NameSarah “Sally” Dix 
Birthabt 1773, Virginia
DeathJun 1856, Essex County, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Cause of deathBroken hip
Sally was mentioned in the 4 September 1784 will of her father, Thomas Dix, proved 16 February 1789. “I give to my daughter Sally a Negro Girl Jenny & her increase & to her heirs & assigns … I give to my five daughters Ursula, Tamzin, Susanna, Katy & Sally after my wifes decease or Marriage all my stocks of Cattle to be equally divided between them & their heirs & assigns — but if either of my sd daughters should be dead having no child at the death or Marriage of my said wife, then I desire their Share of my sd. Stock of Cattle may be equally divided between the Surviving Sisters.” She was also entitled to a share of the remainder of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 137–140.]
On 17 February 1800, administration of the estate of William Wood, deceased, was granted to Sally Wood. Sally Wood, Gabriel Dix, James Dix, and Lewis Dix acknowledge their bond in the penalty of $4,000. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 524–525.]
On 13 March 1800, Sally Wood cerified true the inventory and appraisal of the estate of her deceased husband William Wood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 16, pages 8–10.]
The estate of William Wood in account with Sally Wood from 1800 to 1803 was settled on 16 September 1803 by J. Bohannan, John Jones, and Carter Croxton, and recorded on 21 December 1812. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 437–438.]
On 15 February 1808, Julia, James, William and Fountain Wood are listed as orphans of William Wood. Sally Wood is their guardian. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 4, page 44]
On 10 October 1808, Henry H. Boughan and James Allen Junr were bound for the marriage of Henry H. Boughan and Julia Wood, spinster, daughter of Sally Wood. Sally Wood gives her consent. Witnesses: James Wood and Milly her x mark Ball. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]
1810 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Wood, Sally
1 male 10-16
2 males 26-45
1 female 16-26
1 female 26-45
1 female 45 and over
20 slaves
On 12 August 1812, Sarah Wood’s dower interest in the estate of William Wood was surveyed. “Essex County 12th [August] 1812 Surveyd for Mrs Sally Wood her Dower of the Estate of Capt Wm Wood.; Decd Beginning at a pine corner to Carter Croxton thence N89W97 Chains to the swamp at a bridge corner to Carter Croxton thence up the swamp 58 Chains to a new made corner Sycamore corner to Fountain Wood thence S84E31 Chain on Fountain Wood to the head of a ditch and fence thence along the ditch and fence S84E22 Chains to a small cedar standing on the road thence as the road runs N3W38 Chains to the beginning” (signed) Wm S. Foster.;. A map shows that the property consists of 65 acres, and includes a picture of a house, presumably that of Sally Wood. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery 1, item 1-A-46.]
On 12 August 1813, in accordance with a decree of the chancery court dated 18 March 1812, an appraisal and division of the slaves and the lands of the estate of Captain William Wood were made by James Montague, Lewis Dix, James Allen and L. Booker, with a dower lot to Sally Wood, and equal lots to Henry H. Boughan (also listed as Julia Boughan’s proportion), Fountaine Wood, and James Wood. Land adjoined that of Carter Wood, Carter Croxton, Capt. Lewis Booker, John Collins, Mrs. Ann Coleman, Ambrose Hundley, and Colo. Bohannan. Several maps are included. Ordered recorded on 18 June 1817. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 400–406.]
Salley Wood received a slave named Anna in the will of James Wright of Essex County, dated 23 January 1813 and proved 17 January 1814. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 17, pages 510–512.]
On 18 September 1815, a case in chancery court was begun by Henry Boughan and Julia his wife, James Wood and Fountain Wood an infant by Sally Wood his mother guardian & next friend, and Maria G Wood, Catharine C Wood & Muscoe Wood infants by John J Garnett their next friend and Catharine Dix, plaintiffs, against Lewis Dix admor &c of Thomas Wood Sen: decd, Philip B Pendleton and Polly his wife, Elizabeth Dix, Edward B Wood, Catharine Wood, Thomas Wood and Wm Wood and Rebecca Wood infants under the age of 21 years, Ophelia Wood and Norbone Wood infants under the age of 21 Years, defendants. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, pages 57–58.]
