NameLucy Munday 
Birthaft 1748
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Deathabt 1793
Lucy Munday was probably born after 6 December 1748, when her grandmother Mary Munday made out a will listing several grandchildren but not Lucy. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 126–127.]
On 15 February 1768, John Boughan was appointed guardian to Lucy and Elizabeth Munday, two of the orphans of James Munday deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 27, pages 45–46.]
“Major Boughan and Lucy his wife who was Lucy Monday was married the 4th March 1774” [Boughan family Bible at the Virginia State Archives, Acc. 24166]
On 19 June 1775, Major Boughan and Lucy his wife of Essex County sold to Matthew Mackhan of Essex County for £40, 58 acres of land in Essex County. This land bordered that of Nathaniel Dunn, John Boughan, Thomas Wood, and Elizabeth Munday. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 31, pages 244–245.]
Birthabt 1748
DeathAug 1812