NameThomas Dix 
Birthbef 1730
Deathabt 1789
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 9 March 1750, a Thomas Dix (may have been this Thomas Dix or his father) witnessed a deed from Benjamin Haile and Arabella his wife to Thomas Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 25, pages 144–146.]
On 19 June 1750, Thomas Dix, John Allen and John Latane were bound £250, as Thomas Dix was appointed administrator of Thos. Dix deceased, who died intestate [father of this Thomas Dix]. Signed Thos Dicks, John Allen, John Latané. Recorded 19 June 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 335–336.]
The estate of Thos Dix [father of this Thomas Dix] was appraised on 19 June 1750 by Thomas Haile, Geo: Coleman and John Haile, and amounted to £100.4.8. Submitted by Thomas Dix administrator. Recorded 17 July 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, page 342.]
A division of the estate of Thomas Dicks [father of this Thomas Dix] was recorded on 16 October 1750, having been made by Thos. Haile, John Haile and Geo: Coleman in pursuance to an order of 17 July 1750. The estate was divided into thirds, with one part set aside for the widdow and one part apparently going to Thos. Dicks Admr. & heir at Law. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, page 376.]
The account of sales of the estate of Mr. Thomas Dix deceased [father of this Thomas Dix] was recorded 16 April 1751. The sales were made at auction by Thomas Dix administrator and included sales to John Tyler, Thomas Dix, Miss Tabitha Dix, Mrs. Mary Dix, and others. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 29–32.]
On 21 June 1753, a case was in chancery court with Elizabeth Allen Widow of John Allen the Elder, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen and Tamzin Allen Infants by the said Elizabeth their Guardian Complainants against Thomas Allen son and heir at Law of John Allen the Younger, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife, and Thos Dicks and Susanna his wife, Respondents. “Came the said parties by their Attornies & on the Motion of the said Respondts time is given them till the next Court to be held for this County to file their answer to the Bill of the said Complainants”. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 19, page 19.]
On 20 November 1753, William Roane, Dinah Coleman, Richard Upshaw and Thomas Dix were bound £200 sterling for William Roane’s and Dinah Coleman’s execution of the last will and testament of George Coleman. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 262–263.]
On 4 December 1755, a Thomas Dix cast votes for Colonel William Daingerfield and Colonel Francis Smith for burgesses of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 27, pages 248–252.]
On 30 July 1762, William Norrel [sic] of the County of Sussex in Virginia sold to Thomas Dix of the County of Essex, Planter. For £11 current money, land whereon William formerly lived on the Main Branch of Piscataway Creek adjacent Latane, Allen and the abovementioned Dix, the said land having formerly Descended to his Late Wife Sarah, who was the daughter of James Fullerton, from her brother James Fullerton decd. Signed William Norvell [sic]. Witnesses: Joseph Gatewood jr, Nathaniel Garnett, Thomas Wright, Samll his + mark Davis. Recorded 21 February 1763. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 29, pages 166–167.]
On 22 March 1763, Essex County Chancery Court ruled in the case of Thomas Allen an Infant by Thomas Burk his Guardian, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife and Thomas Dix and Susanna his wife, complainants, against Elizabeth Allen, widow, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen, and Tamzin Allen defendants. “This Cause Coming on this Day to be heard on the Bill of Answer the Arguments of Counsel on both sides were heard and Mature Consideration being thereupon had It is the opinion of the Court that the Widow has no Title to Dower in the Lands or Slaves that were in Possession of Dinah Allen and that Thomas Allen the heir at Law is Intitled to the said Slaves without Coming to Distribution with the other Children. That the Division of the Estate of John Allen be Established: that the Widow has no Right to any of the rest of the slaves or Personal Estate being Barred by the Marriage Settlement in the Bill mentioned That the younger Children are not Intitled to any of their Father’s Personal Estate, unless they will collate the Estate they Claim under the Marriage Settlement aforesaid. And It is ordered that Thomas Roane, John Upshaw and James Upshaw Gentleman or any two of them Do Settle the Administration Account of the Estate of the said John Allen since the last Settlement, and value the slaves mentiond in the marriage Settlement and their Increase and Report their proceedings to the Court.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 24, page 213.]
The inventory and appraisal of the estate of William Upshaw was made by WRoane, John Latane and Thomas Dix, returned 21 May 1764. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 119–120.]
