ResidenceEssex and Amelia Counties, Virginia
On 29 November 1755, Hezekiah Brown and Salley his wife of the County of Essex and Parish of Southfarnham sold to Samuel Croxton of the same. For four pounds five and Seven pence Currant money, a parcel in Southfarnham Parish, three Acors and three Quarters and Thirty Seven perches bordering land of William Fretwell. This tract is part of land “which Francis Brown & Christefer [sic] his wife formerly Gave to their Son Hezekiah Brown”. Dated 29 November 1755. Signed Hezekiah Brown, Salley her S mark Brown. Witnesses: John Croxton jur, Aristipus Boughan. Recorded 18 May 1756. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 201–202. Note: there are two pages numbered 201, so this deed is actually three pages: 201, 201 and 202.]
On 11 October 1756, Hezekiah Brown and Sally his wife of Amelia County sold to James Booker of Essex County and Parish of Southfarnham. For £24.15 current money, 33 acres adjoining the land of James Booker, John Croxton, Frans Baughan. Given by his father through deed of gift. Signed Hezekiah Brown. Witnesses: Richard Brown, Daniel Brown, Edward his E mark Simeo, Frances her + mark Simeo. Recorded 16 March 1757. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 284–286.]
On 25 April 1757, whereas Hezekiah Brown and Sally his wife of the County of Amelia by a certain deed of trust conveyed to James Booker 33 acres, and whereas Sally is infirm and cannot travel to state her consent, Abraham Cocke, John Winn and Thomas Gowrey Gent. of Amelia or any two of them are to go to verify her release. Reply is dated 5 May 1757, made by Abraham Cocke and John Winn. Ordered recorded 17 May 1757. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 307–308.]