Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
Thomas Moore’s Genealogy Site - Person Sheet
NameJohn Waggoner
Birthbef 1677
Deathabt May 1697
FatherJohn Waggoner (~1642-1716)
MotherRachel [Ward?] (~1653-1718)
On 4 June 1690, James Taylor of the Parish of St Stevens in the County of new Kent, Plantr, bargained to John Waggener Junr. For Clearing Planting & tending an acre of ground & the building of a House for the searing & saving of a patent of 745 acres to me and one Bay Gelding to me in Hand Paid, a parcel in the County of Rappa & Parish of Farnham Bordering land of the said Taylor, John Meador and John Evans and standing by the side of a Path that goeth to Richard Hales. Signed James Taylor. Witnesses: Thos Wheeler, Thomas Pettis. Ordered recorded 4 June 1690. [(Old) Rappahannock County, Virginia, Deed Book 8, pages 181–183.]

In the name of god amen the 21st day of Febry: in the yeare of our Lord god 1696/7 I John Wagganer being sick and weake of Body but of perfect mind and memory Thanks be given to god Therefore Calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that is appointed for all men once to dye do make and ordeine this my Last Will and Testamt in manner and forme following first and pricinpaly I give my Soul into the hands of God who gave itt me and for my body I comend it to the Earth to be buried in Christian and Decent manner nothing Doubting but att the Generall Resurection & Shall Receive the Same againe by the mighty power of God and touching the wordly Estate wherewith It hath pleased god to Bless me I give and devise Bequeath and Dispose the Same in manner and forme following.
First I give and Bequeath all my Tract of Land unto my Brother Samll Wagganer and to the heires of his Body Lawfully Begotten but in Case itt shall please God that the said Samll: do dye without such heires then I give and bequeath the said Land to my youngest Brother Benjamin Wagganer and his Heires—
Item I give unto my Brother Andrew Wagganner My Gunne
Item I give unto my loveing father my Coopers Tooles a Saddle and two Bridles & If my Brother James Wagganner doe not returne the horse which he left me.
Item I give my Loveing mother my piece of Plate and my Chest.
And of this my last will and Testament I made and ordeine my loveing father John Wagganner full and whole Exer and I do hereby utterly Disallow revoke and annull all and Singular other former Testaments Wills Legacies bequests and Executions by me in any wise Before this time named Willed and Bequeathed ratifieing & Confirmeing this and none other to be last will and Testament In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto Sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare above written
John Wagganer (Seal)
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the said John Wagganer as his Last Will and Testament in presence of
Tho: Hucklescott
Mary Hucklescotts
On 10 May 1697, proved and ordered recorded.
[Essex County, Virginia, Deeds and Wills 9, page 95–96.]
Last Modified 6 Jul 2018Created 11 Dec 2023 using Reunion for Macintosh
Last updated 11 December 2023
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