NameThomas Munday 
Birthabt 1708
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 17 September 1729, Thomas Munday of St. Ann’s Parish, planter, in love and affection of his brother James Munday of St. Ann’s Parish gave James a piece of land or wood land, “part of a tract of land given by Thomas Munday of the aforesd pish [sic] County & Colony decd Grandfather to Thomas Munday party to these presents by his last will and Testament to Thomas Munday of the pish County and Colony aforesd decd father to the aforesd Thomas Munday party to these presents relation being thereunto had may more fully and at large appear…” Signed with the marke of Thomas T Munday. Witnesses: Salvator Muscoe, John Munday, Thomas Merritt. Recorded 16 December 1729. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pp. 83–85.]
On 20 September 1743, Thomas Munday appeared in court to certify the will of Nicholas Faulconer. He declared was at the house of the Testator, heard him acknowledge the paper to be his last will and testament but the said Munday declared he can neither write nor Read. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 41–43.]
On 20 September 1743, Sibbilla Faulkner, Nicholas Faulkner, Thomas Munday and George Strange were bound £300 sterling for Sibbilla Faulkner’s and Nicholas Faulkner’s execution of the last will and testament of Nicholas Faulkner. Signed Sibila her F mark Faulkner, Nicho Faulconer, Thos his x mark Munday, George Strag. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 41–43.]
Thomas Munday received various material property in the 1748 will of his mother Mary Munday. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 126–127.]
On 4 December 1755, a Thomas Munday cast votes for James Garnett and John Upshaw for burgesses of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 248–252.]
On 25 October 1771, Muscoe Garnett and Richard Rouzee were bound unto a Thomas Munday £6. [Essex County, Virginia, Box 201, Folder C.]