NameCatharine “Caty” Dix 
Deathabt Jul 1830
Catharine was mentioned in the 4 September 1784 will of her father, Thomas Dix, proved 16 February 1789. “I give to my Daughter Katy a Negro Boy Abram & a Negro Girl Anna & her increase, & to her heirs & assigns, & also a bed & furniture forever ... I give to my five daughters Ursula, Tamzin, Susanna, Katy & Sally after my wifes decease or Marriage all my stocks of Cattle to be equally divided between them & their heirs & assigns — but if either of my sd daughters should be dead having no child at the death or Marriage of my said wife, then I desire their Share of my sd. Stock of Cattle may be equally divided between the Surviving Sisters” She was also entitled to a share of the remainder of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 137–140.]
She received property in the will of her sister Tamzin Dix in 1811. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 316.]
Catharine Dix received property in the will of James Wright of Essex County, dated 23 January 1813 and proved 17 January 1814. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 510–512.]
Caty was mentioned in the 30 September 1815 will of her brother Lewis Dix, proved 16 October 1815. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 218.]
She received property in the will of her sister Susan Dix in 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 280.]
On 10 November 1816, the lands of Lewis Dix, deceased, were divided by Robert G. Haile, John Waring and Ph: Montague. “We alloted to Thomas Dix one hundred and seventy acres, as one third portion thereof respect being had to Quality as well as Quantity. Susan Dix having departed this life about the 25th day of October devising all her interest in the estate of her brother the said Lewis Dix to her sister Catharine Dix, we allotted the remaining two third parts containing Two hundred and ninety nine acres including the Houses and other improvements to the said Catharine Dix”. A large map is included. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 346–347a.]
On 16 November 1818, Catharine Dix was mentioned as an owner of land bordering that of the estate of Ambrose Hundley deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 39, pages 639–641.]
In 1820, Caty Dix was taxed for one black over the age of 12; ten blacks over the age of 16, and four horses, mare, colts or mules. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
Will of Catharine Dix. “In the name of God, Amen! I Catharine Dix of Essex County do make this my last will & testament in manner and form following viz: I lend to my sister Sally Wood my negroes Harry, Isaac, Barbara & Thornton during her life & at her death I give the said negroes to my nephews James Wood and Fontaine Wood to be equally divided between them. I also give to my nephew James Wood my negro boy Sthreshley at this time in his possession. I give to my niece, Julia Boughan my negro man Daniel, my negro woman Fanny and her three children, Caroline, Esther and Louisa. I give to Martha Boughan my negro girl Judy. I give to Julia Ann Wood daughter of my nephew Jas. Wood my negro girl Caudis. I lend to my nephew Thomas Dix during his life my negro girl Lucinda & after his death I give the said girl Lucinda and her future increase to the Children of my said newphew Thos. Dix. I give my negro woman Anna & her daughter Mahala to the children of my nephew Richard T. Haile decd. I give to William Lewis Latane my negro boy Harold. I give to John Latane my negro boy Joe. I give to my nephew William Dix my reversionary right to the negro boy Soleman son of Ursula at this time in the possession of Sally Dix widow of my brother Thos. Dix, decd. I also give to my said nephew William Dix his choice of all my horses. I give to Sarah E. Dix my reversionary right to the negro girl Eliza at this time in the possession of said Sally Dix widow as aofresaid. My reversionary right to the negroes Isaac, Ursula and Micajah at this time in the possession of said Sally Dix I give to the daughters of my nephew Thomas E. Dix decd. to be equally divided among them. all my lands and tenements I give to my friend Henry W. Latane to him and his heirs forever. I give to Nancy Trice the sum of thirty dollars to be paid by my executors herein after named as soon as my be convenient. All the rest and residue of my estate not hereinbefore particularly disposed I give and bequeath to my friends Henry W. Latane, Henry H. Boughan and my sister Sally Wood to be equally divided amongst them. Lastly I constitute and appoint my friends H.... [sic] W Latane, Warner Lewis & Henry H Boughan and my nephew James Wood executors of this my last Will and testament hereby revoking all wills & testaments by me heretofore made — In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my name & affixed my seal this 23rd day of May 1827” Signed Catharine her + mark Dix. Witnesses: W Lewis, Wm L. L. Clements, Lewis Waldin. Proved 19 July 1830 and on 18 August 1830. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 118–119.]
On 19 July 1830, Henry H. Boughan and Henry W. Latane were bound in the penalty of $10,000 for Henry H. Boughan’s executorship of the estate of Catharine Dix, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 119–120.]
On 24 July 1830, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Caty Dix was made by Philip Montague, Thos. L Latane, and W Lewis, with additional items added on 15 December 1830. Includes slaves Old Esther, Harry, Isaac, Daniel, Thornton, Hannah, Joe, Anna & child Mihala, Barbara, Lucinda, Candace, Judy, Caroline, Esther, Louisa, and Fanny & child Melissa. Ordered recorded 20 March 1831. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 22, pages 209–212.]
The estate of Miss Caty Dix, deceased, in account with H H Boughan, executor, from 1830 to 1832 was ordered recorded 17 December 1832. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 23, pages 15–16.]
The estate of Miss Caty Dix, deceased, in account with Henry H Boughan, executor, from 1832 to 1837 was ordered recorded on 18 September 1837. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 24, pages 180–183.]
On 12 July 1845, orator Richard P. Banks complained to the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Essex County. That Catharine Dix late of the said county died in 1830 having left a last will and testament in which Henry W. Latane, Warner Lewis, James Wood and Henry H. Boughan were named nominal executors. The three first named refused, and Henry H. Boughan alone qualified as executor with Henry W. Latane as his security. The said Catharine Dix died possessed of a large estate. She willed to Martha Boughan a negro girl Judy. Martha then married your complainant Richard P. Banks. Catharine Dix died entirely free of debt. Henry H. Boughan sold the slave for $500 on 1 November 1834. Henry H. Boughan died intestate in 1843. The administrator of his estate is Peter J. Derieux. Your orator has not received the value of the slave. Filed as Banks against Derieux. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 51, item 51-L-1.]