ResidenceEssex County, Virginia
Sarah was mentioned in the 1728 will of her husband Henry Reeves. She was to receive 200 acres and 4 slaves during her life and was named a co-executor. She presented the will in court on 17 March 1729. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 342–344.]
On 17 March 1729, Henry Reeves, Sarah Reeves and Pitman Scandrett were bound £2,000 sterling for Henry Reeves’ and Sarah Reeves’ execution of the last will and testament of Henry Reeves deceased. Signed Henry Reeves, Pitmn Scandrett, Sarah her S mark Reeves. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, page 346.]
The division of the estate of Mr Henry Reeves decd was made on 19 May 1730, delivered to the severall legatees according to his will. Lists accounts for The Widdows thirds, Mrs Sarah Reeves, Mr John Reeves, Mr Samuel Reeves, Mr George Reeves, Mr Richard Gatewood, Mrs Eliz: Reeves, Mrs Ann Reeves. Also dated 13 June 1730. Made by Pr Godfrey, James Jones, James Griffing. Adjustments made. Ordered recorded 18 August 1730. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 372–384.]
Sarah was mentioned but not named in the 2 October 1736 will of her son John Reeves. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 63–64.]
The will of Sarah Reeves of Southfarnham pish and County of Essex was dated 5 Aprill 1738. To sonne George Reeves, Copper Still, Silver Cann, negro General. To Daughter Elizabeth Allen, Gold ring and one Silver Spoon. To Daughter Ann, Negro Oxford and negro woman Barbary. To Daughter Patience Gatewood, negro woman Sylvia. Cattle, Sheep & hoggs, horses to be equally divided between children Henry, Joseph, Thomas and George and daughters Patience and Ann. To Son Thomas one feather bedd boulster one pair of Sheets and one rugg or Quilt and all the money and accounts he now stands indebted to me. To Henry, Thomas, Joseph, Patience and Ann a silver spoon each. To Granddaughter Patience Reeves a featherbed. Executors to be George Reeves, Patience Gatewood and Anne Reeves. Signed Sarah her e mark Reeves. Witnesses: pr Godfrey, Arthur Cally. Codicil. Weak and indissposed. Son George to have negro woman Kate and her child Harry. £14 sterling to Dater Ann. “[I]n consideration of the necessaty and misfortune of my sonn Thomas that” he receive £20 sterling in 8 months after my decease. Dated 23 August 1739. Signed Sarah her [complex] mark Gatewood. Witnesses: Pr Godfrey, Jon [sic] Hill, James his X mark ffinnister. On 20 November 1739 presented by George Reeves and proved by Peter Godfrey, John Hill and James ffinnester. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 210–212.]
On 20 November 1739, George Reeves, Benjamin Winslow, William Daingerfield and James Gatewood were bound £500 current money for George Reeves’s execution of the last will and testament of Sarah Reeves. Signed George Reeves, Benja Winslow, Wm Daingerfield, James Gatewood. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 212–213.]
An inventory and appraisal of the estate of Sarah Reeves, ordered 20 November 1739, was made by Thos Gatewood, Tho’s Davis, and Henry Tandy. George Reeves executor. Total £311.16.10. Ordered recorded 18 December 1739. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 213–216.]
For general information about Sarah, see: Gothberg, Carol J., John and Amy Gatewood, and Their Descendants 1666–1986. Baltimore: Gateway Press Inc., 1987, page 141.