NameLewis Dix 
Birthbef 1777
Deathabt Oct 1815
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Lewis was mentioned in the 4 September 1784 will of his father, Thomas Dix, proved 16 February 1789. “I give to my three youngest Sons, John, James, and Lewis all my Lands plantations & appurtenances thereto belonging to be equally divided between them & to their heirs for ever, but if either of my said Sons should die leaving no child lawfully begotten, then & in that case I desire that his part of my Lands plantations & appurtenances shall be equally divided among all my surviving Sons & their heirs, to them & their heirs forever ... I give to my Son Lewis a Negro Boy Harry, & to his heirs & assigns forever” He was also entitled to a share of the remainder of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 137–140.]
On 11 October 1787, Lewis Dix witnessed a deed from Vincent Coleman and Ann his wife of the County of Essex to Thomas Dix. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, pages 89–90.]
On 18 December 1797, Lewis Dix, James Dix and John Jones were bound $4,000 current money when Lewis Dix was appointed inspector of tobacco at Hobbs Hole. Signed Lewis Dix, James Dix, John Jones. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, page 466.]
On 17 February 1800, administration of the estate of William Wood, deceased, was granted to Sally Wood. Sally Wood, Gabriel Dix, James Dix, and Lewis Dix acknowledge their bond in the penalty of $4,000. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 524–525.]
On 26 January 1801, an appraisal of the estate of Thomas Allen was made by Lewis Dix, James Allen and Ambrose Hunley. No total. Ordered recorded 16 February 1801. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 57–58.]
On 21 December 1807, Lewis Dix, James Allen, Ambrose Hunley and Edward Wright were bound in the penalty of $8,000 for Lewis Dix’s adminstration of the goods, chattels and credits of James Dix, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 46–47.]
On 15 May 1809 an appraisal of the estate of Carter Wood was recorded, made by Lewis Dix, James Allen and John Minter. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 123–125.]
Lewis Dix purchased property at the estate sale of Archibald Ritchie, recorded in an undated paper. He bought 1 Cupboard & 2 Trunks for 1.4.6. [Essex County, Box Chancery No. 24, item 24-A-17.]
Lewis Dix was mentioned in the 3 August 1810 will of his brother-in-law, James Allen senior, and was named an executor. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 72–73.]
He was named executor of the estate of his sister Tamzin Dix in 1811 and received a portion of her estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, page 316.]
On 21 October 1811, Lewis Dix and Warner Lewis were bound in the penalty of $3,000 for Lewis Dix’s executorship of the estate of Tamzin Dix. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 321–322.]
Lewis Dix received property in the will of James Wright of Essex County, dated 23 January 1813 and proved 17 January 1814. He also received property in the same will in trust for Thomas Dix Senr and Salley his wife. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 510–512.]
Lewis Dix was named as an executor to the will of James Allen of Essex County, dated 3 August 1810 and proved 21 November 1814. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 72–73.]
On 3 March 1812, Thomas E. Dix, Thomas Dix and Lewis Dix were bound unto John Daingerfield £48. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 22, item 22-L-22.]
On 21 November 1814, Lewis Allen, Lewis Dix, Henry W. Latane and Warner Lewis were bound $12,000 for Lewis Allen’s administration with the will annexed of James Allen Senr. In margin states that on 17 April 1815 certificate granted to Thomas Latane obtaining letters of administration. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 73.]
On 23 December 1814, Lewis Dix witnessed the will of Lewis Booker of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 139–140.]
On 17 January 1815, Lewis Dix, Austin Brockenbrough, Carter Croxton and Thomas Dix jr were bound in the penalty of $7,000 for Lewis Dix’s administration of the goods, chattels and credits of Thomas Wood Senr. deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 96.]
On 17 April 1815, Thomas L. Latane, Warner Lewis and Lewis Dix were bound $16,000 for Thomas Latane’s administration of the estate of James Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 142–143.]
