NameFrancis Pagett 
Birthbef 1688
Deathbef 18 Feb 1735
On 1 August 1702, ffrancis Pagett witnessed the will of Thomas Munday of Sittenbourne Parish in Essex County. He appeared in court on 10 August 1703 to prove the will. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 11, pages 55–59.]
In June or July 1710, Francis Paget served on a jury in a land dispute. His signature from 1[?] July 1710 is extant; his penmanship suggests that he was used to writing. [Virginia State Library, Research and Information Services Division, Essex County Court Records, County Court Papers 1683–1728, Folder 6/1710.]
On 14–15 March 1719/1720, Francis Paget witnessed a deed from John Diskin of St. Ann’s Parish, Essex County, to George Robinson of St. Mary’s Parish in said county. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 192–193, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 16–17 July 1721, Daniel Diskin of St. Anne’s Parish, Essex County, sold to Francis Paget of the same. Lease and release, for 3000 pounds tobacco. 100 acres on the south side of Rappahannock River at a place commonly called Pumuns Inn on Portobacco in St. Mary’s Parish bounded upon the land which George Robinson bought of John Diskin and the land of Francis Paget which was given by George Heyde, dec., unto Daniel Diskin. Signed Danl. Diskin. Witnesses: A. Somervell, John Hurst, Benja. Wagoner. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 16, pages 306–309, as abstracted by John Frederick Dorman.]
On 19 December 1721 in Essex County Court: “Mary Paget ye wife of ffrancis Paget being bound over to this Court to answr ye Complaint of Jno Munday & Eliza his wife concerning her traiterous intent to murther the said Elizabeth Munday The Court hearing the Evidences Do order that the Sherrif take the sd Mary in his custody & safely keep her till the said ffrancis do give bond wth good & sufficient Security in the sum of fifty pounds strl for ye sd Marys keeping the peace towards all his Majties Leige people but more especially towards Eliza Munday.” [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 5, page 618.]
Francis Pagett was mentioned in the 18 July 1722 will of his father Edmund Pagitt. Francis was to receive one shilling. The will was proved 20 November 1722. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 4, pages 2–3.]
On 20 September 1723, Francis Paget won judgment against Samll Short in Essex County court, Samll not appearing, the judgment to be enforced if Samll failed to appear at the next court. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 22.]
On 20 September 1723, a case brought by Francis Paget against John Maguffee was dismissed in court. [Essex County, Virginia, Order Book 6, page 22.]
On 9 May 1728, Francis Paget of South Farnham Parish, planter, sold to Nathaniel Fogg of South Farnham Parish, planter 100 acres for 2,200 pounds tobacco. Signed ffrancis Paget. Witnesses: Wm Webb, Charles his + mark Munday, John his + mark Conner. Recorded 16 July 1728. [Essex County, Virginia, Deed Book 18, pages 354–355.]
On 18 February 1734/35, Henry Tandy and William Rennolds were bound £100 sterling for Henry Tandy’s guardianship of ffrancis Pagett (son of this Francis Pagett). [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 324–325.]
On 18 March 1734/35, Henry Tandy, Wm Rennolds and Thos Evans were bound £100 sterling for Henry Tandy’s administration of the goods, chattles and credits of ffrancis Pagett decd. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 333–334.]
On 28 March 1735, an inventory of the estate of ffrancis Pagitt was made by Benja Waggener, Thos Davis and Thos Evance (his X mark). Total valuation £90:15:7-1/2. Ordered recorded 20 May 1735. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 5, pages 336–337.]
The estate of ffrancis Paget in account with Henry Tandy for the years1735 and 1736 was submitted on 15 November 1736. Ordered recorded 16 November 1736. [Essex County, Virginia, Will Book 6, pages 40–41.]