On 21 May 1765, the Chancery Court of Essex County issued a decree in the case of Thomas Allen an Infant by Thomas Burk his Guardian, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife and Thomas Dix and Susanna his wife, Complaints, against Elizabeth Allen Widow, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen and Tamzin Allen, Defendants. “This day came the parties by their Counsel and two of the auditors appointed having made and returned their report in these words ‘The Estate of John Allen decd is Dr to Elizabeth Allen Widow & Adminstrx[’]” Here follows accounts beginning 18 June 1751, including 0.3.9 paid to “John Hunt for plank to make his Coffin” and 0.5.0 paid to “David Fulkner for digging his Grave”. “‘Negroe mentioned in the Marriage Settlemt Deed Vizt Tom, Ing, Jamey, Violet & Janey. Pursuant to an order of the Worshipful Court of Essex County We have settled Elizabeth Allens Administration account with her deceased Husband’s Estate since the division of his sd Estate made by Gent for that purpose appointed & find a ballance due to the Estate of Fourteen pounds six shillings & eight pence as above & We also have valued the marriage settlement slaves their increase &c. which is as above also. Given under our hands this 15th of August 1763. Thomas Roane John Upshaw.’ The said cause was further heard thereupon on consideration whereof it is Decreed & ordered that the Deft Eliza pay to the Plts in equal proportion to be divided among them the sum of Fourteen pounds six shillings and eight pence upon their giving Bond & security to refund the same if any Debts of the Intestate shall hereafter come agst the Deft Elizabeth and that the parties bear their own Costs. Whereupon the Deft Elizabeth prayed an appeal from every part of this and the Interlocutary Decree except so much thereof as established the former division of the Slaves of John Allen deced and that part which directs the Deft to pay the Fourteen Pounds six shillings and eight pence which is granted her upon giving Bond & Security in the Clerk’s office, which she has accordingly done.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 26, page 121.]
On 16 November 1767, Ambrose Gatewood and Martha his wife of the County of Essex, planter, sold to Thomas Dix of the same, planter. For £60 current money, land whereon Ambrose now lives bordering a branch “that divides this from the Land of Thomas Dix in Comptons line” and Roane, Allen, Coleman, Shearwood and Moody. Signed Ambrose Gatewood, Martha her + mark Gatewood. Witnesses: J[?] Rennolds, James Booker, Richd Thos Haile, Henry Allen. Recorded 16 November 1767. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 154–155.]
On 19 November 1770, Thomas Allen of the County of Essex, planter, sold to Thomas Dix of the same, planter. For £66, about 192 acres of land that John Allen, grandfather to the said Thomas, purchased of James Gatewood and Penelope his wife on 24 February 1747, that descended to Thomas Allen upon the death of John Allen, who died intestate. Signed Thomas Allen. No witnesses. Ordered recorded 19 November 1770. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 393–395.]
On 16 December 1771, Thomas Allen and Henry Allen of the County of Essex sold land to Thomas Dix of the same. For £75 current money, 190 acres by estimation in Southfarnham Parish on which John Allen the father of Henry had lived, bounded by the lands of Thomas Dix, Benjamin Cosland and William Roane. This land had been sold by James Dicks and Judy his wife to Erasmus Allen, upon whose death the land descended to his brother John Allen, grandfather of the abovenamed Thomas Allen. Signed Thomas Allen, Henry Allen. Witnesses: Joseph Gatewood, Richd Thos Haile, William Gatewood, Richard Ryland, Leonard Burnett. Recorded 17 February 1772. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 509–510.]
The estate of Henry Allen in was account with Philemon Gatewood from 1783 to 1785. Settled to 18 November 1785 by Thomas Dix, John Haile and Thomas Dix Junier on 18 January 1786. Ordered recorded 19 June 1786. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 16–22.]
On 11 October 1787, Vincent Coleman and Ann his wife of the County of Essex and “Colony of Virginia” sold to Thomas Dix, planter. For £6.19 current money, 6 acres plus 19/20 acre in the Parish of Southfarnham, land Vincent now lives on which is part of land formerly belonging to James Fullerton decd and by the last will and testament of the said James Fullerton dated 21 March 1677 was given to his daughter Elizabeth who married Richard Johnston. Signed Vincent Coleman, Ann her + mark Coleman. Witnesses: William Latane, Thomas Dix Junior, Lewis Dix. Recorded 15 October 1787. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, pages 89–90.]