On 18 September 1815, a case in chancery court was begun by Henry Boughan and Julia his wife, James Wood and Fountain Wood an infant by Sally Wood his mother guardian & next friend, and Maria G Wood, Catharine C Wood & Muscoe Wood infants by John J Garnett their next friend and Catharine Dix, plaintiffs, against Lewis Dix admor &c of Thomas Wood Sen: decd, Philip B Pendleton and Polly his wife, Elizabeth Dix, Edward B Wood, Catharine Wood, Thomas Wood and Wm Wood and Rebecca Wood infants under the age of 21 years, Ophelia Wood and Norbone Wood infants under the age of 21 Years, defendants. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, pages 57–58.]
On 15 September 1815, both Tandy Dix and Walter Dix, orphans of James Dix, chose Lewis Dix as their guardian, who thereupon entered into a bond of $3,000 for each orphan, with Henry H. Boughan as his security. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, page 58.]
The will of Lewis Dix was dated 30 September 1815. Sound in mind but diseased in body. Brother Thomas, sister Susan, sister Caty. Friends Henry W. Latané and Warner Lewis to be executors. Signed Lewis Dix. Witnesses: Austin Brockenbrough, Susanna Allen, Charles Bristow. Proved on 16 October 1815. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 218.]
On 16 October 1815, Henry W. Latané, Warner Lewis, and Thomas S. Latané were bound in the penalty of $6,000 for Henry W. Latané’s and Warner Lewis’s administration with the will annexed of the estate of Lewis Dix, deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 219.]
On 18 December 1815, a new administrative bond for the estate of James Dix was taken out by Thomas M. Henley, Warren Lewis, and William Fisher for $12,500, as Thomas M. Henley was appointed administrator of all the goods, chattles, and credits of James Dix decd. unadmd. by Lewis Dix decd admer &c of the same James Dix. Signed Thomas M. Henley, Warner Lewis, W. Fisher. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 239–240.]
On 10 November 1816, the lands of Lewis Dix, deceased, were divided by Robert G. Haile, John Waring and Ph: Montague. “We alloted to Thomas Dix one hundred and seventy acres, as one third portion thereof respect being had to Quality as well as Quantity. Susan Dix having departed this life about the 25th day of October devising all her interest in the estate of her brother the said Lewis Dix to her sister Catharine Dix, we allotted the remaining two third parts containing Two hundred and ninety nine acres including the Houses and other improvements to the said Catharine Dix”. A large map is included. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 346–347a.]
The estate of James Dix in account with Lewis Dix was recorded 16 December 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 341–344.]
“Pursuant to an order of Essex County Court dated on the 16th of October 1815 We the undersigned appointed commissioners there in Do report That being attended by a Surveyor we divided the land of which Lewis Dix died deized and possessed agreably to the within plot (Viz): We allotted to Thomas Dix one hundred and seventy acres, as one third part theseof respect being had to Quality as well as Quantity. Susan Dix having departed this life about the 25th day of Octr. devising all her interest in the estate of her brother the said Lewis Dix to her sister Catharine Dix, we allotted the remaining two third parts containing Two hundred and ninety nine acres including the Houses and other improvements to the said Catharine Dix as will fully appear on reference to the within plot, all of which is respectfully submitted. Given under our hands this 10th day of Novr. one thousand eight hundred and sixteen” Signed Ro. G Haile, John Waring, Ph: Montague. The following two pages (347 and 347a) contain a map of the division of the estate. The map includes a picture of a house. Two parcels of land are shown, one to Capt. Tho: Dix, 170 acres, and the other to Miss Caty Dix, 299 acres. Bounded lands include James Dix’s orphans, Allen, Moody, Hunley, and Montague. “The Platt above represents the land of Mr Lewis Dix decd lying in Essex County, containing 469 acres, Surveyed and divided as directed by the Commissioners in the month of November 1815 by me. William Jones” “At an intervening Court held for Essex County at Tappahannock on the 20th day of January 1817, This Report of the division of the Land of Lewis Dix deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. Teste Wm B Matthews Clk” [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 346–347a.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of Lewis Dix was made by Archibald Ritchie, Ph. Montague and Ephraim Beazley by order of 16 October 1815. Total valuation is large, probably over $3,000. Submitted by Warner Lewis, administrator. Recorded 15 January 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 244–246.]
The estate of Thomas Wood Senr in account with the estate of Lewis Dix deceased administrator from 1815 to 1816 was examined and settled by Sthreshely Rennolds, John Waring and E Beazley and recorded 19 February 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 262.]