Deathabt Dec 1748
On 19 August 1707, an inventory of the good and chattles of James Reeves was taken in Essex County, Virginia in obedience of a court order of 11 August 1707. The appraisers were Robert Mills, William Grinall, and John Waggoner. Total valuation 112-14-11, plus an additional 11-13-2. “Presented by Henry Reeves, Joseph Reeves and Thomas Munday & Mary his wife late Mary Reeves Admrs of the Estate of James Reeves…” [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, pages 33–35.]
On 17 January 1718/9, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Thomas Mondy was made by John Graves, John Merritt, Robt. Elliott and John Smith, pursuant to an order of November 1718. Total valuation £22.14.9. Signed by Mary her + mark Munday. Ordered recorded 18 February 1718. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 81–82.]
On 19 May 1719, Mary Munday, administratrix of Thomas Munday returned his estate account for 1718. Payments made to James Munday. Signed by Mary Munday, administratrix. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 91–92, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 12 August 1737, Mary Munday walked property in dispute between Henry Reeves and Joseph Reeves with a jury and surveyor. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trials 1715–1741, pages 133–134.]
The will of Mary Munday was written 6 December 1748. This will contains several splotches and corrections, and doesn’t seem to have been carefully recorded. “In the name of God Amen I Mary Munday of Essex County in St Anns parrish being Sick and week of body but of Sound and perfect mind and memory do make ordain This my present last will and Testament in manner and form following Viz. Iem [sic] Give to my son James Munday my Still but my son Thos Munday to have the use of it to Still his one drink Iem I Give to my Son Thos Munday my horse Iem Give my mare big with fold between my son Thos Mundays two Sons James & Thomas Iem I Give to my Grandaughter Mary Munday the best feather bead fourneture belonging to it Iem I Give to my twoo Grandaughters Elizabeth & francis Munday Each of them a Cow. Iem I give to my Granson James Mun [sic] one Young Sear Iem I Give to my Grandaugther Ann Munday a twoo year heffer Iem I Give to Elizabeth Johnson one year old Calf Iem I Give to my Grandaughter Ursslay Strpt[?] ticking [licking?] bead and fourniture and one pid Cow and my Negro wench bes Iem I give to my Grandaughtor Kathan Munday one fore year old heffer and one horse Colt Iem I give to my Grandaughter Urslar Munday my mare and side Saddle and if Either of these my Grandchildren Should without Eare there parts to the others Iem I Give my white faced Cow to Elizabeth Gwin[?] Iem Give all my wearing Cloas to my Son James Mundays Wife only one virjene Cloath Goud to my Grandaughter francis Munday and one Strep holland Gound to Elizabeth Burn Iem my desire is that my Corn and wheet be Equally devided between my my [sic] twoo Sons Thomas & James Munday Iem my Desire is my Son James Munday may have all my Tobacco Iem I do Give to Elizabeth Burn my Lume and forniture belonging to it and Eleven Yards of Virjene Cotten and all the money that is dew from William Jones & Mrs Muscoe for weaving I do give To Elizabeth Burn Iem [sic] I do give to my Son Thos and my Cotten [sic] to be devided between my two Sons Iem I Give my part of what Yarn that is Spon to Jean Hambleton Ieam I give my old feather bead & forniture & the other part of my Yarn to Elizabeth Burn and I do make Constitute and appoint my Son James Munday Executr of this my Present last will & Teatament Revoking and Disanulling of any will or Testament by me heretofore made and This and no other to be Taking for my Last will and Testament in Testimony where of I have here unto Set my hand & Seal this Sixth Day of December 1748.” Signed Mary her M mark Munday. Witnesses: Nicho: Faulconer, Silvanus Tandy. Presented in court on 17 January 1748 by James Munday, proved by the witnesses. Certificate of executorship granted to James Munday. Ordered recorded. Clerk: John Lee. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 126–127.]
ChildrenJames (~1708-~1762)