NameSamuel Waggoner 
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Samuel Waggoner was mentioned in the 21 February 1697 will of his brother, John Waggoner, proved on 10 May 1697. “First I give and Bequeath all my Tract of Land unto my Brother Samll Wagganer and to the heires of his Body Lawfully Begotten but in Case itt shall please God that the said Samll: do dye without such heires then I give and bequeath the said Land to my youngest Brother Benjamin Wagganer and his Heires” [Essex County, Virginia, Deeds and Wills 9, page 95–96.]
Samuel Waggoner was mentioned in the 1715 will of his father John Waggoner. Samuel received a Negro named Jugg, one bed and bolster and one cow. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 15, pages 533–534.]
Samuel Waggoner received various sundry items in the 1717 will of his mother Rachel. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 3, pages 39–41.]
On 19 July 1727, Samuell Waggoner and Christiana his wife, and Joseph Reeves and Susanna his wife, executors of Richard Price deceased, were in court against Robert Greaves. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 7, page 134.]
The will of Samuel Waggener of the County of Essex was dated 10 March 1728/9. Sick and weak. To son Samuell all land and plantation. To beloved wife Christian Waggener all estate during her life. Five children Lucrecy, Samuell, Price, Winifred and Temperance Waggener, “when they come of age”. Friend John Allen to overlook state of affairs. Wife to be executrix. Signed Samll Wagener. Witnesses: John Allen Junr, Benja Waggener. Proved 16 September 1729. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 312–313. Original: Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, Deeds, Wills, and etc., 1734–1739.]
On 16 September 1729, Christina Wagoner, William Allen and Benja Wagoner bound £500 sterling for Christina Wagoner’s execution of the last will and testament of Samuel Wagoner. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 313–314.]
An appraisal of the estate of Samuel Waggener was made by David Scott, James Gatewood, and Thos Gatewood. No total. Returned by Christina her C mark waggener adx. Ordered recorded 18 November 1729. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 314–316.]