NameFrances Munday 
Frances Munday was mentioned in the 1 August 1702 will of her father Thomas Munday: “as for the rest of my Estate negroes goods houshold goods chattels and Implements whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my Loveing wife Sarah my Son John my son Charles my son Joseph my Daughter Hannah my daughter ffrances my daughter Mary and my Daughter Martha the same to be brought to an appraisemt and to be equally divided Amongst them”. Proved on 10 August 1703. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 55–59.]
On 17 July 1717 in Essex County court in the case of Boughan vs Munday, Thomas Munday presented an account which was recorded. “A true & perfect list of all the payts that I heave made as yet to my brothers & sisters belonging to the Estate of my hounour’d ffather—as followeth—”, Decr ye 1t 1715. To paid ffrances Crittendon 16.02.9
March ye 18th 1716. To paid ffrances Crittendon £25:16:1 moar
In all [to Frances Crittenden] 41:18.2
[Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 5, page 67.]