NameHenry Boughan 
Birthbef 1711
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 17 May 1731, Francis Brown of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex sold to Henry Boughan junior of the same. For 1,000 pounds of tobacco and cask, 50 acres more or less bordering Henry Brown’s bridge, Thomas Wood’s old field now belonging to John Croxton, and ffrancis Brown. Signed Francis Brown. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, John Boughan, Henry his H mark Brown. Recorded 18 May 1731. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 200–201.]
Henry Boughan was mentioned in the 13 September 1733 will of his godfather Henry Brown. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 232–234.]
Henry Boughan was mentioned in the 20 January 1731 will of his father Henry Boughan, which was proved on 16 May 1738. Henry was to receive a young horse about three years old and was to serve as an executor of the will with his brother James and his father’s wife Sarah. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 121–122.]
On 18 May 1747, Daniel Dobyns of the Parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex sold to Henry Boughan of the same, for £20 current money, a parcel of 100 acres more or less. Signed Daniel Dobyns. Witnesses: Thos Barker, Eliza her E mark Cole, Robt Cole. Recorded 19 May 1747. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 24, pages 124–125.]
On 15 June 1751, Henry Boughan and Jane his wife of Essex County, South Farnham Parish, sold to Thomas Henry Brooke. For £11.10, Henry transfers interest in title to 50 acres in South Farnham Parish, it being land Henry Boughan purchased of Daniel Dobbyns. Dated 15 June 1751. Signed Henry Boughan, Jane her x mark Boughan. Witnesses: Wm Covington, Thos Barker, Richard Brown. Recorded 15 June 1751. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 25, pages 174–176.]
On 16 July 1751, Henry Boughan bound himself unto Thomas Henry Brooks the sum of £23 to uphold the indenture made on 15 June 1751. Signed Henry Boughan. Witnesses: Wm Covington, Hezikiah Brown, Mordecai Brown. Recorded 16 July 1751. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 25, pages 205–206.]
In 1751 through 1754, Francis Boughan was involved in an ejectment case in Essex County court that also involved Henry Boughan. The record from loose papers is too incomplete to know specifics. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 2, item 2-A-63.]
On 14 June 1754, Henry Boughan and Jane his wife of the County of Essex sold to Thomas Simco of the County of Essex. Lease and release. For 5 shillings/£12, 50 acres on Dragon Swamp. Lease dated 14 June 1754; release dated 15 June 1754. Signed Henry Boughan, Jane her x mark Boughan. Witnesses: John Paine, John Clarke, John Bush. Recorded 18 June 1754. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 4–7.]
In 1763, Francis Boughan was awarded a decision against Henry Boughan in April General Court. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 2, item 2-A-64.]
Information from Barbara Thorn.
ChildrenMordecai (Presumed) (<1744-~1792)