NameWilliam Gatewood 
Birthabt 1695
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
William Gatewood was mentioned in the will of his father John Gatewood, dated 14 November 1706. He is listed as being one of the three youngest children and received a portion of the estate. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 328.]
William Gatewood received a bequest in the 20 September 1720 will of his stepfather Joseph Baker. He was to receive two cows and calves. The will was proved on 15 November 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 220–223.]
An inventory of the estate of Capt. Wm. Young returned 20 September 1720 includes a receipt from Wm. Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 211–212, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 10 January 1721, William Gatewood is listed as being the guardian of Timothy Driscoll, apparently the son of Timothy Driscoll deceased, whose estate is “in the hands of” Mrs. Katherine Montague. [Essex County, Virginia, Wills, Inventories and Settlements of Estates No. 3, 1717–1721, pages 289–290, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 5 February 1727/8, William Fletcher in his will asked that his son William “be under the tuition of Wm Gatewood and Katharine his wife till he shall come to the age of twenty Years”. The will was proved on 19 June 1728. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 265–265a.]
On 16 June 1730, William Gatewood and Katherin(e) his wife of South Farnham Parish, Essex County, sold to Thomas Williamson Jr., for 2,400 pounds of tobacco, land “which sd land is part of One hundred and fifty acors given by will to Richard Carter by Mr Phillip Parr decd, and the sd Richard Carter being dead without disposeing of the same it doth now of right belond unto the aforesd Katherin Gatewood sister to the sd Richard Carter decd…” Signed Wm Gatewood, Katherine her X mark Gatewood. Witnesses: Thomas Dillon, Ro Parker. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 19, pages 122–123.]
On 5 February 1731, Wm Gatewood witnessed the will of William Dunn. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 92–93.]
On 9 August 1732, an inventory of the estate of Mr William Dunn was made by Joseph Mann, Ambrose Jones and a Wm Gatewood. Total valuation £103.6.3-3/4. Recorded 25 August 1732. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 97–98.]
On 20 November 1732, an additional inventory of the estate of William Dunn was made by Joseph Man and William Gatewood. Recorded 21 November 1732. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, page 114.]
The estate of John Dickenson in account with James Dix Exor was settled by Henry Purkins, Wm Gatewood and Jos Mann. Mentions Scooling of Peter & John Dickinson. Twice mentions the estate of Elizabeth Crow. Ordered recorded 22 March 1737/8. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 120–121.]
The will of William Gatewood was dated 18 September 1743. “In the Name of God Amen. I William Gatewood of the County Essex and parrish of Southfarnham being Sick and weak of Body but of perfect Sence and Memory thanks be given to Almighty God for the same and Calling to mind the uncertainty of this Transitory life do Make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following that is to say first and principally I recommend my soul into ye hands of Almighty God who gave it hopeing to Receive perfect Remission & forgiveness of all my Sins by the merits of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and a Joyfull Resurrection with ye Just at ye Last Day, and my body to the Earth to be Decently Buried at ye Discretion of my Executors hereafter Name and as touching such Temporal Estate as it hath pleased Almighty God to Bestow upon me I give and Bequeath ye same in Manner and form following that is to Say. Imprimis I give and Bequeath all my Land to my Son William Gatewood and to His heirs Lawfully Begotten of his Body and for want of Such Issue to said Land to Descend to my Daughter Katey Gatewood & Her heirs Lawfull Begotten and for want of such Lawfull Issue then to goe to my Daughter Elizabeth Purkins and Her Heirs Lawfull begotten for Ever Item I give to my son William Gatewood my Negro Boy Frank Item I give to my Daughter Katey Gatewood my Negro Girl Alice Item I Give to my Kinsman William Fletcher my Best Suit of Cloaths and a Young Horse Bridle and Saddle Item I lend All the Rest Residue and Reminader of my Estate of what nature and Kind Soever it is to my Loving Wife Catharine Gatewood for and dureing her Natural life and After her Decease to Be Equally Divided Amongst my three Children William Elizabeth & Catey and their Heirs for Ever Lastly I Constitute and appoint my Loving Wife Catherine Gatewood my whole and Sole Executrix of this my Last will and Testament Revoaking disannulling and makeing Void all former wills and Requests By me Heretofore made and appointing this to be my last Will and Testament in manner and form aforesaid As Wittness my hand & seal this 18th Day of September 1743” Signed William Gatewood. Witnesses: Thomas Barker, William Flitcher. Presented in court on 20 March 1743/1744 by Catherine Gatewood, proved by Thomas Barker and William Flitcher. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 84–86.]
An appraisal of the estate of William Gatewood ordered on 20 March 1743 was given on 16 April 1744 by WTyler, Wm Dunn, and John Croxton. Total valuation £303.6.3. Ordered recorded 17 April 1744. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 115–117.]
William Gatewood was mentioned in the will of his mother Amy Baker in April 1744. By that time he was deceased but had left a widow, Katharine. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, pages 335–337.]
On 15 May 1744, an additional inventory of William Gatewood deceased given by Caty Gatewood, who signed. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 7, page 155.]
By order of November 1768, an appraisal and division of the estate of William Gatewood was made by J: Edmondson, James Booker and James Banks. Lots to Henry Purkins, William Gatewood and Thomas Wood, each valued at £25.10.9. Signed J: Edmondson, James Booker, James Banks. Ordered recorded 17 July 1769. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 12, pages 368–369.]
For general information about William Gatewood, see: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, pages 9 and 573.
Birthbef 1700
Deathabt Oct 1768
Marriagebef 5 Feb 1727/1728