NameCatharine “Catey” Gatewood 
Birthbef 1740
Deathaft 14 Sep 1799
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Catharine Gatewood was listed in the 1743 will of her father William Gatewood. She received a Negro girl named Alice. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 84–86.]
On 16 July 1764, Catharine Gatewood of Essex County, widow, gave slaves and furniture “in pursuance of her promise and agreement” to Thomas Wood of Essex County, carpenter. This was whereas Thomas Wood had married Catharine, daughter of Catharine of the first part. Signed Katherine her x mark Gatewood. Witnesses: William Flitcher, Richd Brown. Recorded 16 July 1764. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 29, pages 303–304.]
In June 1770, [no day listed] George Newbill and Mary his wife of South Farnham Parish sold to Thomas Wood of South Farnham Parish for £115, 153 acres adjacent Boughan mill pond. Signed George Newbill, Mary Newbill. Witnesses: Thomas Bourne, Josiah Minter, Henry Allen. Recorded 18 June 1770. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 364–366.]
On 15 June 1789, Thomas Wood and Caty his wife of South Farnham Parish sold to John Croxton for 5 shillings and 58-3/4 acres, a parcel in South Farnham Parish of 50 acres. Signed Thomas Wood, Caty Wood. Witnesses: James Wood, Thomas Wood Junr, William Wood. Recorded 15 June 1789. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 33, page 204.]
On 15 April 1796, Thomas Wood Senr and Caty his wife of South Farnham parish and County of Essex sold to LeRoy Daingerfield of the County of Frederick. For £600, 205 acres in the parish and county aforesaid bordered by Piscataway Creek, Charles Bray, John Tyler deceased, William Ramsey deceased, Josiah Minter, John Gordon deceased, amounting to 205 acres more or laess, that Thomas Wood had purchased of John and James McCall of Glasgow, whereon the Piscataway Tobo warehouses formerly stood, and where Wm Snodgrass merchant formerly keeped and store, commonly called New Glasgow. Signed Thomas Wood Sr, Catey Wood. Witnesses: Apphia Daingerfield, James Paul, Martha D. Beale. Ordered recorded 18 April 1796. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 34, pages 255–256.]
On 18 February 1799, Thomas and Catharine “Caty” Wood for love and affection and 10 shillings sold to their son Carter Wood 202 acres in South Farnham Parish. Witnesses: Carter Croxton, Ambrose Hundley, John Minter. Recorded 18 February 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, pages 76–77; Box Chancery No. 17, items 17-A-53 and 17-A-57.]
On 18 February 1799, Thomas and Catharine “Caty” Wood for love and affection and 10 shillings sold to their son William Wood 202 acres in South Farnham Parish. Witnesses: Carter Croxton, Ambrose Hundley, John Minter. Recorded 18 February 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, pages 76–77; Box Chancery No. 17, item 17-A-35.]
On 18 February 1799, Thomas and Catharine “Caty” Wood for love and affection and 10 shillings sold to their daughter Catharine Dix, wife of James Dix, 212-1/2 acres in South Farnham Parish. Witnesses: Carter Croxton, Ambrose Hundley, John Minter. Recorded 18 February 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, pages 76–77.]
On 14 September 1799, Thomas Wood Senior and Catharine his wife of South Farnham Parish sold to their son Thomas Wood Junior for love and affection and 10 shillings 421 acres in Essex County. Signed Thos Wood Senr, Catey Wood. Witnesses: James Dix, Lewes Brook, Frederick Galloway. Recorded 16 September 1799. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 35, pages 139–141.]
For general information about Catharine Gatewood, see: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, page 574.
Birthbef 1744
Deathabt Jan 1815