Will of Thomas Dix. “In the name of God Amen I thomas Dix of South Farnham parish in Essex County being in perfect mind memory & understanding & willing to settle my Temporal affairs, & dispose of my whole Estate among my wife & children, do make publish and declare this writing to be my last Will & Testament. I desire that all my Just debts & Expences of my funeral may be paid off & discharged by my Executors as soon as the Circumstances of my Estate will admit, & that my funeral be in a decent plain manner. I lend to my beloved wife during her natural life or widowhood all my Land & plantations with the appurtenances together with all my Slaves (which are not herein immeidately given away) and personal Estate of what nature or kind soever it be, and after her death or marriage as afrd, the same Shall pass & go to my Children in the manner hereafter directed I give to my Eldest Son Gabriel the Negro boy Davey which is now in his possession & to his heirs & assigns; also a Bed & Furniture & a Moiety of the debt due me from Charles Thornton by bond for Twenty Thousand pounds of Tobacco, which I do hereby devise To him my Sd. Son Gabriel in lieu off, and as full compensation for any part of or whare in my Lands & appurtenances, — I give to my Son Thomas Dix the Negro Boy Nelson, which is Now in his possession & to his heirs & assigns also a bed & Furniture & the other Moiety of the Debt due me by bond from Charles Thornton for Twenty Thousand pounds of Tobacco, which I do hereby devise to him my said Son Thomas in lieu off, & as full Compensation for any part of or Share in my Lands and appurtenances — I give to my Grand children Betsey & Richd. Thos. Haile children of my eldest daughter Mary by her Husband John Haile, or to the Survivor, Survivor [sic] of them the Negro Girl Rachel together with her increase, & to their Heirs and assigns, & also a Bed & Furniture, but if either of my Said Grand children should at the time of their death leave a Child or Children lawfully begotten, then & in that case I will & desire that no advantage may be taken of the Survivorship as aforesaid but the right & Interest of the said Negro & her Increase shall go to such child or Children, in the same manner, as it would have gone to the Mother or father — and I do hereby appoint my Exors, Trustees & Guardian to my sd. Grand Children to see this part of my will executed agreeable to my intention. I give to my daughter Ursula a Negro Woman Fanny & her increase to her heirs & assigns & also a bed and furniture, forever, I give to my daughter Tamzen a Negro Girl Esther & her increase & to her heirs and assigns I also a bed & furniture forever — I give to my daughter Susannah a Negro Girl Ellen & her increase & to her heirs & assigns & also a X X bed & furniture forever, I give to my Daughter Katy a Negro Boy Abram & a Negro Girl Anna & her increase, & to her heirs & assigns, & also a bed & furniture forever I give to my daughter Sally a Negro Girl Jenny & her increase & to her heirs & assigns, & also a bed & furniture forever. I give to my three youngest Sons, John, James, and Lewis all my Lands plantations & appurtenances thereto belonging to be equally divided between them & to their heirs for ever, but if either of my said Sons should die leaving no child lawfully begotten, then & in that case I desire that his part of my Lands plantations & appurtenances shall be equally divided among all my surviving Sons & their heirs, to them & their heirs forever & my Will is that this devise of my Lands &c shall in no manner affect the right of my wife heretofore given her in this my Will I give to my Son John a Negro boy Godfrey & to his heirs & assigns forever — I give to my son James a Negro boy Ben & to his heirs & assigns forever, I give to my Son Lewis a Negro Boy Harry, & to his heirs & assigns forever, I give to my five daughters Ursula, Tamzin, Susanna, Katy & Sally after my wifes decease or Marriage all my stocks of Cattle to be equally divided between them & their heirs & assigns — but if either of my sd daughters should be dead having no child at the death or Marriage of my said wife, then I desire their Share of my sd. Stock of Cattle may be equally divided between the Surviving Sisters. I give all the rest & residue of my Estate of what Nature or Kind soever it be (after the decease or Marriage of my Said wife, to my Ten Children, Gabriel Thomas Ursula, Tamzin, John, Susannah Katy James Lewis & Sally & to their heirs & assigns, but if either of my said Ten Children should be dead having no lawfull child at the time of the decease or marriage of my sd. wife, then I desire their part of the residue of my Estate be divided equally among the Survivors — & my will & desire is that if it should so happen that my Sons Gabriel and Thomas by any menas whatever be prevented from receiving the debt due me from Charles Thornton as aforesaid devised to them, then and in that case they my Said Sons Gabriel & Thomas & their heirs or assigns shall have full compensation & Satisfaction for the deficiency out of such of my Negroes not Specificially [sic] devised as aofresaid, Lastly I constitute and appoint my loving wife Executrix & my three Sons Gabriel, Thomas, & John Executors of this my last will & Testament, in Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & affixed my Seal this twenty fourth day of September, anno dom. 1784.” Signed Thomas Dix. Witnesses: W Roane, William Latane, James Clark. “Codocil. 1st my Will and desire is that the Negro Boy Godfrey, devised to my Son John, be considered as a residue of my Estate, & after the death of my beloved wife, be equally divided among all my Children Decr. 30th 1788” Signed Thomas Dix. Witnesses: Wm Latane, Jno. Brockenbrough. Proved 16 February 1789 [date difficult to read]. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 137–140.]
On 15 June 1789, an inventory of the estate of Thomas Dix Senr was recorded, made by Ambrose Greenhill, John Haile and James Wright. Total valuation £1196.0.10. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 150–152.]
An appraisal and division of the estate of Thomas Dix Senior was made on 29 August 1795 by Ambrose Greenhill, Richard Allen, and Thomas Roane, returned 18 July 1796. No other data is provided. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, page 254.]
Did this Thomas Dix marry secondly Martha? See: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, page 157: “Ambrose Gatewood b. Va. prob. Essex Co. will dtd 30 Oct 1769 pr June 1781 Caswell Co., N.C. “Being of Pitts. Co., Va.” leaves all est to wife, Martha…The 39-1/2 acres on which he lived in Essex Co., went to Thomas Dix. Thomas md Martha. They had no ch, but prob raised nephew, Dudley Gatewood.”