NameJames Waggoner 
Birthaft 1666
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia; Pennsylvania
On 3 June 1680, John Wells freely given unto James Waggonner one Cowe yearling with all her femall Increass till ye Child attaine the age of sixteene years and then ann her male and female Increase for ever. No witnesses. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 6, page 111.]
On 1 October 1690, Edwin Thacker of the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Middlesex sold to Andrew Waginer and James Waginer of the Parish of South Farnham in the County of Rappa. For 2250 pounds of good sweet sented Tobbo, 200 acres in Rappa County on the south side of the River being part of 1563 acres granted to the said Edwin Thacker by Patent on 20 April 1687[?], bordering lands of John Meador and Henry Aubrey. Signed Edwin Thacker. Witnesses: Tho" Huclecott, John Meador. Ordered recorded 1 October 1690. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 8,m pages 238–240.]
On 10 April 1696, James Waggoner posted: “These are to Certifie all whome it may Concerne that ye Subscriber Intends for Pencilvania by ye first oppertunity, any that please may speake with him at any time at John Waggoner’s house in this County, this month”. Signed James Waggoner. Essex County Aprill ye 10th 1696. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 9, page 36.]