NameJohn Allen 
Birthbef 1699
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
John Allen is mentioned in the 1719 will of his father Erasmus Allen. He received land adjoining that of Erasmus’s brother William Allen and a Negro man Guile. He was an executor of the will and presented the will in court on 16 August 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, page 196.]
On 19 September 1720, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Erasmus Allen was given by David Scott, John his E mark Gatewood, James Griffing and John Haile. Total £30.2.2 plus two negroes not counted. Dinah her D mark Allen and John Allen executors. Ordered recorded 18 October 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 213–216.]
On 15 January 1722, William Winston, Henry Tandy, James Garnett and John Allen bound £200 sterling for William Winston’s and Henry Tandy’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Alexr Somervell deceased. Signed Wm Winston, Henry Tandy, Jas Garnett, John Allen. Ordered recorded 15 January 1722. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, page 10.]
On 14 March 1725, John Allen witnessed a lease from James Dicks and Judey his wife to Erasmus Allen, all of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, page 171.]
On 15 March 1725, John Allen witnessed a release from James Dicks and Judey his wife to Erasmus Allen, all of the parish of Southfarnham and County of Essex. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, pages 171–173.]
John Allen was mentioned in the 10 March 1728/9 will of Samuel Allen, who called John Allen his “friend” and asked that he overlook the state of affairs. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 312–313.]
On 6 October 1737, John Allen served as foreman on a jury in a suit between Henry Reeves and Joseph Reeves. [Essex County, Virginia, Land Trials 1715–1741, pages 123–124.]
On 18 September 1739, John Allen and Isaac Scandrett bound £500 current money for John Allen’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of Erasmus Allen deceased. Both men signed their names. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 202–203.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of Erasmus Allen was made by John Hunt, Thos Gatewood and Wm his + mark Dix. Total £179.19.4-3/4. Returned by John Allen Admer. Ordered recorded 16 October 1739. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 203–206.]
An additional inventory of Erasmus Allen was made by Thos Gatewood, John Hunt and William his + mark Dicks. Total £7.17.6. Ordered recorded 15 July 1740. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, page 267.]
On 15 July 1740, George Reeves and ffrancis Attwood were bound unto John Allen £20 sterling as a result of a judgement that day in Essex County court wherein John Allen and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth Reeves were plaintiffs against George Reeves executor of the last will and testament of John Reeves deceased. George was granted an appeal to the eighth day of the next General Court. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 22, page 168.]
On 17 August 1743, John Allen Sener of Essex County, Southfarnham Parish, was bound unto ffrancis Jones & Barbary his wife of the same county and parish in the Penal sum of 72 pounds current money. John relinquished title to a Negro girl named Tamer, legacy left to Barbara Jones by her father Erasmus Allen but not mentioned in Erasmus’s will. Signed John Allen. Witnesses: John Waggener, Joseph Allen. Recorded 19 May 1752. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 26, pages 67–68.]
On 20 March 1750, on the motion of Elizabeth Allen widow of John Allen late deceased was is ordered that William Roane, Thomas Waring and Forester Upshaw or any two of them settle the accounts of the administration and then allot and decide the same between the said Elizabeth Allen and the decedent’s children. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 16, page 263.]
On 16 October 1750, Eliza Allen, John Clements, Isaac Scandrett and James Gray gent were bound £4,000 for Eliza Allen’s administration of the estate of John Allen, deceased. Recorded 16 October 1750. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 8, pages 369–370.]
On 18 December 1750, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of John Allen deceased was returned and ordered to be recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 16, page 214.]
A division of the personal estate of John Allen was submitted on 16 July 1751 by order of 20 March 1751. Entire amount was £327.14.6-1/4. Widow’s thirds is 109.4.10. Each child’s part 24.5.6-1/4. Parcels to “The heir at laws lot”, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Salice, Thomas Dix’s lot Negro Rader, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen, Tamzin Allen. By WRoane, Forest Upshaw, TWaring jr. Recorded 16 July 1751. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 70–71.]
