NameHenry Allen 
Birthabt 1737
ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
On 20 March 1750, Elizabeth Allen was appointed guardian to Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen and Tamzin Allen, with John Clements and James Gatewood her securities. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 16, page 260.]
A division of the personal estate of John Allen was submitted on 16 July 1751 by order of 20 March 1751. Entire amount was £327.14.6-1/4. Widow’s thirds is 109.4.10. Each child’s part 24.5.6-1/4. Parcels to “The heir at laws lot”, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Salice, Thomas Dix’s lot Negro Rader, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen, Tamzin Allen. By WRoane, Forest Upshaw, TWaring jr. Recorded 16 July 1751. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 9, pages 70–71.]
On 21 June 1753, a case was in chancery court with Elizabeth Allen Widow of John Allen the Elder, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen and Tamzin Allen Infants by the said Elizabeth their Guardian Complainants against Thomas Allen son and heir at Law of John Allen the Younger, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife, and Thos Dicks and Susanna his wife, Respondents. “Came the said parties by their Attornies & on the Motion of the said Respondts time is given them till the next Court to be held for this County to file their answer to the Bill of the said Complainants”. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 19, page 19.]
On 3 November 1758, Elizabeth Allen Widow and executrix of John Allen of the County of Essex deceased gifted to Henry Allen of the same. For the natural love and affection which she hath and beareth to the said Henry Allen her son and also for the better maintenance and preferment of the said Henry, all right and Title of dower in the Tract whereon Henry now dwells in the parish of Southfarnham. Signed Elizabeth her E mark Allen. Witnesses: James Pamplin, Jeremiah Burnett, John Ball. Ordered recorded 21 November 1768. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, page 203.]
An undated petition by orator John Richards states that Richard Gatewood died about 1760 leaving Robert Cole and Frances his wife, William Gatewood, Richard Tyler and Catharine his wife, Henry Allen & Frances his wife, Philemon Gatewood, Annie Gatewood & Elizabeth Gatewood by William Gatewood their next friend. [Essex County, Virginia, Box 201, Folder G.]
On 22 March 1763, Essex County Chancery Court ruled in the case of Thomas Allen an Infant by Thomas Burk his Guardian, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife and Thomas Dix and Susanna his wife, complainants, against Elizabeth Allen, widow, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen, and Tamzin Allen defendants. “This Cause Coming on this Day to be heard on the Bill of Answer the Arguments of Counsel on both sides were heard and Mature Consideration being thereupon had It is the opinion of the Court that the Widow has no Title to Dower in the Lands or Slaves that were in Possession of Dinah Allen and that Thomas Allen the heir at Law is Intitled to the said Slaves without Coming to Distribution with the other Children. That the Division of the Estate of John Allen be Established: that the Widow has no Right to any of the rest of the slaves or Personal Estate being Barred by the Marriage Settlement in the Bill mentioned That the younger Children are not Intitled to any of their Father’s Personal Estate, unless they will collate the Estate they Claim under the Marriage Settlement aforesaid. And It is ordered that Thomas Roane, John Upshaw and James Upshaw Gentleman or any two of them Do Settle the Administration Account of the Estate of the said John Allen since the last Settlement, and value the slaves mentiond in the marriage Settlement and their Increase and Report their proceedings to the Court.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 24, page 213.]
On 21 May 1765, the Chancery Court of Essex County issued a decree in the case of Thomas Allen an Infant by Thomas Burk his Guardian, Elizabeth Allen, Ambrose Allen, John Latane and Mary his wife and Thomas Dix and Susanna his wife, Complaints, against Elizabeth Allen Widow, Henry Allen, Thomas Allen, James Allen and Tamzin Allen, Defendants. “This day came the parties by their Counsel and two of the auditors appointed having made and returned their report in these words ‘The Estate of John Allen decd is Dr to Elizabeth Allen Widow & Adminstrx[’]” Here follows accounts beginning 18 June 1751, including 0.3.9 paid to “John Hunt for plank to make his Coffin” and 0.5.0 paid to “David Fulkner for digging his Grave”. “‘Negroe mentioned in the Marriage Settlemt Deed Vizt Tom, Ing, Jamey, Violet & Janey. Pursuant to an order of the Worshipful Court of Essex County We have settled Elizabeth Allens Administration account with her deceased Husband’s Estate since the division of his sd Estate made by Gent for that purpose appointed & find a ballance due to the Estate of Fourteen pounds six shillings & eight pence as above & We also have valued the marriage settlement slaves their increase &c. which is as above also. Given under our hands this 15th of August 1763. Thomas Roane John Upshaw.’ The said cause was further heard thereupon on consideration whereof it is Decreed & ordered that the Deft Eliza pay to the Plts in equal proportion to be divided among them the sum of Fourteen pounds six shillings and eight pence upon their giving Bond & security to refund the same if any Debts of the Intestate shall hereafter come agst the Deft Elizabeth and that the parties bear their own Costs. Whereupon the Deft Elizabeth prayed an appeal from every part of this and the Interlocutary Decree except so much thereof as established the former division of the Slaves of John Allen deced and that part which directs the Deft to pay the Fourteen Pounds six shillings and eight pence which is granted her upon giving Bond & Security in the Clerk’s office, which she has accordingly done.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 26, page 121.]