On 8 April 1816, Milly Ball of South Farnham Parish, Essex County, executed a will, leaving to Mrs Sally Wood a “Painted chest two dishes and one dozen pewter plants [sic]”. Sally was named co-executor with H H Boughan. Sally also witnessed the will, signing Sally Wood. The will was proved 15 July 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 297–298.]
Sally received property in the will of her sister Susan Dix in 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 280.]
On 3 March 1817, Sally Wood gave a deposition at Graves Burke’s Tavern regarding a Wood family lawsuit. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 17, item 17-A-40.]
On 19? [date partly erased in source] June 1817, a final decree was handed down in a case of Henry H. Boughan and Julia his wife, plaintiffs, against Sally Wood in her own right and as administratrix etc. of William Wood deceased and James and Fountaine Wood infants under the age of 21 by Sally Wood their guardian. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, page 489.]
On 11 March 1819, Sally Wood sold to Fontaine Wood. For $390, a parcel of land in the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex containing by estimation 32-1/2 acres, beginning at a pine corner to Carter Croxton standing on the road, thence along the road south 3º East thirty chains to a red oak standing at the head of a small branch on the road corner to Lewis Booker’s land thence along the said Bookers line South 79º East nine chain to a corner posimonon tree to ditto, thence along the said Booker’s line North 47-1/2º East twenty three chain to a large Spanish Oak corner to the said Booker thence North 27º East thirty two chains to a corner birch standing on the branch, thence down the branch seven chain to a corner Walnut to the said Booker thence south 67º West forty seven chain to a stake on the said Sally Wood and Fontaine Wood to a pine on the road corner to Carter Croxton. Signed Sally Wood. Witnesses: John Croxton Jr., James Dix, Wm. A Garnett. Acknowledged in court on 15 March 1819. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 39, pages 678–679.]
In 1820, Sally Wood was taxed for one white male above the age 16; 6 blacks above the age of 16; 3 horses, mares, colts or mules; and 1 carr valued at $50. [Essex County, Virginia, 1820 Personal Property Tax Book.]
On 19 January 1824, Sally Wood, and Fontaine Wood and Ann his wife of the County of Essex, and James Wood and Elizabeth his wife of the County of King and Queen sold to Carter Croxton of the County of Essex. For $61.50, 10-1/4 acres in the County of Essex. Signed Fontain Wood. Witnesses: John R Matthews as to Fontain Wood, John H Micou ditto. Ordered recorded 19 January 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, pages 91–92.]
She is mentioned in the 1827 will of her sister Catharine Dix as Sally Wood.
1840 U.S. Census, Essex County, Virginia:
Written page 22
Wood, Sarah
1 male age 20-30 [this could be her grandson Thomas Wood]
1 male age 40-50
1 female age 20-30 [this could be her granddaughter Mary Wood]
1 female age 50-60 [this would be Sarah Wood]
On 20 April 1843, Henry H. Boughan and Eliza his wife sold land, including some on which Sarah Wood resided, to cover debts. Whereas Henry H. Boughan is indebted to Austin Brockenbrough, James R. Micou & Richard Hipkins merchants $197 by bond with Muscoe Garnett, security; Thomas C. Gordon security for another bond to George H. Dobyns; (list of debts owed here goes on for a full page), Henry H. Boughan and Eliza his wife sell for $20 to Muscoe Garnett and Richard A. Boughan a tract of 470 acres bordering Mrs [?] S Jones, Wash H Purkins, James Durham Jr & Mrs Crow, 470 acres on which Henry H. Boughan now lives, 202 acres bordering John S Cox and Carter Croxton where Sarah Wood resides and is subject to her life estate, and slaves and household goods. Muscoe Garnett and Richard A. Boughan are to sell this property if Henry H. Boughan defaults on payments. Ordered recorded 3 August 1843. Contains the original signature of Richard A. Boughan. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 48, pages 18–21.]
