NameErasmus Allen 
Birth10 Sep 1670, Middlesex County, Virginia
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
“Erasmus the son of John and Barbara Allen Christnd Sept 10th 1671.” [The Parish Register of Christ Church, Middlesex County, Va. from 1653 to 1812, Baltimore, Maryland: Clearfield Company Reprints and Remainders, 1990, page 9.]
On 25 May 1702, Erasmus Allen was appoint vice sheriff of Essex County, VIrginia. “At the Request of Tho. Meriwether high sheriffe of this County Erasmus Allen is admitted and sworne his Vicesheriffe dureing the said high sheriffs pleasure haveing first taken the oath appointed by Act of Parlimt ec & Subscribed the test and association”. Bond follows. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10 reverse, page 120.]
On 9 and 10 February 1703, Erasmus Allen witnessed a lease, release and bond from Arrabella Bird to James Boughan, both of Essex County. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 164–171.]
On 2 February 1705/06, Erasmus Allen witnessed a deed from James Boughan of South farnham parish in the County of Essex Gent. sold to Richard Holt and William Holt of the County aforesaid, planters. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 163–165.]
On 2 February 1705/06, Erasmus Allen witnessed a deed from Richard Holt and William Holt, planters, of Essex County to James Boughan, Gent. of the same. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, pages 166–167.]
On 10 May 1707, Thomas Gregson of Sittenbourn in Essex County gentleman sold to Erasmus Allen and William Allen of Southfarnham Parish planters. For 3,700 pounds good sweet scented tobacco, 200 acres or more less in Essex County, part of a dividend of 900 acres granted 20 April 1684 to James Boughan and John Boughan and by James Boughan sold to George Sudkett and George Reed on 13 February 1685, etc. Signed Tho: Gregson. Witnesses: Hen: Goard, Thomas Hucklescott. Recorded 10 July 1700. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 10, pages 42–43.]
On 10 May 1707 Erasmus Allen and William Allen divided the land they bought of Thomas Gregson, 182 acres. Signed Erasmus Allen, Wm Allen. Witnesses: ffran: Moore, J Wood. Recorded 10 May 1707. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 12, page 412.]
In June or July 1710, Erasmus Allen served on a jury in a land dispute. His signature from 1[?] July 1710 is extant; his penmanship suggests that he was used to writing. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 6/1710.]
On 12 December 1712, William Bourne, with Erasmus Allen and William Grinall his security, was bound £100 sterling for the guardianship of John Gregory and Sarah Gregory. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 14, page 93.]
On 15 May 1715, Rachel Waggoner, Wm Winston and Erasmus Allen were bound £150 for Rachel Waggoner’s executrixship of the will of John Waggoner. Signed Rachel her R mark Waggoner, Wm Winston, Erasmus Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, pages 534–535.]
An inventory of the estate of Tho: Wheeler decd ordered on 19 May 1719 was given on 15 June 1719 by Erasmus Allen, Martin Nalle and John his E mark Gatewood. Signed Anne her A mark Wheeler. Ordered recorded 18 August 1719. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 104–105.]
The will of Erasmus Allen was dated 26 January 1719. “In the name of God Amen I Erasmus Allen being Sick and week in body but of perfect mind & memory blessed to be God for it I do ordain this my Last Will & Testament in manner & form following first rendering my Soul unto almighty God my maker stedfastly hopeing & believeing that through the Merrits of Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ I shall receive full pardon and Remission of of [sic] all my Sins and body to the Earth from whence it was taken to be buryed in such decent maner, First I Give to bequeath unto my Son John Allen that peice of Land joyning to my Brother Wm Allen to him & his heirs for ever And the rest of my Land I Give to my Son Erasmus Allen & his heirs for ever only my wife shall have it dureing her life, Secondly I Lend to my Loveing wife Dinah Allen my Three negroes & all the rest of my Estate during her Life and she shall pay all the Debts that is now due without any of my Children Estate or dismissing any of it, Thirdly I Give unto my Son John Allen my negro man named Guile & to his heirs for ever, Fourthly I Give unto my Son Erasmus Allen my negro Girl named Mill and to his heirs for Ever and if the negro Girl should have Children shall be distributed as followeth ye first to go to my Daughter Rachel Cheny The next to my Son Benjamin & ye next to my Son Joseph and the next to my Daughter Margreat & the next to my Daughter Dinah & the next to my daughter Barbary and the abovesd negro man & Girl Shall be due to my Two Sons John & Erasmus Allen after my wife decease and that the abovesd Negro’s Shall not be apaised [sic] with the rest of my Estate and my negro Woman Doll shall be Valued with the rest of my Estate and after my wifes decease to be equally divided between the rest of my Children Rachell Cheny & Margret Dinah Barbary & Benjamin & Joseph & if my wife Should marry my Children Shall be at Eage at Eighteen, I do make my wife & my Son John Allen Holy & Souly Executors makeing this my Last Will & Testamt. As Wtiness my hand & Seal this 26 day of January 1719” Signed Erasmus Allen. Wtinesses: Andrew his + mark Diar, Wm Allen. Presented in court 16 August 1720 by Dinah Allen and Jno Allen and proved by Andrew Dyar and Wm Allen. Recorded 16 August 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, page 196.]
On 19 September 1720, an inventory and appraisal of the estate of Erasmus Allen was given by David Scott, John his E mark Gatewood, James Griffing and John Haile. Total £30.2.2 plus two negroes not counted. Dinah her D mark Allen and John Allen executors. Ordered recorded 18 October 1720. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 213–216.]
On 17 October 1753, the Chancery Court of Essex County ruled in the case of Benjamin Allen against Thomas Burk in detinue. The jury found the following: that Erasmus Allen left a will dated 26 January 1719; that Erasmus was possessed of a Negro Mill; that Erasmus Allen to whom the Negro Girl Mill was devised died intestate without issue during the life of his mother, to whom the said Girl Mill was devised for life; that the Slave Voss is the second child the Slave Mill had after the death of Erasmus the testator; that there is a bond from John Allen, the eldest son of Erasmus the testator and eldest brother and heir at law to Erasmus Allen the intestate to Benjamin Allen bearing date 28 February 1742; that John died intestate during the life of Dinah Allen; that there is a writing from Dinah Allen to Benjamin Allen dated 7 November 1750; that Dinah Allen died before the bringing of this suit; that the Slave Voss was in her possession by the permission of the plaintiff [Benjamin Allen] until the time of her death; that Thomas Burk is now in possession of the Slave Voss and keeps him as Guardian to Thomas Allen [here there seems to be some confusion in the recording] the heir of John Allen the intestate. The justices deferred final judgement. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 19, pages 278–279.]
ChildrenJohn (<1699-1750)