NameMordecai Boughan 
Birthbef 1744
Deathabt Aug 1792
In the name of God, Amen. I Mordecai Baughan in the County of Culpeper being of sound mind and Memory do make and ordain this my las [sic] Will and testament. I recommend my soul to God that gave it me trusting tho’ the merits of my Dear Redeemer to be made partaker of everlasting life and happiness.
And as for my temporal estate I give and bequeath it the following manner.
Item I lend to my beloved wife Eve Baughan during her natural life or windowhood, my house and Land, all my stocks of Horses, Cattle, Hogs & Sheep with every property that I possess. But if my wife should marry again then I lend her the third part of my estate during her life.
Item After my wife Eve Baughans decease I give to my children to wit Henry Baughan Sarah Baughan, Susanna Baughan, Lystra Baughan, Jeremiah Baughan, Mordecai Baughan, Moses Baughan and Catharine Baughan, Simeon Baughan Joel Baughan & if my wife Eve Baughan should be delivered of a child within nine months after my decase [sic] then that with the rest of my children above named, I give the whole of estate of lands stocks and all my property to be divided between them & their heirs forever equally.
Item I leave my beloved wife Eve Baughan Executrix and John Brown Exor of this my last Will and testament revoking and disallowing all former Wills, and bequests before made, and only this to be my land Will and Testament. In Witness where I have set my hand and seal this 19th day of June 1792.
Mordecai Baughan
Witnesses: Vincent Baughan, William Wall, James Davis.
Proved 17 September 1792.
[Culpeper County, Virginia, Chancery Papers 1839-004.]
“To the Worshippful Court of Culpeper County sitting in Chancery Humbly complaining sheweth to the Court your orators & oratrices Henry Baughan & Elizabeth his wife, Mordecai Baughan & Molly his [sic], Moses Baughan & Sarah his wife, Simeon Baughan & Lucy his wife Nancy who intermarried with Caleb W[illegible] the last now dead, Henry Aylor, William Aylor L[illegible], James Aylor, Lucy Powell who was Lucy Aylor & who married Hezekiah Powell absent for sometime & not heard from, children of Michael Aylor & Sarah his wife who was Sarah Baughan both said Michael & Sarah being now dead & leaving heirs & distrubutees as recited. Lystra Baughan who intermarried with Margaret [illegible] his wife. Lystra has departed this life leaving Berryman Baughan & Margaret his wife James who married [illegible], John Baughan his wife [illegible] Joseph Henry Baughan & [illegible] Jas Baughan, Sarah Baughan [illegible] & Lystra children of Lystra & [illegible] [illegible] of Lystra Baughan decd. Jeremiah Baughan & Catharine Baughan that they are devisees heirs at law & distributees of Mordecai Baughan the elder who departed this life about the year 1792 testate devising his estate as is seen in the exhibit marked A. being his will and the parties bear the same relation to Eve Baughan his widow who is now dead, and that Robert Jones who intermarried with [illegible] Baughan is now admor de bonis non with the will annexed of Morda. Baughan & is also admor with the will annexed of Eve Baughan decd. that said M. Baughan directed by his last will & testament part or parts of his lands & personal estate to his wife said Eve Baughan for life & afterwards in equal portions to his children above recited or to their heirs; that the heirs are rightly set forth above. that Eve Baughan left property also to be divided among the same, that the Lands are not of much value & less than of 300$ to each heir or devisee that it is [illegible] of division to the interest of the parties, and that as a part of the devisees or heirs to the devisees reside in non slave holding states, it becomes the intent of all that both the Lands & Slaves be sold & the proceeds of Sales divied according to the wish of the Testator & testatrix among their common heirs & distributees. They further represent that Saml Snyder has acquired on his life time an interest in the said estate by purchase of Moses Baughan, that he has since departed this life leaving Gerard Popham his Executor. Who is it prayed with Robert Jones & Suzannah his wife be made defts. hereto …” [Culpeper County, Virginia, Chancery Papers 1839-004.]
ChildrenHenry (1772-1854)