NameJames Wood 
Birthabt 1788/1795
ResidenceEssex and King & Queen Counties, Virginia
On 15 February 1808, Julia, James, William and Fountain Wood are listed as orphans of William Wood. Sally Wood is their guardian. [Essex County, Virginia, Guardian Book 4, page 44.]
On 10 October 1808, Henry H. Boughan and James Allen Junr were bound for the marriage of Henry H. Boughan and Julia Wood, spinster, daughter of Sally Wood. Sally Wood gives her consent. Witnesses: James Wood and Milly her x mark Ball. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Marriage Bonds, Box 1, 1804–11.]
In 1812, a suit for the division of the estate of William Wood was brought before the Essex County court. Henry H. Boughan.; and Julia his wife. That Wm Wood.; died in 18__ intestate leaving a widow Sally and sons James, William and Fountaine and oratrix Julia his only children, leaving 202 acres in South Farnham parish and 14 slaves. That the son William died an infant and intestate in 1806. James and Fountaine are infants. For division of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 1, item 1-A-47-B.]
On 12 August 1813, in accordance with a decree of the chancery court dated 18 March 1812, an appraisal and division of the slaves and the lands of the estate of Captain William Wood were made by James Montague, Lewis Dix, James Allen and L. Booker, with a dower lot to Sally Wood, and equal lots to Henry H. Boughan (also listed as Julia Boughan’s proportion), Fountaine Wood, and James Wood. Land adjoined that of Carter Wood, Carter Croxton, Capt. Lewis Booker, John Collins, Mrs. Ann Coleman, Ambrose Hundley, and Colo. Bohannan. Several maps are included. Ordered recorded on 18 June 1817. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 400–406.]
On 18 September 1815, a case in chancery court was begun by Henry Boughan and Julia his wife, James Wood and Fountain Wood an infant by Sally Wood his mother guardian & next friend, and Maria G Wood, Catharine C Wood & Muscoe Wood infants by John J Garnett their next friend and Catharine Dix, plaintiffs, against Lewis Dix admor &c of Thomas Wood Sen: decd, Philip B Pendleton and Polly his wife, Elizabeth Dix, Edward B Wood, Catharine Wood, Thomas Wood and Wm Wood and Rebecca Wood infants under the age of 21 years, Ophelia Wood and Norbone Wood infants under the age of 21 Years, defendants. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, pages 57–58.]
On 20 November 1815, Henry H. Boughan, Thos M Henley, Thomas Dix, Thos Picher [Pilcher], James Wood were bound $10,000 for Henry H. Boughan’s administration of the estate of Thos Wood Senr. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, pages 221–222.]
He received property in the estate of his aunt Susan Dix in 1816. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 18, page 280.]
Information on William Wood and his children is found in Will Book 18, p. 400 ff in Tappahannock, Virginia. William Wood’s will was settled on 18 June 1817 in Essex County and lists his wife Sally and his children Julia, Fountain, and James. Julia is married to Henry H. Boughan. William Wood is listed as Capt. Wm. Wood. The estate division is extensive, including a map of the properties and a drawing of the house itself. At this time, both James and Fountain are “infants under the age of 21 years.” Apparently Henry and Julia Boughan had filed a request for adjudication to divide the estate on 18 March 1812.
On 19? [date partly erased in source] June 1817, a final decree was handed down in a case of Henry H. Boughan and Julia his wife, plaintiffs, against Sally Wood in her own right and as administratrix etc. of William Wood deceased and James and Fountaine Wood infants under the age of 21 by Sally Wood their guardian. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 42, page 489.]
On 20 November 1817, Essex County court settled a chancery suit concerning the division of the estate of Thomas Wood senior. The estate was divided between Catharine Dix, wife of James Dix, who was Catharine Wood; the heirs of William Wood; the heirs of Carter Wood; the heirs of Thomas Wood Jr.; and the heirs of Joseph Wood. The heirs of William Wood were Henry H. Boughan in right of his wife Julia, James Wood, and Fontaine Wood. The heirs of Carter Wood were William B. Matthews in right of his wife Maria G., John H. Micou in right of his wife Catharine C., and Muscoe Wood. The heirs of Thomas Wood Jr. were George Newman in right of his wife Elizabeth, Edward B. Wood, Philip B. Pendleton in right of his wife Polly, Catharine Wood, Thomas Wood, Rebecca Wood and William Wood. The heirs of Joseph Wood were Norborne Wood and Ophelia Wood. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 43, pages 65–67.]
In 1820, Lewis Howerton, Richard St. John, James Wood and Geo. Wyatt were bound $5,000 for Lewis Howerton’s administration of the estate of Charles Howerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, pages 152–153.]
On 19 August 1822, Lewis Howerton, James Wood and John Boughan were bound $5,000 for Lewis Howerton’s administration of the estate of Charles Howerton. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 19, page 328.]
On 19 January 1824, Sally Wood, and Fontaine Wood and Ann his wife of the County of Essex, and James Wood and Elizabeth his wife of the County of King and Queen sold to Carter Croxton of the County of Essex. For $61.50, 10-1/4 acres in the County of Essex. Signed Fontain Wood. Witnesses: John R Matthews as to Fontain Wood, John H Micou ditto. Ordered recorded 19 January 1824. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 41, pages 91–92.]
He is mentioned in the 1827 will of his aunt, Catharine Dix, who appointed him co-executor.
On 12 July 1845, orator Richard P. Banks complained to the Circuit Superior Court of Law and Chancery for Essex County. That Catharine Dix late of the said county died in 1830 having left a last will and testament in which Henry W. Latane, Warner Lewis, James Wood and Henry H. Boughan were named nominal executors. The three first named refused, and Henry H. Boughan alone qualified as executor with Henry W. Latane as his security. The said Catharine Dix died possessed of a large estate. She willed to Martha Boughan a negro girl Judy. Martha then married your complainant Richard P. Banks. Catharine Dix died entirely free of debt. Henry H. Boughan sold the slave for $500 on 1 November 1834. Henry H. Boughan died intestate in 1843. The administrator of his estate is Peter J. Derieux. Your orator has not received the value of the slave. Filed as Banks against Derieux. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 51, item 51-L-1.]
Birthbef 1812
FatherWhitaker Campbell Captain
MotherMartha DeShazo