NameThomas Dix 
Birthaft 1680
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Thomas Dix was mentioned in the 21 May 1697/8 will of his father John Dicks. He was mentioned as being the eldest son, not yet 21, and was to receive a portion of 500 acres bought of James and John Boughan. He was present when the will was presented in court on 10 April 1710. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, page 308; Essex County, Virginia, Land Trails 1741–1760, pages 111–113.]
On 21 May 1714, brothers Thomas Dicks, James Dicks, William Dicks and John Dicks signed articles of agreement that divided the land of their father, John Dicks, deceased. The land had been purchased by their father from Major James Boughan, deceased, and was surveyed by Mr. James Boughan Surveyor containing about 505 acres. Signed Thomas Dicks, James his HH mark Dicks, William his + mark Dicks, John his HH mark Dicks. Witnesses: James his N mark Nubell, George his HH mark Nubell, Samuel Coats. Recorded 20 April 1761, proved by the oath of James Nubill. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 28, page 303.]
Thomas Dix received a bequest in the 20 September 1720 will of Joseph Baker. He was to receive half the sum and quantity of tobacco owed to Joseph Baker. The will was proved on 15 November 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 220–223.]
On 21 March 1720/21, Thomas Dicks witnessed a deed from Bryant Edmondson to John ffarguson. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 280–282.]
On 14 March 1725, Thomas Dicks was mentioned as a landowner in a deed from James Dicks and Judey his wife to Erasmus Allen, all of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, page 171.]
On 15 August 1749, a land trail suit commenced in Essex County Court concerining land that had been willed by John Dicks to his sons Thomas, James, William and John. This land had apparently entered the hands of James Campbell, who died during the trail and whose widow, Ann, continued the defense. By order of 21 March 1749/1750, the land was returned to Thomas Dix. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trails 1741–1760, pages 111–113.]
On 9 March 1750, a Thomas Dix (may have been this Thomas Dix or his son) witnessed a deed from Benjamin Haile and Arabella his wife to Thomas Haile. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 25, pages 144–146.]
On 19 June 1750, Thomas Dix, John Allen and John Latane were bound £250, as Thomas Dix was appointed administrator of Thos. Dix deceased, who died intestate. Signed Thos Dicks, John Allen, John Latané. Recorded 19 June 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 335–336; Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 16, page 114.]
The estate of Thos Dix was appraised on 19 June 1750 by Thomas Haile, Geo: Coleman and John Haile, and amounted to £100.4.8. Submitted by Thomas Dix administrator. Recorded 17 July 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, page 342.]
A division of the estate of Thomas Dicks was recorded on 16 October 1750, having been made by Thos. Haile, John Haile and Geo: Coleman in pursuance to an order of 17 July 1750. The estate was divided into thirds, with one part set aside for the widdow and one part apparently going to Thos. Dicks Admr. & heir at Law. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, page 376.]
The account of sales of the estate of Mr. Thomas Dix deceased was recorded 16 April 1751. The sales were made at auction by Thomas Dix administrator and included sales to John Tyler, Thomas Dix, Miss Tabitha Dix, Mrs. Mary Dix, and others. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 29–32.]