On 23 December 1846 Thomas Boughan purchased 200 acres at a court ordered sale after a default by Henry H. Boughan and Julia his wife on a deed of trust for the same property. The property included land on which Sarah Wood then resided, subject to the dower rights of Matilda Wood, the wife of Fountaine Wood. Thomas Boughan was the highest bidder at $1,612. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 244–246.]
On 2 February 1847 Thomas Boughan, Mary F. Boughan and Sally Wood, widow of William Wood, sold to Frances Croxton the land Thomas Boughan purchased on 23 December 1846. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 49, pages 255–256.]
1850 U.S. Census, King and Queen County, Virginia:
Dwelling 671, Family 671
Carlton, Benoni, 46, farmer, $9,600
Carlton, Julia Ann, 34
Carlton, James William 17, in school
Carlton, Alexander, 14, in school
Carlton, Susan, 11, in school
Carlton, Benoni, 6, in school
Carlton, Fountain, 4
Carlton, Zachara T., 1, male
Purks?, Sarah E., 14, in school
Wood, Mrs. Sarah 77
[This age for Sarah would make her born about 1773.]
Essex County, Virginia, Order Law 3, pages 117-118:
Sally Wood, Plaintiff
Robert T. Shackelford, Richard
J. Muse, Thomas Boughan, and
Richard P. Banks, Defendants
Upon a motion for an award of execution on a forth coming bond entered into by the Defendants and are Jefferson Minor on the 16th day of February 1854.
Came the plaintiff by her attorney and legal notice of this motion being proved to have been given the defendants by the oath of Nathaniel J. B. Whitlocke Sheriff of this County, and the Said Defendants being now Solemnly called and failing to appear, and the original execution and the Sheriffs return thereon being seen and inspected. It is therefore considered by the court that the plaintiff have execution against the defendants for the Sum of Seventeen Hundred and Sixteen Dollars the penalty of the Said bond, and also for her costs in this behalf expended and the Defendants in Mercy etc. But this Judgement is to be discharged by the payment of eight hundred and fifty seven dollars, and ninety three cents, with interest thereon at Six per centum per annum from the 16th day February 1854 and the costs.
The will of Sarah Wood was dated 2 February 1854: “I Sarah Wood of the County of Essex and State of Virginia do make my last will and testament in manner and form following that is to say, 1st I give to Mary Wood, daughter of my son Fountain Wood the sum of one hundred dollars to be paid out of the money which I have at interest also the first choice of my beds with full furniture 2nd I give to Thos Wood (son of Fountain Wood) the sum of one hundred dollars; to be paid out of money which I have at interest 3rd I give to Julia Ann Carlton (daughter of my son James Wood) one bed fully furnished 4th I give to Olivia Carlton (daughter of my son James Wood) one bed fully furnished 5th I give to Martha Ann Banks (daughter of Julia Boughan) one bed fully furnished; the legatees to make choice of the beds in the rotation in which they were named. 6th I desire that the balance of my property be sold & the proceeds equally divided amongst the children of Julia Boughan James Wood & Fountain Wood, by his first marriage — Lastly I do hereby appoint my friends Benoni Carlton & Richard P Banks Executors of this my last will and testament. Given under my hand & Seal this 2nd day of Feby 1854.” Signed Sally Wood. Witnesses: Thos H Simcoe, Arthur Temple. Proved 16 June 1856. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, page 615.]
On 16 June 1856, Benoni Carlton and James H. C. Jones were bound $1,200 for Benoni Carlton’s execution (as one of the executors) of the last will and testament of Sally Wood deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, page 609.]
On 16 June 1856, Richard P. Banks and Thomas N. Clarke were bound $1,200 for Richard P. Banks’s execution (as one of the executors) of the last will and testament of Sally Wood deceased. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 27, page 617.]
Birthabt 1771
Deathabt Jan 1800
ChildrenJulia (<1792-1839)