Washington H Purkins and Graves Burke or any three of them were to divide the lands among the eight heirs. On 15 February 1819, Thomas St. John filed for leave to file a bill of review in this case. On 19 April 1831 the decree was made final. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-27.]
In 1820, Thomas Boughan was taxed for one white male above the age 16 and one black over the age of 16. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 18 September 1820, John Armstrong and Sarah his wife who was Sarah Purkins, and Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife who was Catharine Boughan, all of the County of Essex, for the purpose of conveyance of their interest in a certain Tract of Land in the county of Buckingham, which Land the late Henry Purkins died possessed, appoint Thomas Boughan and John P. Armstrong their true and lawful attorneys. Signed John Armstrong, Sarah Armstrong, Josiah Minter, Catharine Minter. Witnesses: George his + mark Davis, John T Purkins, James his + mark Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 40, pages 145–146.]
Thomas Boughan married Matilda Gordon on 9 January 1822 in Essex County, Virginia. She was 21. Both were single. The bondsmen were Thomas Boughan and Richard Shearwood. The witness and clerk was J. P. Deriuex. Source: Essex County, Virginia, marriage register book 1, page 96, entry 51.
On 21 February 1822, Thomas Boughan, Josiah Minter, Thomas Shearwood, Richard Shearwood and John Boughan were bound $6,000 for Thomas Boughan’s administration of the estate of Vincent Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 270.]
On 21 May 1822, Josiah Minter, Thos Boughan, Caston Boughan and Thomas Shearwood were bound $5,000 for Josiah Minter’s executorship of the will of Thomas Dennett. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 294–295.]
On 19 March 1823, Thomas Boughan and Josiah Minter were bound in the penalty of $500 for Thomas Boughan’s administration of the estate of Matilda Gordon, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 360.]
On 19 March 1823, Thomas Boughan was bound $500 for his administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Matilda Boughan deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 44, page 306.]
A loose paper from about 1823 from St. John vs. Boughan, marked “notes for plts” states that Major Boughan died in 1811. Defendants “admit that Major Boughan died intestate about the __ day of Augt 1812”. That “the plt T. St John married Cary B. [sic] after the decease of her father some time about the close of 1812. That she lived only until the __ day of Octr 1813. [The above also in 46-F-31.] Answer of the defendants dated 22 April 1824 signed by John Boughan, Thomas Boughan, Josiah Minter, Catharin [sic] Minter, Mary Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan. [All very literate, nice looking signatures.] [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-F-63.]
On 19 January 1824, Thomas Boughan, Jno Boughan and Josiah Minter were bound $2,000 for Thomas Boughan’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Caston Boughan deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 11–12.]
On 24 July 1824, Brooking Jeffries and Patsy his wife sold to Thomas Boughan. For $50, 22 acres bordering Dabney Dunn, James Row, Innis and Nancy Crow. This was land of Wm Crow Senr decd, and Patsy was his daughter. Signed Brooking his x mark Jeffries, Patsy her x mark Jeffries. Ordered recorded 25 July 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, page 259.]
On 1 August 1825 Thomas Boughan was appointed administrator of the estate of Major James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 45, page 331.]
On 15 August 1825, Thomas Boughan and Josiah Minter were bound $3,600 for Thomas Boughan’s administration de bonis non of the goods chattles and credits of Major James Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 20, pages 223–224.]
On 7 December 1825, Thomas Boughan of Essex County “but going to move to the Western Cuntry” appointed Josiah Minter his attorney in Essex and King and Queen Counties. Signed Thos Boughan. Witnesses: Horace Shearwood, Richard Shearwood, Wm B Matthews, Zach: N Crittenden Jr. Ordered recorded 19 December 1825. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, pages 448–449.]
In about 1827, Henry C. Boughan an infant by Thomas Boughan his father a next friend complained to the Essex County Chancery Court that Alfred Gordon died in 1826 an infant without issue, leaving your orator who is the only child of Matilda Boughan a deceased sister and Robert Gordon a brother his only heirs at law. That Alfred died seised of a tract of land of about 280 acres that would if divided be worth more than $300 to each heir. He therefore requests division of the land. The answer of Robert Gordon by Philip Montague his guardian assents to the division. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-H-22.]
On 21 March 1827, in chancery was Henry C. Boughan an infant by Thomas Boughan his father and next friend, plt, against Robert Gordon an infant by Philip Montague assigned Guardian to him by the court, defendant. To divide the land of Alfred Gordon. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 46, page 89.]
In 1827 or 1828, Thomas Boughan purchased land in Buckingham County, Virginia. The purchase, of 38 acres on the Appomattox River, was from the estate of John F. Ransome, sold by commissioners. He subsequently purchased 30 acres on the Appomattox from Johnathon Ransome and 41 acres on the Appomattox from A. Ransome and wife. [Buckingham County Virginia Records, Land Tax Summaries & Implied Deeds, 1815–1840, volume 2, edited by Roger G. Ward, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, Georgia, 1994, page 41.]
