NameChristopher Tompkins Browne 
On 16 December 1822, Kemp Gatewood and Joseph Janey were bound in the penalty of $3,600 for Kemp Gatewood’s assurance of the delivery unto Christopher and Sally, orphans of Charles Browne, deceased, their portions of the estate of Charles Browne. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 344.]
On 21 June 1830, Christopher T. Brown and Joseph T. Tompkins were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Christopher T. Brown’s executorship on the estate of Bennett Brown, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 103–104.]
On 29 December 1830, the slaves belonging to the estate of Charles Browne were divided into four equal lots to Bennett Browne (noted as deceased, and his lot was further divided), Thomas Haynes, Christ. T. Browne, and Robt. T. Gwathmey. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 202–203.]
The estate of Charles Browne, deceased, in account with Christopher Browne, administrator de bonis non, from 1827 to 1831 was ordered recorded on 17 October 1831. Includes on 1 July 1831 a division of assets into four equal parts to R. T. Gwathmey who intermarried with Sarah T. Browne, Thomas Haynes & Elizabeth L. his wife, Bennett Browne, and “my part”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 337–342.]
The estate of Bennett Browne, deceased, in account with Christopher Browne, executor, for 1831 was ordered recorded 17 October 1831. Includes a distribution in equal amounts to R. T. Gwathmey who intermarried with Sarah T. Browne, James A. Haynes, and Chris. T. Browne, “they being the only heirs”. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 341–344.]
On 18 February 1833, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Foushee G Tebbs was made by Christ T. Browne, James Dunn, and E. M. Ware. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 363–364.]
On 29 April 1834, Christopher T. Browne provided a deposition in a suit in chancery in Essex County: Deposition of Christopher T. Browne of Lawful Age taken before me Richard Croxton Justice of the peace for the County of Essex at the Farmer’s Hotel in Town of Tappahannock in the County of Essex this 29th day of April 1834 — Between Warner Lewis Shff of Essex County of Comr of the estate of Foushee G Tebbs decd deft and Henry W. Tebbs Pltf[?]. This deponent sayeth in the year 1829, I think it was, what time of the year I don’t recolect, [sic] Henry W. Tebbs applied for my brother B. Browne’s boat to cross the River his father having driven from his house — the next day I saw Capt F. G. Tebbs at his own house and asked him how he could treat his son so unfeelingly — his answer was that the damned rascal had broken the prison bound and come over there for him to pay his debts — I don’t know that I asked him (F. G. Tebbs) whether he owed his son any thing or not — but so it is he said he owed him (H. W. Tebbs) about the sum of Nine Hundred Dollars a legacy his grand Father had left him, for which I have given him a deed of trust on this land to secure — I asked him why he could not exonerate his son from prison bounds and pay the debt his answer was he would pay it provided he would make over the balance to his wife and children — and without he would do that he would not pay any thing
Question by defendent
Were you a near neighbour and in friendly intercourse with Capt F. G. Tebbs?
Answer. I was a near neighbour and upon friendly terms with him.
Quest. by same.
Do you believe the conversation stated above to be true?
Answer. I do for it was early in the morning and Capt Tebbs was perfectly cool — and further this deponent sayeth not.
Christ T. Browne
Sworn to and subscribed before me a Justice of the peace—
Richd Croxton [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 52, item 52-M-4.]