On 16 November 1767, a Henry Allen witnessed a deed from Ambrose Gatewood and Martha his wife of the County of Essex to Thomas Dix of the same. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages 154–155.]
On 16 December 1771, Thomas Allen and Henry Allen of the County of Essex sold land to Thomas Dix of the same. For £75 current money, 190 acres by estimation in Southfarnham Parish on which John Allen the father of Henry had lived, bounded by the lands of Thomas Dix, Benjamin Cosland and William Roane. This land had been sold by James Dicks and Judy his wife to Erasmus Allen, upon whose death the land descended to his brother John Allen, grandfather of the abovenamed Thomas Allen. Signed Thomas Allen, Henry Allen. Witnesses: Joseph Gatewood, Richd Thos Haile, William Gatewood, Richard Ryland, Leonard Burnett. Recorded 17 February 1772. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 30, pages
On 17 May 1774, Frankey Gatewood complained of the treatment by her husband Henry Allen and sought relief. A bill for Allen v Henry Allen reads in part: “Complaining…your oratrix Frankey Allen by William Gatewood her next friend that your oratrix now is & for near ten years past has been the wife of one Henry Allen the defendant herein after named, who soon after the intermarriage began to exert the authority of an husband in a very cruel & illegal manner, & still continues his ill treatment of your oratrix, frequently whipping & beating her unmercifully & with improper & unreasonable weapons, such as chairs bricks & cow hides & sometimes throttling your oratrix with his hands; that no longer ago than Monday the sixteenth instant having beaten your oratrix very severly & throttled her when the said Henry was about to come to this court, he told your oratrix if he found her on his plantation at his return he would kill her a threat he had often made before…” Goes on to state that she left, brining away a young child at her breast. Makes oath to this 18 May 1774, seeks relief. [Essex County, Virginia, Box Chancery No. 1, item 1-F-26.]
The will of Henry Allen was dated 19 January 1783. Very sick and weak. Beloved wife Frankey. Children Elizabeth, William G., Richard H., Hancock, Polly, Dolly, Caty. Executors: Capt. William Gatewood and Philemon Gatewood. Signed Henry Allen. Witnesses: Benja Waggener, Jeremiah Allen, Thomas Meador. Proved 18 February 1783. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 13, page 367. Estate inventory follows.]
The estate of Henry Allen in was account with Philemon Gatewood from 1783 to 1785. Settled to 18 November 1785 by Thomas Dix, John Haile and Thomas Dix Junier on 18 January 1786. Ordered recorded 19 June 1786. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 16–22.]
The division of the Negroes of Henry Allen were made among the decedents widow and the children. To Polly Allen, Caty Allen, Wm Allen, Betsey Allen, Dollys Allen, Richards Allen, Hancock Allen. By Tho: Allen, James Sullivan and John Haile on 18 January 1787. Ordered recorded 21 January 1787. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 14, pages 92–93.]
The estate of Henry Allen was in account with Philemon Gatewood. Mentions to Mrs Frankey Cole Her Annuel Allowance from 1785 onwards to 1794. Mentions seven legatees, not named. To James Paul 1 pr. of shoes for Richard Allen; To James Gatewood for schooling one of the children; To Richd. Tyler baln. of his acct. for Richd. Allens Schooling & Cloathing. Settled on 26 September 1794 by Ambrose Greenhill, Thomas Dix and John Haile. Ordered recorded 21 April 1795. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 15, pages 146–150.]
Birth11 Oct 1749, Virginia