NameMoses Baughan 
Birth9 Feb 1783, Culpeper County, Virginia
Death9 Mar 1865, Fayette County, Ohio
“Memorandum of a Bargain and Sale made and entered into this fourth day of April one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven between Moses Baughan of the County of Shenandoah and State of Virginia of the one part, and Daniel Snyder of the County of Culpeper and of Virginia of the other part. Witnesseth that the said Moses Baughan hath bargained, sold and conveyed unto the said Daniel Snyder all of the right, title, interest and claims whatsoever he the said Moses Baughan may have in and to the Estate of his father Mordecai Baughan deceased both real and personal which now is, or may hereafter be and also all right, title, interest and claim I now have and may have in the estate of my mother Eve Baughan at her death …” Signed Moses Boughan. Witnesses: John Smither, Daniel Mason, Joel Baughan, Job Popham. [Culpeper County, Virginia, Chancery Papers 1839-004.]
Birth17 Feb 1797
Death20 Feb 1875