NameRachel [Ward?] 
Birthabt 1653
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Rachel was mentioned but not named in the 21 February 1697 will of her son, John Waggoner, proved on 10 May 1697. “Item I give my Loveing mother my piece of Plate and my Chest.” [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds and Wills 9, page 95–96.]
Rachel Waggoner received property in the 1715 will of her husband John Waggoner. She was named executrix and presented the will in court on 15 May 1716. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, pages 533–534.]
On 15 May 1715, Rachel Waggoner, Wm Winston and Erasmus Allen were bound £150 for Rachel Waggoner’s executrixship of the will of John Waggoner. Signed Rachel her R mark Waggoner, Wm Winston, Erasmus Allen. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, pages 534–535.]
Rachel Waggoner left a will dated 6 April 1717. “In the name of God Amen I Rachell Waggner of Southfarnham parish in Essex County Dwo make and ordain this to be my last will and Testement in maner and form following first I bequeeth my Soul into ye hands of allmighty God that gave it hopeing to have full forgiveness of my Sins and to receive a Joyfull Resurection at the last & boddy to be Decently buried at the Discretion of my Exers hereafter mentioned and I Dwo bestwow these oatward blessings which it hath pleased The Allmighty God to bless me with as followeth Vizt Itm I Give and bequeethe to my Son Benja Waggner my horse bridle & Sadle: And ten head of Chatle and to have his Choyce of all my Stock Except One Stear I give my aforesd Son Benja all my Stock of hoggs: & my great Iron pot and pothooks: a copper Stew Ketle: & a Small Iron Ketle with a Copper hood; a Small frying pan: a Grid Iron: a Iron Spitt a Corse meal Sifter & a Searcle[?]: a powder fflagon: and all my Earthen Muggs: Two new pewter Dishes and four of my pewter basons: four pewter plates a pr of fire tongues: an Iron Chain that hangs ye pots on: all my fine Kersey buttons mohair and Every thing fit to make up ye Kersey wth I give him my Servant boy Charles macay my great Chest of all and ye Chest that is Call’d my Chest & all my Syder Caske pailes piggings powerding Tubbs, barrells all my Iron wair of all Sorts whatsoever a new Stock lock: three Sheets and to have his Choyce of all my Sheets: the largest lining Table Cloath three new nappkins & three old ones: Two pr of pillow beers Twenty yards of fine Irish lining: A pewter Chamber pott I give my my Son Benja Waggner all my Iron wair of all Sorts whatsoever Except what I shall hereafter mention and Dispose of, Itm I give and bequeath to my Daughter Dinah Allen my gold ring a damask gound and pettecoat & Rideing Gound a large bason a large pewter dish Two pewter plates a large tinn pan it is my will that all my wairing lining be Equally dividd between my Daughter Dinah and Margaret Allen. I give to my Dinah Allen a pr of gloves a brass Saucepan my will is that my Muslin Silk lace fine thredd and all my holldswair by Equally divided between my two Daughters Dinah and marget Allen Item I give and bequeeth to my Daughter Margaret Allen all my wairing Cloathes not before given: A flock bed bolster two blankits a rugg & one pillow one large pewter bason a large pewter Dish two plates a brass pestle and morter as wll Iron pott a large tinn Saucepan a pr of new parragon boddis all my Shoes a pr of worsted Stockings A new Iron Candlestick: Seven yds Juroys a pair of Gloves: three new nappkins and three one ones & a table Cloath: four yards of Blew Cottn I give the all rest of my blew Cotton To my Son Benja Waggner. I give to my aforesd Daughter Margaret Allen a pewter Chamber pott my least box and a fan bigest box to my Daughter Dinah Allen Itm I give and bequeath To my Son harbert Waggner a flockbed & bolster a Rugg and two blankits one pillow his fathers Chest a three gall Iron pott A pewter bason A large deep dish Two plates a Pewter qt pott an Ivory h[illeg] Knife four & a half yards of Grey Kersey buttns for it Itm I give and bequeath To my Son Samll Waggner a five Gall Iron pott a white Chest a pewter bason a Smll Deep Dish Two pewter plates a Chamber pott four and a halfe yds of Grey Kersey & buttons to make it up I give Remainder of ye Grey Kersey To my Son in Law Wm Allen. Itm I give and bequeath To my grandaughter Rachel Cheany my Silver bodkin a black Silk whoad[?] A pr of Thredd Gloves & beddiss waire Every Day. Itm I give & bequeath to my Grandaughter Rachell Wagner a Silver Spoon. Itm It is my will that all my Thred & newlinin[?] not before given be Equally divided between my five Children & that all the remaining part of my Estate of what nature or kind Soever I give to my Son Benja Wa[worn away]ner and I Dwo Constitute & apoynt my aforesd Son Benja Waggner my whole Sole Executor To this my last will and Testement Revokeing & Denying all other will or wills heretofore made by me as witness my hand & Seal this Sixth [day—worn away] of Aprill Seventeen hundd and Seventeen the [worn away, one word] and new lying[?] being J[worn away] assign’d” Signed Rachel her R mark Waggner. Witnesses: WDangerfield, Mary her M mark Byrom, Peter Byrom. Presented in court 16 September 1718 by Benjamin Wagoner and proved by Wm Dangerfield and Peter Byrom. Ordered recorded. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 39–41.].
Information on Rachel Ward (including last name) from letter from Myrle Cook Theimer to Thomas Moore, 11 November 1993.
ChildrenJohn (<1677-~1697)