The will of Thomas Boughan was dated 4 December 1827: I Thomas Boughan of the county of Buckingham & state of Va being weak in body but of sound mind & memory, do make and declare this my last will and testament, revoking all other wills or codicils heretofore by me made. Item 1st It is my will and desire that my dear beloved wife Marina [sic] Boughan with her mother shall enjoy my estate during her life or widowhood the estate to be kept together for their support and my children; my children I wished liberally educated, or as much so as will be prudent for the estate. Item 2nd When my son Henry Castin Boughan becomes of Lawful age it is my will he shall receive one negro man or boy and one negro girl of the property I received by his mother, and at the death of my wife Marinda [sic] for him my said son Henry Castin Boughan to heir the whole estate I received by his mother my former wife. Item 3rd It is my will and desire that my son John Thomas Boughan when he becomes of lawful age to receive one negro man or boy one negro girl equal in value with my son Henry Castin, when he arrives at lawful age, also at the death of my beloved wife my will and desire is that he shall heir all the estate I received by her & her father in his life time, also three hundred & fifty dollars in cash in lieu of a negro girl I sold which I received by his mother. Item 4th It is my will & desire that the property not before will to be equally divided between my two children at the death of my wife, or in case my wife should die before her mother, I wish my mother in law, to remain in possession of the property for her support and my children and at her death the property to be equally divided between them. Item 5th In case my wife Marinda should think proper to marry at any time in that case she is to receive one third of my estate as the law requires her. Item 6th There may be land in market adjoining my land in that case my executors shall have power to purchase for the benefit of the estate if they may think proper. Codicil The increase of slaves by each of my wives from the time I married them to be equally divided between my two sons as before named at the time of the death of my wife, or should my mother in law survive my wife then at the death of her. I do appoint my neighbours William Ransone & R J Gillispie my executors to this my last will & testament In witness whereof I set my hand & seal this 4th December 1827. Signed Thos Boughan (Seal). Witnesses: Jonathan Ranson, Pleasant Hubbard. At a court held for Buckingham county the 10th day of March 1828. This will was proved by the oaths of the subscribing witnesses thereto & sworn to by William Ransone one of the executors therein named & ordered to be recorded. And on the motion of the said executor who entered into and acknowledged bond with security according to Law, certificate is granted him for obtaining a probat [sic] thereof in due form. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-24; Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-F-57.]
In 1828, a case was brought to the Essex County chancery court between John Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan Josiah Minter and Catharine his wife Marinda Boughan and John Thomas Boughan an infant by the said Marinda his mother & next friend and Henry C. Boughan an infant by Josiah Minter his next friend, plantiffs, against Gabriel Boughan. The plaintiffs complained that Mary Boughan had died intestate and without issue in 1827, seized of a small tract of land of 55 acres in the county, leaving orators John Boughan, Elizabeth Boughan and Gabriel Boughan her only brothers and sisters of the whole blood, and oratrix Catharine Minter only sister of the half blood, and Henry and John Thomas Boughan children of Thomas Boughan, who died in 1827 after Mary, a brother of the half blood. The will of Thomas Boughan filed as an exhibit. The plaintiffs request that the land of Mary Boughan deceased be sold at auction to the higest bidder. The answer of Gabriel Boughan to the bill agrees with the allegations. The court decreed on 16 June 1828 that “her land is of so little value” and would be worth less than $300 if divided, that it is ordered to be auctioned. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 37, item 37-I-25; Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 46, pages 374–375.]
On 17 February 1830, Buckingham County To wit this day Frances J. Janey personally appeared before me a Justice of the peace for the County aforesaid & made oath that he deliverd a true copy of the within notice to William Ransome executor of Thomas Boughan decd. That he left a copy at the dwelling House of Marinda Boughn widow of Tho Boughan decd. Given under my hand and seal this 17 Feby 1830. Signed: Chs McKinney seal. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 46, item 46-F-25.]
The estate of Cary Turner in account with Thomas Purkins, executor, from 1825 to 1830, and the estate of John Turner, deceased, in account with Thomas Purkins, administrator, from 1826 to 1830 were ordered recorded 18 April 1831. Includes from Cary’s estate 1/9 share payments ($41.72) to distributees in November 1830: Mary Boughan’s administrator, Elizabeth Boughan, Lucy Boughan, Gabriel Boughan, John Boughan, James Croxton for Sally Crow’s part who was Sally Boughan, W.H. Purkins administrator of Thomas Boughan, ditto the administrator of Josiah Minter who married Caty Boughan; and the heirs of James Boughan (1/4 of 1/9 or $10.43): James Boughan, Mary Boughan, Benjamin Boughan, and Austin Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 270–274.]
Thomas Boughan is listed as deceased in a deed dated 11 January 1831. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 43, page 327.]
In 1839, Malinda Gordon purchased 38 acres adjacent to Robert J. Gillespie from the estate of Thomas Boughan. [Buckingham County Virginia Records, Land Tax Summaries & Implied Deeds, 1815–1840, volume 2, edited by Roger G. Ward, Iberian Publishing Company, Athens, Georgia, 1994, pages 41 and 129.]
On 17 January 1854, Henry C Boughan and Mary A his wife and John T Boughan and Sarah E his wife, all of the County of Buckingham and State of Virginia, sold to William R G Trible of the County of Essex and State of Virginia. For $173.19, they conveyed land in the County of Essex by survey 21-1/4 acres, more or less, bordering the land of Sam Greenwood and Moody Greenwood, it being the same land bought by Thomas Boughan of Brooking Jeffries which was allotted to the said Jeffries in right of his wife who was Patsy Crow, daughter of William Crow deceased. Signed Henry C Boughan, Mary A Boughan, John T Boughan, Sarah E Boughan. Ordered recorded 18 September 1854. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 50, pages 606–608.]
Deathabt 18 Mar 1823
Marriageabt 9 Jan 1822, Essex County, Virginia
Birthabt 1805, Buckingham County, Virginia