NameIrma S. Taylor 
Birthabt 1901, Ozeana, Essex County, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Charles L. Verlander married Irma S. Taylor on 30 November 1922 in Ozeana, Virginia. He was 23, living in Dunnsville, a farmer. She was 21, living in Ozeana. Both were born in Essex County. The parents were James A. Verlander and Susie E. Verlander, and W. B. H. Taylor and Kate Harper. [Essex County, Virginia, Marriage Register 2, p. 31.]
1940 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia
Rappahannock District, Enumeration District 29-7, Sheet 9B
Household 177, owned, valued at $1,400, on farm
Verlander, Charlie, head, male, white, 41, married, not in school, highest level of education 3 years of high school, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, lives on farm, at work the week of March 24–30, 72 hours worked that week, occupation farm, working on own account, 52 weeks employed in 1939, no other sources of income
Verlander, Irma, wife, female, white, 38, married, not in school, highest level of education 3 years of high school, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, lives on farm, not at work, engaged in housework, no other sources of income
Verlander, Smithy, son, male, white, 16, single, in school, highest level of education 1 year of high school, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, not employed, has other source of income
Verlander, Catherine, daughter, female, white, 14, single, in school, highest level of education 1 year of high school, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, not employed, has other source of income
Verlander, Ann, daugher, female, white, 11, single, in school, highest level of education 4th grade, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935
Taylor, Kate, mother-in-law, female, white, 81, widowed, not in school, highest level of education 6th grade, born in Virginia, lived in same place in 1935, not employed, has other source of income
BirthFeb 1899, King and Queen County, Virginia
Marriage30 Nov 1922, Ozeana, Essex County, Virginia