NameJoseph Baker 
On 14 November 1706, Joseph Baker witnessed the will of John Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 328.]
On 3 December 1716, Jos: Baker witnessed the will of Joseph Reeves. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, pages 75–76.]
The estate account for Coll. Francis Gouldman for 1716–1717 lists payment(s) to Joseph Baker. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 114–116, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 13 January 1717/1718, Joseph Baker, along with Wm. Johnson and John Charmberlain, appraised the estate of Richd. Price. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories, and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 20–21, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
In June 1719, Jos. Baker signed the inventory of Henry Prescott (Prescoat). The inventory was made 4 June and returned to court of 18 June. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 101–102, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 17 November 1719, Charles Shackelford of Southfarnham Parish, Essex County, orphan boy aged 14, bound himself to Joseph Baker of the same. To learn the trade of shoemaker until 21 years. Signed Jos. Baker, Charles his x mark Shackelford. Witness: Richd. Tunstall. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 129–130, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
The will of Joseph Baker is dated 20 September 1720: In the name of god Amen the Twentieth day of September in the year of our Lord God Seventeen hundred & Twenty, I Joseph Baker of Southfarnham parish in the County of Essex Merchant being sick and week in body but of good & perfect memory thanks be to almighty God & calling to rememberance the uncertain Estate of this transitory Life & that all Flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call doe make Constitute ordain & declare this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following revokeing & annulling by these presents all & every Testament & Testaments will & Wills heretofore by me made & declared either by word or by writing & this to be taken only for my last Will & Testamt and none other, And first being penitent & sorry from the bottom of my heart for my Sins past most humbly desireing Forgiveness for the same, I Give & Comitt my Soul unto Almighty God my Saviour & Redeamer in whom & by the Merrits of Jesus Christ I trust & believe assuredly to be saved & to have full remission & forgiveness of all my Sins and that my Soul with my body at the Generall day of the Resurrection shall arise again with joy and through the merrits of Christs Death & passion possess & inherit the Kingdom of Heaven prepared for his Elect & Chosen & my body to be buryed in such decent & Christian manner as to the discretion of my Executors hereafter named shall seem meet & Convenient & now for the Settling of my Temporal Estates & such Goods Chattels & Debts as it hath pleased God far above my desarts[?] to bestow upon me, I do order give & dispose the same in manner & form following that is to say, ffirst I will that all those Debts & Dutys as I owe in right or Conscience to any manner of person or persons wtsoever shall be well & truely contented & paid or ordained to be paid within convenient time after me deceased by my Executors hereafter named. Item I Give & bequeath unto & for the only use of the upper Church of Southfarnham parish one Silver Salver of five pounds Sterling price to be purchased & delivered within two years after my deceased, Item I Give & bequeath unto George Treble all the Tobacco he oweth & standeth indebted unto me on his property account & to his heirs for ever, Item I Give & bequeath unto Thomas Boarn one half of the Tobacco he now stands justly indebted unto me & to his heirs for ever; Item I Give & bequeath unto Thoms Dix the Widow Olive & the Widow Acres half the Sums & quantitys of Tobacco that each of them standeth justly indebted unto me & to their heirs for ever, Item I Give & bequeath unto Peter Godfrey for his Care & Trouble of me all the Medicines I have now sent for to England and my best Saddle & bridle, Item I Give & bequeath unto John the Son of Peter & Elizabeth Godfrey the Sum of Ten pounds Sterlg to be paid unto him his Guardian or Trustees within twelve months after the decease of my beloved wife Amy to him & his heirs for ever & to no other use intent or purpose whatsoever, Item I Give & bequeath unto Elizabeth Bradbourn the sum of Two hundred pounds of Tobo or Value thereof to be paid unto her in Goods. Item I Give & bequeath unto my Sister Ann White the full & just Sum of Twenty thousand pounds of good Merchantable Tobo to be Shipt on the proper account & risque of her and her Husband Richard White liveing in London in hoggsheads of Seven hundred & fifty or Eight hundred neat and consigned to whom they shall appoint which Tobo my Will & desire is shall be in Full Satisfaction to what Goods & Effects I have of theirs in my hands at this time which sd Tobacco my Will & desire is shall be Shipped them as soon as conveniently may or can but within three years after my decease at farthest to the use of them the said Richard & Anne his wife their heirs & assigns for ever I also give & bequeath unto my sd Sister Anne and her Husband Richard White alle the moneys & Effects they have in their hands of mine to them & their heirs for ever. Item I give & bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth Hart the full & just Sum of Twenty Thousand pounds of good Merchantable Tobacco to be shipt on her proper account & risque in hogsheads of Seven hundred & fifty or Eight hundred neat & consigned to whom she shall appoint which Tobo my will & desire is shall be shipped unto her as soon as conveniently may or can but wthin three years after my decease at farthest and my will & desire is that a true & just copy of this my will be sent & transmitted unto both my said Sisters by the first opportunity after my decease my sd Sister Anne liveing in Cow Lane in West Smithfield London wth Richard White a Coach[?] maker and my Sister Elizabeth liveing wth him. Item I Give & bequeath unto my Godson Joseph Gatewood his heirs & assigns for ever my negro man called Tom to be delivered unto his Guardian or Trustees in behalf to him & his heirs for ever to be delivered him or those un trust for him after my wifes decease, Item I Give & bequeath unto Wm Gatewood two Cows & Calves my intent & meaning is Wm the Son of John Gatewood deceased, Item I give & bequeath unto John ffarguson one Gold Ring of the Value & Cost of Twenty Shillings Item I Give & bequeath unto Henry Gatewood one new Suit of Drugt Cloaths, Item I Give & Bequeath unto James Gatewood my Son in Law all the Land & plantation I bought of Thomas Wheeler to him & his heirs & assigns for ever yet so as he shall not debarr molest or incomode his mother from fending useing or occupying any part or parcell of the sd Land during the Term of her natural Life Item I Give & bequeath unto all the rest of my wife Children not herein before mentioned to each of them a Gold Ring of the Value & Cost of Twenty Shillings. Item I Give & bequeath unto Thomas Bell one half of the Tobacco he now justly standeth indebted unto me to him & his heirs for ever. Item I Give & bequeath unto Anthony North my best Suit of wareing apparell to him & his heirs &c. Item I Give & bequeath unto my beloved wife all the rest residue & remaindr of my Estate reall & prsonall not herein before bequeathed to the use of the sd Amy her heirs & assigns for ever. Item my Will & desire is that William Allen receive & mark all the Tobacco shipt home for the use of my Sisters aforenamed, And Lastly I do hereby Constitute ordain & appoint my beloved wife Amy aforsd & John Gatewood my whole & Sole Executors of this my Last Will & Testament but in case my wife dies before this my sd Will is fullfilled & complyed with I do hereby further nominate & appoint Mr William Johnson an Executr with the sd John Gatewood. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & Seal the day & year first above written. [Signed] Joseph Baker
Signed Sealed Delivered & acknoweldged in prsence of Pr Godfrey, Anthony North, John Alt
At a Court held for Essex County on Tuesday the 15th day of November 1720. This Will was presented in Court by Amy Baker Exex within named who made oath thereto & being farther proved by the oaths of Anthony North & John Alt witnesses thereto is admitted to record. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 220–223.]
The inventory of the estate of Joseph Baker was made 28 December 1720 by William Greenhill, Samll. Wagoner, and Jas. Griffing. Total valuation £452.2.7, including three Negroes valued at £70 and one servant man named Charles Shackleford valued at £5. Signed by Amey her x mark Baker. Returned on 21 February 1720. The first portion of the inventory is missing. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 230–234, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]