On 21 June 1753, a case was in chancery court with Elizabeth Allen Widow of John Allen the Elder, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen and Tamzin Allen Infants by the said Elizabeth their Guardian Complainants against Thomas Allen son and heir at Law of John Allen the Younger, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife, and Thos Dicks and Susanna his wife, Respondents. “Came the said parties by their Attornies & on the Motion of the said Respondts time is given them till the next Court to be held for this County to file their answer to the Bill of the said Complainants”. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 19, page 19.]
On 17 October 1753, the Chancery Court of Essex County ruled in the case of Benjamin Allen against Thomas Burk in detinue. The jury found the following: that Erasmus Allen left a will dated 26 January 1719; that Erasmus was possessed of a Negro Mill; that Erasmus Allen to whom the Negro Girl Mill was devised died intestate without issue during the life of his mother, to whom the said Girl Mill was devised for life; that the Slave Voss is the second child the Slave Mill had after the death of Erasmus the testator; that there is a bond from John Allen, the eldest son of Erasmus the testator and eldest brother and heir at law to Erasmus Allen the intestate to Benjamin Allen bearing date 28 February 1742; that John died intestate during the life of Dinah Allen; that there is a writing from Dinah Allen to Benjamin Allen dated 7 November 1750; that Dinah Allen died before the bringing of this suit; that the Slave Voss was in her possession by the permission of the plaintiff [Benjamin Allen] until the time of her death; that Thomas Burk is now in possession of the Slave Voss and keeps him as Guardian to Thomas Allen [here there seems to be some confusion in the recording] the heir of John Allen the intestate. The justices deferred final judgement. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 19, pages 278–279.]
On 21 May 1765, the Chancery Court of Essex County issued a decree in the case of Thomas Allen an Infant by Thomas Burk his Guardian, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife and Thomas Dix and Susanna his wife, Complaints, against Elizabeth Allen Widow, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen and Tamzin Allen, Defendants. “This day came the parties by their Counsel and two of the auditors appointed having made and returned their report in these words ‘The Estate of John Allen decd is Dr to Elizabeth Allen Widow & Adminstrx[’]” Here follows accounts beginning 18 June 1751, including 0.3.9 paid to “John Hunt for plank to make his Coffin” and 0.5.0 paid to “David Fulkner for digging his Grave”. “‘Negroe mentioned in the Marriage Settlemt Deed Vizt Tom, Ing, Jamey, Violet & Janey. Pursuant to an order of the Worshipful Court of Essex County We have settled Elizabeth Allens Administration account with her deceased Husband’s Estate since the division of his sd Estate made by Gent for that purpose appointed & find a ballance due to the Estate of Fourteen pounds six shillings & eight pence as above & We also have valued the marriage settlement slaves their increase &c. which is as above also. Given under our hands this 15th of August 1763. Thomas Roane John Upshaw.’ The said cause was further heard thereupon on consideration whereof it is Decreed & ordered that the Deft Eliza pay to the Plts in equal proportion to be divided among them the sum of Fourteen pounds six shillings and eight pence upon their giving Bond & security to refund the same if any Debts of the Intestate shall hereafter come agst the Deft Elizabeth and that the parties bear their own Costs. Whereupon the Deft Elizabeth prayed an appeal from every part of this and the Interlocutary Decree except so much thereof as established the former division of the Slaves of John Allen deced and that part which directs the Deft to pay the Fourteen Pounds six shillings and eight pence which is granted her upon giving Bond & Security in the Clerk’s office, which she has accordingly done.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 26, page 121.]
On 16 December 1771, Thomas Allen and Henry Allen of the County of Essex sold land to Thomas Dix of the same. For £75 current money, 190 acres by estimation in Southfarnham Parish on which John Allen the father of Henry had lived, bounded by the lands of Thomas Dix, Benjamin Cosland and William Roane. This land had been sold by James Dicks and Judy his wife to Erasmus Allen, upon whose death the land descended to his brother John Allen, grandfather of the abovenamed Thomas Allen. Signed Thomas Allen, Henry Allen. Witnesses: Joseph Gatewood, Richd Thos Haile, William Gatewood, Richard Ryland, Leonard Burnett. Recorded 17 February 1772. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 509–510.]
ChildrenJohn (<1723-<1753)
ChildrenHenry (~1737-1783)