NameJohn Dicks 
Deathabt 1710
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 19 January 1694/95, James Boughan and Mary his wife, and John Boughan and Mary his wife of Essex County sold to John Dicks of the same county, for 8,500 pounds of tobacco in caske, all the remaining part or parcell of nine hundred acres of Land, by estimation five hundred acres more or less, scituate in Essex County on the south side of the Rappa. River, and bounding upon the Land of James Fallerton and Goodrich, and Capt. Richard Hails Land. Signed James Baughan, Mary Baughan, John Baughan, Mary her A mark Baughan. Witnesses: James his I mark Fogg, John Loyd. Ordered recorded on 10 May 1695. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, 19th century transcription, pages 390–391.]
On 19 January 1694/95, James Baughan and John Baughan, planters, of the County of Essex were bound unto John Dicks of the same county, Carpenter, in the sum of 16,000 pounds of good sound merchantable Tobacco & Casque. The condition of this obligation is such that if John Dicks shall may from henceforth forever peaceably occupy 500 acres granted by patent dated 20 April 1694 to James Baughan and John Baughan, then this obligation to void. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 1, 19th century transcription, page 391.]
The will of John Dicks was dated 21 May 1697/98:
In the name of God Amen I Johns Dicks of Essex County being Sick & weak of body but of Sound & perfect memory blest be God for the Same, and calling to remembrance the uncertainty of this frail life, and that all flesh must Submit when death doth call, doth make & ordain this my last Will & Testament, in manner & form following, first I give & bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my maker, hopeing to receive full & free pardon of all my Sins, through the merritts & passion of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ, and a joyfull Resurrection at the last day, and as for my body to be buried in Such decent place & manner as my Executrix, hereafter nominated & appointed shall think fitt & convenient, and that all those debts & duties which I in Conscience or Equity owe to any be honestly discharged & paid in Convenient time after my decease
Impris I give unto Eldest Son Thomas my Son James, my Son William & my Son John five hundred acres of Land, more or less, which I formerly bought of James Vaughon & John Vaughon lying & being in Southfarnham parish in Essex County to them & their heires for ever to be equally divided amongst them when my youngest Son John Shall attain to the age of Twenty one years, but I give unto my Eldest Son Thomas free libery to Seat upon ye aforesd Tract of Land upon any part or parcell thereof, when he shall attain to the age of Twenty one years & that he have his first Choice of an equall Share, but if in case my Eldest Son Thomas or any of the rest of my Sons die without heirs then the sd Tract of Land to be equally divided amongst the rest, to them & their heires for ever
Item I give unto my dear & loving wife Ursula my plantacon which I now live upon which I formerly bought of William Covington Senr lately deceased, to dispose of as She Shall think fitt & Convenient as also what Stock of Cattle & hoggs horses & mares & all other moveables whatsoever I now how have & Enjoy, I give & bequeath unto my dear & Loveing wife Ursula, making ordaining & appointing her whole & Sole Executrx of this my Last Will & Testamt In witness whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seal this Twenty first day of May Ano Dom 1697/8.
Memorandum that the Testator did ordr & appoint that his Son William & John Should be free at the Age of Eighteen years before the Ensealing & delivery hereof[.] Signed John Dicks (seal). Witnesses: Mary her M mark Nubell, Samll Coates.
Proved by ye oaths of Mary Crow late Mary Nubell & Saml Coates the witnesses hereto in Essex County Court ye 10th day of Aprill 1710 And on the mocon of Thomas Dicks Son to the above John Dicks was ordered to be Recorded, and is Recorded [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 13, page 308; Essex County, Virginia, Land Trails 1741–1760, pages 111–113.]