ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Deathaft 1717
On 11 September 1700, Thomas Munday of Sittingborne Parish, Essex County, sold to Thomas Winslow of the same parish and county, a tract of 100 acres for 7 pounds 10 shillings, it being part of a tract of 200 acres that Thomas Munday had purchased on 1 August last past from James Monkesher[?] of Charles County, Maryland. On 11 September, Thomas Munday acknowledged the deed in court and his wife Sarah relinquished her dower rights. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, pages 54v-55r.]
Sarah was mentioned in the 1 August 1702 will of her husband Thomas Munday: “as for the rest of my Estate negroes goods houshold goods chattels and Implements whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my Loveing wife Sarah my Son John my son Charles my son Joseph my Daughter Hannah my daughter ffrances my daughter Mary and my Daughter Martha the same to be brought to an appraisemt and to be equally divided Amongst them”. Eldest Son Thomas Munday and Loveing wife Sarah to be executor and executrix, and they should give good security for my Childrens Estate While they shall attaine to lawfull age. Proved on 10 August 1703. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 55–59.]
In an undated petition, Martha Munday Humbly Sheweth that her father Thomas Munday late of this County decd did by his last will & Testament Give unto ye pet a Certain part or propor [illeg, one word] of his personall Estate…she has not received her portion from the executrix Sarah who was the wife of Thomas, and son Thomas. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Loose Papers, 1717–1752, No. 29400, 18 items, Ms D.]
On 17 July 1717 in Essex County court in the case of Boughan vs Munday, Thomas Munday presented an account which was recorded. “A true & perfect list of all the payts that I heave made as yet to my brothers & sisters belonging to the Estate of my hounour’d ffather—as followeth—”, showing payments:
To my mother 42.14.2
[Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 5, page 67.]
Sarah may have been Sarah Peatle, daughter of John and Elizabeth Peatle. The will of John Peatle stated “In the name of God Amen I John Peatle of ye parish of Sittingburne & County of Essex being Sick & weak of body, but of Sound & perfect mind & memory praise be there fore given to almighty god, do make & ordaine this my last will & Testament in maner & forme following (that is to say) first & principally I comend my soul into ye hands of almighty God, hopeing through ye Meritts death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my sins, also inherit everlasting Life, & my body I Comit to ye Earth to be decently buried at ye discretion of my Executrix, here after Named, and as touching ye disposition of all such temporall estate as it hath pleased almighty God to bestow upon me, I give & dispose there of as followeth First I will that my Debts & funerall Charges shall be paid & discharged Item I give unto Tho: Munday ye son of Thomas Munday my largest Stillard with Pee & Canhooks belonging to them
Item I give unto John Munday ye Son of Thomas Munday my other stillard with Pee & Canhooks belonging to them
Item I give unto Sarah Munday ye Wife of Thomas Munday a hogshead of tobacco of mine Lying att ye house of Francis James in Richmond County under my own marke
Item I give & bequeath unto ffrances Munday & Martha Munday ye Daughters of Tho: Munday equally between them a hogshead of Tobacco of mine at Mr Tho: Peires[?] in Richmond County under my own marke
Item I give unto Hanah Munday Daughter of Thomas Munday my trunck with Lock & Key
Item I give unto Charles Munday ye son of Thomas Munday my two yards & three quarters of broad Cloth now in ye house of ye sd Thomas Munday Item I give unto Joseph Munday Son of Thomas Munday my remnant of speckled Divinity also now in ye sd Tho: Mundays House
Item I give unto Thomas Munday my best Carolina hatt
Item I give unto Tho: Munday & John Munday Sons of Tho: Munday each of them two pair of shoes that are in my Chest & all my Bookes equally between them
Item all ye rest & residue of my Estate Goods & Chattles whatsoever, I do give bequeath unto Hanah Munday who I make full & Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament, and I do hereby revoke disanul & make void all former Wills & Testaments by me here to fore made, In witness where of I ye Sd John Peattle to this my last will & Testament have sett my hand & seale ye day & year aforesaid” [no such date is found] Signed ye marke of John I P Peatle. Signed Sealed & declared by Jno Peatle to be his last will & Testament in presence of Tho: Winslow, John Parker. “Prov’d by ye oathes of Thomas Winslow & Jno Parker Witnesses There to in Essex County Court ye 11th day of 7br 1700 & Admr con— with ye will annexed granted to Thomas Munday on ye sd deceds Estate dureing ye Minority of Hanah Munday his Daughter here in named, and truely recorded Teste Francis Meriwether Cl Cur” Administrative bond taken out by ThoL Munday, Tho: Gregson, and Thomas Hucklescott in the amount of 50 pounds sterling. [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds and Will Book 10, pages 53–54.]
Birthbef 1651
Deathabt Aug 1703